1, Xunyang Jiangtou night to send guests, maple leaves and dirigible flowers in the fall. The master dismounted from his horse and the guest was in the boat, and he raised his wine to drink without strings. Drunkenness is not a joyful tragedy will be farewell, farewell to the vast river immersed in the moon.
2. Suddenly, I heard the sound of the pipa on the water, and the master forgot to return to the guest. The first thing you need to do is to find out who is playing it, and the second thing you need to do is to find out how to play it. The first time I saw it, I was so happy to see it, and I was so happy to see it again. After a thousand calls, the pipa player comes out, but he is still holding the pipa and half covering his face. The pipa is still holding the pipa, but its face is half-hidden. The pipa is turned around and strummed three or two times, and the tune is not yet ready for the music. The strings are hiding their thoughts, which seem to be complaining about the lack of ambition in their lives. Lowering the eyebrows and continuing to play the formalities, saying all the infinite things in my heart. The first one is "Nishang" and the second one is "Six Youngest". The big strings are as noisy as the rain, and the small strings are like whispers. The big strings are like rain, and the small strings are like whispers. The warbler's words are slippery under the flowers, and the spring's flow is difficult under the ice. The ice spring is cold and the strings are frozen, and the sound will not be heard for a while. There is no sound at this time that is better than sound. The silver bottle is broken at first, and the iron horsemen stand out with their swords and spears. At the end of the song, when the plucking is done, the four strings make a sound like cracking silk. The east boat and the west boat are silent, only to see the white autumn moon in the center of the river.
3. In the middle of the song, he put on the strings and straightened his clothes. I said that I was originally a woman from the capital, and my family lived under the toadstools. I've learned to play the pipa in thirteen years, and I'm the first one to be taught in a workshop. She was once taught to dress up in a good costume, and her make-up was always envied by the Autumn Lady. She was a young girl who had a lot of fun with the lute, and she had no idea how many red silks she was wearing. The first time I saw her was when she was a young girl, and her hair was so thin that she didn't know the number of red silk. I was so happy to see you again next year, and I was so happy to see you again next year. I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to do with it, but I'm sure I'm going to be able to do with it. The oldest married a merchant's wife. The businessman emphasizes profit over parting, so he went to buy tea in Fuuliang in the month before last. When I came to the mouth of the river to guard the empty boat, the moonlight around the boat was bright and the river water was cold. The night is deep and I suddenly dream of my youth, and I cry tears of red appendages.
4, I heard the pipa has sighed, and heard this language heavy chirping. The same is the end of the world, why should we ever meet each other? I resigned from the imperial capital last year, banished to Xunyang City. Xunyang is a remote place without music, do not hear the sound of silk and bamboo all year round. Dwelling near the pen river low wet, yellow reed bitter bamboo around the house. What do you hear in the middle of the day and night? Cuckoo cries blood ape wailing. The spring river flowers towards the autumn moon night, often take the wine also pour alone. There is no mountain song or village flute? It is difficult to listen to them. Tonight, when I heard your pipa words, it was like listening to immortal music. I would like to play a piece of music for you, and I'll write "Pipa Xing" for you. I have been standing here for a long time, but I have been sitting there, urging the strings to turn sharply. It is not like the sound of the previous one, and the whole audience is weeping when they hear it. Who wept the most? The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty.
1, the left relocation: depreciation, demotion. In ancient times, the left was inferior, so it is called "left relocation".
2, next year: the second year.
3, clang clang: describe the sound of metal, jade and other impact.
4, Kyoto sound: refers to the sound of music popular in the capital of the Tang Dynasty.
5, advocate female: songstress. Advocates, the ancient song and dance artists.
6, good talent: the pipa master or the master of the general term. It means "capable".
7, entrusted: the body, here refers to the meaning of marriage.
8, for: to do.
9, Jia (gǔ) people: merchants.
10, order wine: tell (the men) to make wine.
11, fast: unimpeded.
12. compassionate: melancholic.
