Jewish Wisdom Stories.

1, the watchdog

A man holding a small dog, angrily broke into a Jewish businessman opened a pet store, said to the owner: "I bought your dog to watch the door, but last night, a thief slipped into my house, stole my $ 200, but the dog watched everything that happened froze and did not say a word. "

The Jewish owner explained, "The dog's previous owner was a multimillionaire, so he didn't give a damn about your $200."

Sidebar: There are only constant laws of management that exist, and there are no fixed answers to be found, so they should never be applied rigidly. For example, a lot of management methods and experience, the use of enterprise A is very correct, but transplanted to enterprise B, there will be a "water and soil" phenomenon, a serious impediment to the development of enterprises.

2, the airport encounter

In the airport terminal, in order to pass the time waiting for the plane, the bored Mark stood to a weight machine, the machine screen immediately appeared a line of "you are Mark, height 181 cm, weight 78 kg, flying to Washington, D.C.," the words.

Mark felt very strange, he got off the weight machine, after a while wearing a hat and stood to this machine, the screen immediately showed "you are Mark, height 181 cm, weight 78 kg, flying to Washington.

Mark even more magical, he ran into the washroom to take off his hat, changed his attire and came to the machine, the screen still shows "you are Mark, height 181 centimeters, weight 78 kilograms, you take the flight to Washington has taken off three minutes ago.

Sidebar: Don't get too attached to your own ideas, maybe your ideas are really brilliant, but if you don't step by step, careful progress and just obsessed with it, don't know how to assess the changing environment, not willing to correct and improve your ideas, then at any time may be a mistake. For an organization, stubborn leadership is a recipe for disaster.

3, the prison businessman

There are three people to serve three years in prison for some reason, the warden promised that each of them can make a request.

The American loved cigars and asked for three boxes of cigars. The Frenchman, the most romantic, asked for a beautiful woman to keep him company in prison. And the Jew said he wanted a telephone that could communicate with the outside world at any time.

Three years passed quickly. The American was the first to burst out of prison, his mouth and nostrils stuffed with cigars, shouting, "Give me a fire, give me a fire!" Turns out he forgot to ask for a fire.

The next to come out was the Frenchman, seen holding a small child in his hand, and the beautiful woman holding a child with a third baby in her belly.

The last one to come out was the Jew, who held the prison warden's hand tightly and said, "I have been in contact with the outside world every day for the past three years, and instead of stopping, my business has grown by 300%, and I am now worth a billion dollars. As a token of my appreciation, I'm giving you a Rauschles!"

Sidebar: Choices determine destiny. The achievements of the enterprise today are actually determined by the enterprise's previous choices, and the enterprise's choices today will determine the enterprise's future development. In this information age, business managers should choose to contact the latest information, understand the latest trends, so as to better create the future of the enterprise.

4, parrot boss

A man went to the bird market to buy parrots, see a parrot before the parrot labeled: this parrot will be two languages, priced at 300 yuan. Another parrot is labeled: This parrot speaks four languages and is priced at 600 yuan. Which one should I buy? Both parrots were brightly colored and lovely to look at. He thought about it and thought about it and thought about it, but he couldn't make up his mind.

Then he suddenly realized that there was another parrot not far away and walked over to it. He saw that it was a parrot with old teeth, dull and disheveled fur, and a lack of spirit, but strangely enough, the parrot's price tag said 1,200 yuan.

So he hurriedly called the owner over and asked, "Does this parrot speak eight languages?" The store owner said no. The man was then a bit puzzled: "It's old, ugly and incapable, why is it worth so much?" The shopkeeper replied, "Because it can command the other two parrots to work efficiently and is the 'boss'."

Sidebar: The parrot boss wasn't as good as the other two parrots when it came to language, but he could direct them to work efficiently, and that was enough. Managers don't need to be good at everything, but they must have the ability to direct others.

5, the only beggar

On a sunny day, a group of people at the root of a wall, while basking in the sun, while blessing themselves. Some wanted to become rich, some wanted to marry a rich man's daughter, and some wished their wives a child.

In the midst of the group was a Jewish beggar, who also murmured a prayer to heaven for something.

"Hey!" Someone asked him, "What are you praying for yourself?"

"I wish I were the only beggar in the city."

Sidebar: In the market economy, as long as you can think of ideas that others have not thought of, find market gaps that others have not found, and create the concepts of "unique" and "unique", you can be very successful. The reason why the Jewish people have become the richest nation in the world is that they can break through the conventional thinking and take a different path.

