The basic training of Chinese classical dance includes: form, spirit, strength and rhythm. The specific contents are as follows:
Shape - refers to the appearance. It is the external morphological characteristics of classical Chinese dance training. In addition to the upright form required for the dance of the human body ****, the shape of classical Chinese dance is characterized by a variety of dance postures based on twisting, tilting, rounding, curving, and the corresponding technical skills, as well as the display of the process of momentum.
God--national charm, demeanor and temperament. This is the connotation of classical dance.
Jin--Jin Tou'er, the method of exertion and rhythmic characteristics of classical Chinese dance, light and heavy, slow and slow, rhythmic and staccato, slow and fast, loose and tight, open and close and so on the contrasting method, also known as the method of contrast, the Jin Tou'er of the requirements of classical Chinese dance is what we often say "inch strength", it is the most important part of classical Chinese dance.
The strength required by classical Chinese dance is what we often call "inch strength", which is a unique method of exertion in classical Chinese dance.
Rhythm--rhythm and law of movement, flat circle, standing circle, 8-word circle is the essence of the movement of classical Chinese dance. Leaving the body and walking up the body, or leaving the upper body and walking down the body are the rules of movement in classical Chinese dance. To be left first, to be right first, to be up first, to be down first, and to flash and move are the aesthetic requirements of the classical Chinese dance from the appearance to the interior.
This determines that form, spirit, strength, and rhythm are the four elements of classical Chinese dance training, leaving them without the true essence of classical dance, and losing the national style characteristics of classical Chinese dance and its charm, so that the value and significance of its training will be lost.