13, drifting down: drifting down.
14, out of the official: (Beijing officials) out of the transfer.
15, serene: calm and quiet look.
16, move banishment: demotion or exile.
17, for: creation.
18, long lines: refers to the seven-character poem.
19, song: to make a song.
20, where: total ****.
21, words: words.
22, fate: naming, title.
23, Xunyang River: according to research, for the flow of water through the Xunyang city in the pen, that is, the present-day Jiujiang City in the Longkai River (in 97 years was artificially filled), through the mouth of the Penpu into the Yangtze River. Serge: describe the maple trees, reed trees were blown by the sound of the autumn wind.
24, Thurso: describe the maple trees, rutabaga by the sound of the autumn wind.
25, master: the poet refers to himself.
26, back to the light: re-dial the light.
This is the first time that the poet has written a book on the subject.
27, turn the axle plucking strings: the lute on the winding silk strings on the axle, in order to tune and set the tone.
28, cover and suppress: cover, curb.
29, Si: sad, hurt.
30, letter hand: casually.
31, renewed: continuous playing.
32, 拢: the fingers of the left hand press the string to push inward (the middle of the lute).
33, twist: the action of vibrating the strings.
34, wipe: pulling the string to the left, also known as "playing".
35, pick: the backhand back to the plucking action.
36, "Nishang": that is, "Nishang Yuyi Qu", originally Western music and dance, the Tang Kaiyuan years of the Xiliang Festival Minister Yang Jingshu according to the song after the sound of the influx of the Central Plains.
37, "six youngest": the name of the big song, also known as "Le Shi", "Green Waist", "Recorded to be", for the song and dance.
38, big string: the thickest string.
39, cacophony: the sound is heavy and subdued.
40, small string: the thinnest string.
41, cut: fine and light, eager and delicate.
42, between the off: warbling smooth called "between the off". The sound of birds chirping.
43, phantom: curbing the unimpeded.
44, under the ice is difficult: spring flow under the ice blockage difficult to pass, describing the sound of music from smooth to cold.
45, condensation: stagnation.
46, burst: splash.
47, the end of the song: the end of the music.
48, pluck: plucking tool used to play stringed music.
50, when the heart of the painting: with the pluck in the middle of the lute across the four strings, is often used at the end of a song right-handed techniques.
51, boat: boat.
52, convergence: convergence of facial expressions (of grief and deep resentment in deep thought).
53, shrimp (há) toad mausoleum: in the southeast of Chang'an city, near the Qujiang River, is a famous amusement area at that time.
54, the workshop: the Tang Dynasty, the official management of music and acrobatics, coaching song and dance organs.
55, the fall mother: the name commonly used in the Tang Dynasty song and dance prostitutes.
56, five mausoleums: outside Chang'an, the mausoleums of the five emperors of the Han Dynasty.
57, winding head: with brocade and silk and other belongings to the song and dance.
58, raw silk: fine and light silk fabric.
59, Tin (diàn) head silver grate (bì): this refers to the grate-shaped hair ornaments inlaid with flower inlays.
60, hit the rhythm: beat.
61, color is old: the appearance of aging.
62, Furiang: ancient county name, Tang belongs to Raozhou. In today's Jingdezhen City, Jiangxi Province, producing tea.
63, go to come: after going.
64, dream cry makeup tears: dream cry, even over the face of powder with tears.
65, appendage: vertical and horizontal scattered appearance.
66, re: re, again and again.
67, chirping: sigh.
68, vomit dumb twitter: describe the sound noise.
69, pipa language: pipa sound, the music played by the pipa.
70, temporary: suddenly.
71, but sit: back to the original.
72, promote the string: twist the string tighter.
73, forward sound: the monotone just played.
74, cover the sobbing: cover the face and cry.
75, green shirt: the costume color of the eighth and ninth grade civil officials in the Tang Dynasty. Bai Juyi's official rank at that time was a general, from the ninth grade, so he was wearing a green shirt.