6. Paul's Chickens

A farmer named Paul raised a flock of chickens.

One day he rushed to another chicken farmer and said, "My chickens have chicken fever and half of them are already dead, what should I do?"

"What are you giving them to eat?"


"You should give them wheat!"

The next morning, Paul came panting again, "It's no good! Fifty more chickens have died of disease!"

"What did you give them to drink?"

"Cold water."

"Ugh, you should have given them hot water!"

Two days later, Paul went back to the chicken man for another idea: "Now I'm down to ten chickens!"

"Where do you get the water you give them to drink?"

"From the well!"

"You should give them spring water!"

Soon, Paul brought another update: "Alas, my last chicken is dead too."

"Gee whiz," sighed the chicken farmer, "that's too bad. I've got a lot of great advice I haven't had a chance to give you yet!"

Sidebar: When a business undergoes a major change, it's best not to immediately jettison what's in place, especially the core things on which it previously relied. A makeover can't change your heart, much less make yourself someone else's laboratory.

7. True Identity

A little lion cub came to a small zoo. In the cage beside it was locked up a sickly old lion, who lay sleeping all day long with his head puffed up.

"He doesn't look like a lion, he's just a sick cat!" The young lion said to himself.

So he roared at the visitors, fighting to break through the bars of the cage, revealing the lion's true nature in all its glory.

When it was time to eat, the keepers brought in a large piece of meat, but threw it into the old lion's cage, leaving the young lion with a few nuts and bananas.

"Why are those nasty people doing this to me? I've never been treated so unfairly before!" The young lion was very surprised and angry and said to the old lion, "I'm the one who's acting like a real lion, while you're doing nothing but lying around!"

"Oh, you've just arrived and don't know what's going on here. Here's the thing," the old lion told him slowly, "it's a small zoo, and they can't afford to keep two lions, so you're still a monkey on their roster."

Sidebar: Competition among enterprises is increasingly transformed into a kind of competition among talents, but talent alone is not enough, but also to give him a good stage, otherwise he will not be able to sing. In the view of the Jews, the key to retaining talent is to give him a wonderful vision, and then give him a stage to show.

8, expansion

Jewish Karl. Mr. Dillow operates a hardware company, due to the need for business expansion, the company to recruit a number of new employees.

In the new employee training conference, he told these new employees a story: A company eliminated a number of backward equipment.

The chairman of the board of directors said, "We can't throw this equipment away, find a place to put it." So a warehouse was built specifically for this equipment.

The chairman of the board of directors said: "Fire and theft prevention is not a small matter, find a janitor." So a watchman was found to look after the warehouse.

The chairman of the board of directors said: "The janitor is not constrained, negligence how to do?" So two more people were sent over and a planning department was set up, one to give out tasks and one to make plans.

The chairman said, "We must keep abreast of job performance." So two more people were sent over to set up a supervisory department, one for performance appraisals and one for writing summary reports.

The chairman said, "We can't engage in egalitarianism, and income should be gapped." So two more people were sent over and a finance department was set up, with one responsible for calculating working hours and the other for payroll.

The chairman said: "There is no hierarchy in management, who is responsible for the mistakes?" So four more people were sent over to set up a management department, one responsible for the work of the Ministry of Planning, one responsible for supervising the work of the Ministry of Finance, one responsible for the work of the Ministry of Finance, a general manager - the general manager of the Ministry of Management is responsible for the chairman of the board of directors.

The chairman said, "Last year's management costs for the warehouse were $350,000, and that's too big a number, and you have to come up with a solution within a week." So, a week later, the janitor was fired ......

Sidebar: the enterprise's organization is becoming more and more bloated, the system is more and more cumbersome, more and more documents, more and more poor efficiency ......Many managers are not only do not realize these problems. On the contrary, they are still intoxicated in the complexity of the matter complacent, thinking that they are for the "coming success" and "hard work"; some people realize the seriousness of the problem, but do not know where to start. Therefore, keeping things simple is the most effective way to deal with complexity and tedium, and this is a rule recognized and followed by almost all Jewish businessmen.

9, reverse thinking

Gary Shaked, a Jewish man of Jewish ancestry, was a man of the past. Shaked, an elderly man of Jewish ancestry, retired and bought a modest house near a school.

The first few weeks of living there were quiet, and soon three young men started kicking trash cans around the neighborhood for fun.

The old man couldn't stand the noise and went out to negotiate with the young men.

"You guys are having so much fun." He said, "I love to see you guys having such a good time. If you come and kick the trash can every day, I will give you each a dollar a day."

