Identical twins are identical twins, that is, a fertilized egg splits into two individuals. Of course, as a fertilized egg, any development is very similar. It also caused a similar appearance. Among the twins we often see, identical twins are more likely. After all, it is common for identical twins to split into two single individuals, so most of the twins we can see are identical twins.
Fraternal twins are completely different in appearance. We can also see that some twins are completely different in appearance, which makes many people very curious. Why do twins look completely different? This is because in the process of fertilized eggs, two fertilized eggs develop and fertilize at the same time, so fraternal twins will be produced. Of course, such twins are rare, and we rarely see fraternal twins, but her existence also surprises us. I believe parents who can talk about twins will be happier.
Whether identical twins or fraternal twins, because of their different development, they will have completely different looks. Of course, whether they look alike or not, being twins also makes many people feel very happy. Although many people like twins to grow up together, we have to admit that there will be some difficulties in the process of growth and development. After all, growing up at the same time will bring great problems.