The open position of the wave walk: and seesaw close to, but one, two, three are forward, because one is down, two, three is up, walk up all the way forward in the shape of a wave, it is called the wave walk. This is a senior university in a social dance website to learn. When you walk, you can also turn slightly, not necessarily straight ahead.
There is a serious criticism of the widely used "shuffle step".
The so-called shuffling step is to move forward in the open position, with the two men standing upright and dragging their feet on the ground, that is, walking out of step. Why is shuffling an absolute no-no?
The origin of the drag step: the national standard waltz chasing step is the origin of the drag step, people want to transform the chasing step, used for social dance, it evolved into a drag step.
The step is forward, and the rhythm is "one, two da three, five, six two two da three, five six". In fact, it can be inaccurately said that the first four steps, for example, the right foot into the one, the left foot forward two, the right foot into the left foot da da da, the left foot forward three (the three is actually already four), and then the right foot big turn in reverse five, into the left foot six, and then repeat the previous one, two, two, da da, three, can be repeated, but too much is not good, can only be a few times.
The chasing step is undulating, front and back foot da, walking back and forth swing. Characterized as undulating and swinging, it is a very good step in the GB.
But in the social dance can not, chase step is too violent, the average person can not walk, can not walk, so people gradually simplify it, gradually evolved into an upright out of the slip, called drag step.