The three young men were delighted, and performed their "footwork" even more vigorously.

Unexpectedly, three days later, the old man said sadly: "Inflation has reduced my income, from tomorrow onwards, I can only give each of you 50 cents."

The young men looked less than happy, but accepted the old man's offer.

They continued to go and kick the garbage cans every day. After a week, the old man told them again, "I haven't received a pension check lately, so I'm sorry, but I'm only going to be able to give 20 cents a day."

"Twenty cents?" One of the young men grimaced, "We're not going to waste our precious time performing here for a measly 20 cents, no more!"

After that, the old man lived a quiet life again.

Sidebar: Managing the young and vigorous, mandatory orders will only make them more aggressive and counterproductive, the use of reverse thinking, the face to give them enough, in order to control them in the palm of their hands, the results of the matter can be to their own will development.

10, the groundhog where to go

A Jewish mogul has given a few young people expect to be successful in business told a story: there are three hounds chasing a groundhog, the groundhog into a tree hole.

There was only one way out of the hole, but soon a rabbit came out of it. The rabbit darted forward and climbed up another large tree. When the rabbit was in the tree, it panicked and didn't stand still, and fell down, knocking out the three hounds that were looking up, and finally, the rabbit escaped.

After the story was told, the Jewish mogul asked, "Is there anything wrong with this story?"

"Rabbits don't climb trees!" The young man protested.

"How can a little rabbit possibly knock out three hounds at once?" Another young man questioned this.

Until no one could pick out any more, the Jewish mogul said, "And another question, which you have not mentioned, where did the groundhog go?"

Sidebar: The goal is the book, and any endeavor must be centered on the goal. Only by coalescing your attention on your goals can you achieve success in your career. But many people in the enterprise forward development, often put all the attention on the halfway out of the "rabbit" on the original goal thrown into the clouds.

11, instinct

The Browns, descendants of Jews, lived with their children in a small house near London.

Sometimes Mr. Brown came home late from work, and when his wife and children were asleep, he opened the front door of the house with his own key and crept into the house.

One night, when he came home late, he lost his key, so he had to approach the house and ring the doorbell, but there was no movement inside. He rang the bell again, and there was still no movement in the house. Mr. Brown had no choice but to bang on his bedroom window and yell at his wife, who was still awake.

Finally, he stopped and thought for a few moments, then pinched his nose and, in a child's voice, called out, "Mommy! I have to pee!" Despite his whisper, Mrs. Brown woke up immediately.

Sidebar: The key to management is managing people, a study of getting others to do things for you. In business management, for different situations and different people, to get them to help you get things done, it's enough just to find the string that can touch their nerves.

12. Execution

A long time ago, there was a farmer who married a foolish daughter-in-law. As Easter was approaching, he was eager to organize a good family feast, but he didn't know how to do it properly.

Remembering that his neighbor's house had a good Easter feast every year, he told his silly wife to dress up and go to his neighbor Mark's house across the street and ask him what he could do.

"You're going to have a good look at what he's doing," he said, "and come back and tell me, and we'll go and do exactly what they do."

His wife finished dressing and went out of the house. It wasn't long before she returned.

As soon as she entered, without uttering a word, she took off her shoes from under her feet and began to whip her husband

What are you doing?" The husband shouted at her, "Are you crazy?"

"You're the one who said that whatever the Marks are doing, I'm doing," his wife said, "Mrs. Marks is whipping Mr. Marks with her shoes, the same kind of whipping I just used."

Sidebar: Leaders should never be vague in conveying instructions; they should make sure their subordinates fully understand what they mean in order to get better execution. Here, the foolish daughter-in-law was not really at fault, for she carried out her husband's meaning very responsibly within the limits of her understanding.

13, the price of gold

Fernando, the salesman, was a Jew, and once, on Friday, he went to a small town, but being penniless and unable to get food and lodging, he approached the deacon of the synagogue, who said to him, "There are an extraordinary number of poor people who come here on Fridays, and every house is filled up, with the sole exception of the house of Cimmel, the owner of the gold and silver store; but unfortunately he never admits guests."

After asking why, Fernando affirmed, "He will admit me."

After that, he went to Cimmerian's house. After knocking on the door, he mysteriously pulled Simmel aside, took a small, heavy, brick-sized bag out of his coat pocket, and whispered: "Excuse me for a moment, but how much is brick-sized gold worth?"

The gold and silver store owner's eyes lit up when he heard this.

But by this time it was the Sabbath, and he could not continue to talk business.

In order to make the deal, he warmly invited Fernando to stay at his house until tomorrow after sundown.

Throughout the Sabbath, Fernando was treated with great hospitality.

When it was time to do business on Saturday night, Simmel was all smiles as he urged Fernando to show his "goods.

Fernando said in mock surprise: "I don't have any gold, I just want to find out how much a brick-sized piece of gold is worth."

Sidetracking: In the course of business operations, it is inevitable that many difficult problems will not be resolved, the flexible use of "fraud" - of course, without violating the law on the premise of not giving the other side of the commitment, but also to leave the other side of the "incriminating" evidence of deception. Leave the "evidence" of deception, and can get the other party's trust, you can easily achieve their goals.

14, chain reaction

Eugenie called the doctor: "Doctor, please come immediately! A live mouse has just been swallowed by Maholi!"

"Yes, I'm on my way." The doctor told him, "Tell Maholi to open his mouth first and put a piece of cake ...... in front of him."

About five minutes later, the doctor arrived. He found Eugenie holding up a steak in front of Maholi.

"What?" The doctor said, "Didn't I just say to you to get a cake ...... You don't have a cake?"

"I took it. But the problem now is that the cat has to come out first."

Sidebar: Everything in the world is in infinite connection. This is something that savvy Jewish businessmen have known for a long time, and that's why they always take precautions when running their businesses. They knew that a chain reaction was enough to destroy everything they had worked so hard to build.

15. How to replenish the treasury

On one occasion, Emperor Antony sent an emissary to Rabbi Judahan and asked this question, "The treasury of the empire is about to be empty, can you give me a suggestion for replenishing it?"

On hearing this, Rabbi Judan said not a word to the emissary, but took him directly to his vegetable garden, and then did his work in silence. He pulled out the large kale and planted small kale.

And did the same with beets and turnips. The emissary, seeing that Rabbi Judan had no intention of answering his question, was greatly displeased, and said to him, in no uncertain terms, "You must give me a word, and I'll go back with an answer."

"I already gave you one." Rabbi Judan said nonchalantly. The messenger was filled with consternation and had no choice but to return to Antony.

"Did Rabbi Judan write back to me?"


"Did he say anything to you?"

"Neither did he."

"Then what did he do?"

"He just led me to his vegetable garden, and then he pulled out the big vegetables and planted the little ones."

"Oh! He's already given me advice!" The emperor said excitedly.

The next day, Antony immediately dismissed all of his officials and tax ministers, replacing them with a handful of competent, honest men. Soon the treasury was replenished.

Sidebar: In order to improve the efficiency of enterprises, we must be determined to "lose weight", cut unnecessary organizations and personnel, remove those who are not capable but still stay in important positions, and replace them with new and energetic people.

16, professional habits

John in the army as an infantryman, through the baptism of fire in many battles, was awarded many times by the army, medals hanging all over the lapel.

After being discharged from the army, John had just returned to town when his friend introduced him to a girlfriend.

Before he went out, his friend reminded him, "You may have been through a lot in the war, but there are some things you need to listen to me about. When your girlfriend is talking, look at her with affection; when she needs something, make sure you don't let her do it, but get ahead of her and make it for her; when you get out of the car, open the door for her; and when she takes her seat, you should help her move her chair." John said to remember.

The next day, when a friend called to ask John how last night went, he said dejectedly, "I'm hopeless!"

The friend was puzzled to hear John say that and asked: "Did you forget to open the door for her?"

"No, I opened the car door for her and she was happy!"

"Did you forget to help her into her seat?"

"No, I helped her into her seat and she said I was a gentleman!"

"Did you not look at her tenderly when she spoke?"

"No, I looked at her all the time, and she said I was gentle, and that I had charming eyes!"

"So you must have been on something and left her to her own devices?"

"It would be nice if that were true. As I was dropping her off, she asked for a drink, so I ran off to get a couple of drinks back for her."

"That's great!" My friend said excitedly.

"But out of years of habit, as soon as I pulled open the can of drink, I threw it at her and quickly lay down on the ground ......," John said.

By the way: the power of habit is huge, many professional habits to improve the efficiency of the work of great help, but at the same time it also implies a crisis. How to deal with this "double-edged sword" is every manager should seriously think about the problem.

17, pole vaulting

In the Israeli business community, there is a fable: in a vineyard, a bunch of big grapes, full of mouth-watering. A fox came to the vineyard and salivated, so he jumped up and down, trying to bite the grapes to his heart's content. But the grapevine was too high, and the fox's first attempt was unsuccessful.

The fox thought, "This bunch of grapes is not good, look at the way it grows, the outside looks good, but the inside must be last year's old flesh.

Then the fox aimed at another bunch of grapes and jumped on it, but this time he missed again.

The fox thought, "This bunch of grapes is not good either, it must have used chemical fertilizers, and it is definitely not green food, or it is watered down grapes. Luckily, I didn't eat it, or I would have had to eat it to get diarrhea and it would have been too much.

The second attempt still ended in failure, and there was sparse applause from somewhere -- it turned out to be a few crows in the trees. The fox arched his hand to them in thanks. After two tries, the fox got a little tired and squatted down to huff and puff.

It thought to itself, "How nice it would be if a coach handed me a bottle of mineral water, and gave me a few pointers on how to move, and laid out some tactics! How many times in a lifetime can you jump? Let me jump one last time, I don't believe I can't jump over this broken grapevine.

The fox rolled his cunning eyes and looked around, and finally found a long bamboo pole; the fox grabbed it, took a few steps back, and gestured around for applause and encouragement from the crows.

With support comes strength, and after receiving encouragement, the fox's confidence grew, and he ran towards the grapevines with his pole in his hand. The head of the pole was accurately inserted into the ground, and the pole lifted the fox high into the air, and then with a beautiful casting maneuver and a free fall, the fox managed to leap over the high grapevines and landed safely on the soft grass.

"Ah! What a graceful pose and beautiful movements!" The crows praised the fox loudly.

A young female crow flew down from the tree and offered the fox a bouquet of wildflowers.

The fox held the wildflowers in his hands, and was very excited, how many years of anticipation, how many generations of foxes had worked hard, and finally this moment of triumph had come.

But after a short period of joy, the fox calmed down, it thought: I came here to eat grapes, the grapes did not eat, jumping high again so what!

Sidebar: In the process of running towards your goal, don't covet the roadside scenery and applause. Specifically on the work, always remember: what is your work goal? What kind of results do you want to achieve? Of course, in the process, there are incentives and recognition is worth happy, but do not forget your goal, and always correct the direction of their efforts.

18, want to do big business farmer

There is a farmer, because of the good crops, life is very comfortable. People in the village praised him for his intelligence, and some asserted that if he did business, he would surely make a great fortune.

The farmer's heart was itching to go into business with his wife. His wife, who was an understanding person, knew that he was not a businessman, and advised him to give up the idea. But the farmer's mind was made up, and his wife couldn't say anything.

Seeing that the persuasion was useless, his wife said, "You have to have money to do business, right?

The wife went back to her mother's house after saying this, and found three men, and gave them some advice.

The next day the farmer went on his way. The men his wife had gotten to help him sneaked up behind him.

The first man took advantage of the farmer's dozing on the donkey's back to take the bell off the goat's neck and tie it to the donkey's tail, and led the goat away.

Soon, the farmer turned around and realized that the goat was gone, and was busy searching for it.

Then a second man approached him and enthusiastically asked him what he was looking for.

The farmer said that the goat had been stolen and asked if he had seen it.

The second man pointed and said that he had seen a man leading a goat through the forest, and that it was that man, so he should go after him.

The farmer was in such a hurry to get to the goat that he left his donkey in the care of this "kind man". When he returned empty-handed, both the donkey and the "good man" were gone.

The farmer was so sad that he cried as he walked. When he came to a pond, he found a man sitting by it, crying even harder than he was.

The farmer wondered, "Is there anyone more unlucky than me? So he asked the man what he was crying about.

The man told the farmer that he had gone to the city with a bag of gold coins to buy something, and when he came to the water's edge to rest and wash his face, he accidentally dropped the bag into the water.

The farmer said, "Then go down and fish for it. The man said he couldn't swim, and if the farmer could get him out, he would give him 20 gold coins.

The farmer was overjoyed to hear this, and thought to himself: this is good, although the sheep and donkeys are lost, may be in the hands of 20 gold coins, the loss of all make up for the rich ah.

He hurriedly stripped naked and jumped into the water to fish up. When he climbed ashore from the water empty-handed, his clothes, dry food is also gone, only a little money left is still in the clothes pockets.

When the farmer returned home, he was surprised to find that the goats and donkeys were still in the house, and his wife said, "You were paralyzed when there was no accident, panicked when there was an accident, and eager to make up for the damage you caused. You can't even anticipate these basic risks, and how can you fight in the business world, or honestly at home farming!"

Sidebar: Jewish businessmen, despite their proficiency in the ways of business, would not easily get involved in areas they were unfamiliar with if they did not have sufficient skills and abilities. They believed that the result of doing so would be nothing but failure.

19, why applaud

A president, on a sudden whim, decided that he wanted to go to a small town where Jews were gathered to inspect the mental hospital there.

The director of the mental hospital was notified and arranged for his men to intensify their preparations. In order to curry favor with the president, he also rigorously trained the entire hospital's patients to welcome the president with a warm welcome and a round of applause during his visit.

The president arrived on schedule, and the warm applause of the patients made him very happy.

Suddenly, the president asked the dean, "Why didn't you applaud just now?"

The president replied: "I'm not a psychopath, why do I have to clap my hands ......"

Sidebar: any leader wants to have authority, and do need authority, but the establishment of leadership authority, is a spontaneous subordinate But the establishment of leadership authority is a spontaneous process of psychological recognition by the subordinates, not an act of last resort under the coercion of authority.

20, people make the best of it

A young man recruited into the army, when the ophthalmologist gave him a vision check, he confessed to the doctor that he had been nearsighted for many years.

After the examination, the doctor said, "You are right, you are a myopic." The youth was very happy to hear the doctor say this, and he said triumphantly, "Honorable doctor, then I am exempt from military service, am I not?"

The doctor shook his head and said, "No ...... I don't think you'll still have any problem taking part in physical combat, so I've reported you."

Sidebar: In the view of the Jews, there is no unavailable talent, only leaders who will not use people. The full exploration and full utilization of human resources is an important part of the human resources subject, and the waste of human resources is the biggest waste of the enterprise.

21, push the carriage of the Jews

Because of the housing problem is very tight, a few German Jews (Jews in the strongest concept of the law, that is, the German Jews) had to be a scrapped train car as a temporary residence.

One night, the German Jews, dressed in their pajamas and shivering in the cold wind, pushed the carriage back and forth.

A German asked in disbelief, "What are you doing?"

"Because someone has to go to the toilet," the pusher explained patiently, "and it's written in the carriage that no toilets are allowed during stops. That's why we keep pushing the carriage." Anyone who has traveled on a train should have seen this rule. It is also clear to everyone what its intent is.

Now that the carriages have become fixed dwellings, this rule, as a rule in the train, should naturally be invalidated, although there is still a need to comply with it in safeguarding the environmental hygiene around the "house," but these German Jews do not know how to change, and stick to the rule, resulting in a two-sided situation: the people are freezing, and the environmental hygiene is still not good. The people were freezing, and the sanitation was still not good.

Sidebar: In general, Jews have the wisdom and ability to adapt the law, to observe it formally, without really changing their way of doing things.

22, the secret of getting rich

A big boss was bragging about the trick to his fortune.

"The paycheck is the most insignificant part of the job, and I've always stuck to that theory." He said, "Doing a serious job and giving your best to bring out your talents brings far more joy than money."

"Did you get rich after you proved this theory to yourself?" Someone asked.

"No, I got rich after confirming this theory to the people who work for me."

Sidebar: Jews believe that managers and employees, because of their different positions, think differently and think differently, of course. Standing between the two, shrewd Jews in the interests of trade-offs, will always choose to be closer to their own point.

22, collaboration to win-win

Body limbs of the various positions, is inherent, not any method can be imposed.

One day, at a conference of the five senses, the ears, eyes, mouth and nose issued a declaration: "We are in the highest position, how honorable. That foot, the lowest position. We have to make a covenant not to get too close to him and call him brother." Everyone said they had no problem with that.

The foot listened and ignored their scorn for him. A few days later, someone wanted to invite someone to dinner, and Mouth wanted very much to go and have a good time, but Foot refused to go. The mouth had no choice but to put it off for a while.

A few days later, the ear wanted to hear the birds, the eye wanted to see the scenery, and the foot refused to go, so the ear could do nothing. The group then discussed changing the original resolution.

But Nose refused, saying, "Though Foot can subdue you, I have no claim on him; what can it do with me?" When the foot heard this, it went all the way to the filthy toilet and stood still for a long time. The stench of the odor, which went straight to the nostrils, was disgusting.

The intestines and stomach complained aloud, "They are making a fuss there, why do they call us to suffer, who have we invoked!"

Sidebar: In Jewish business philosophy, teamwork is as important as corporate profits. In their view, every member of the team has their available, should respect each other, cooperate with each other, and not mutually exclusive.