November rare seven-day vacation, due to epidemics and other reasons can not take the children to travel, with the second baby contact a lot of picture books, in the many picture books I have with the children's favorite is the "Outside disappeared", attracting babies may be a wonderful picture, but touching the adult is really a beautiful picture behind the philosophical thought-provoking.
In this book, the illustrations are a glimpse of what life will be like when you get older, not square dancing and living in a nursing home, but a more relaxed, elegant, and even a little bit Romantic later in life. The book is the illustrated book Outside Disappears.
Outside Disappears is a heartwarming story about how cities are getting bigger and bigger, and people have less and less space, but the vision of a better life stays in their hearts. This is a picture book for grown-ups, and like the Jimmy Comics, it hits the heart of the adult world in an unbiased way.
I've gone through it many times, and I read it slowly with many pictures and few words. Because when I looked at it, my thoughts jumped in and went to my old age.
When I'm old ......
If there is no accident, thirty years later, I will be like the book have grandmother, smooth into seventy. Well, the book doesn't actually say how old Grandma Flurry is. From her white hair and hunched form, I'm guessing ancient and rare.
The old and rare years have grandmother always wearing a loose robe, tied with a small square scarf, a pair of red flat shoes. One after another grandmother is not the kind of fashionable and exquisite old lady, but a comfortable and comfortable Mori grandmother.
In the daytime, the full head of silver silk has been coiled into a twisted braid hair band constrained on the head; at night, the full head of silver silk and tied into two loose braids. Together with the forest temperament, have looked like a sweet retro old girl.
What will I be like in thirty years?
When I was a child, I heard people call my grandmother. I thought, when I get old, will not be called "XXX grandmother"? It's not nice to hear, so I'll have to think of a nice way to call her.
For now, I can tentatively decide, when I grow old, I can follow the example of a number of grandmothers, in their own huts outside, hang a "Weiwei grandmother" door plate.
I'll probably be like her, wearing a nice apron to cook, wearing glasses to do crafts, reading books with a magnifying glass, and keeping the house cozy and clean.
Except I'm not sure I'd have a cat.
If it's a person ......
Grandma Lump is an elderly person who lives alone, and by the way, has a cat. The book doesn't describe whether she has children or friends or relatives, just that not many people come to her house and there are no letters, but Grandma Flurry and the cat have a life that looks pretty good.
That's thanks to the fact that Flurry is a funny grandma.
For example, whenever she was gurgling soup and the glass window was covered in white steam, Rowdy exclaimed, "Oh no, it's disappeared outside!" And then they made drawings on the windows.
The tulips, the birds, the butterflies, the fish, the comfortable benches, the trees, the swings, and the sun... they all put their favorite "outside" on the window.
This little girl's favorite thing to do is also one of Grandma's favorite things to do.
Perhaps it is because of this contented and aspiring attitude to life that has saved her from a lonely and dismal life of living alone.
If I were old and alone, would I be afraid?
The grandmothers have shown me that if you are alive, you should be happy. In the end, we are all alone to the end. Life is bleak or joyful, all determined by the heart. If the outside disappears, draw it yourself.
Some preparations for old age ......
The book "Outside Gone" triggered me to think about my old age, and pragmatically summarized a few guarantees for a "good old age" from my grandmothers: Optimism and good health, I'm not going to be able to do that, but I'm going to be able to do it.
Grandma Duan is optimistic and fun, and her body doesn't need to be taken care of. But she also has a problem of "old age", that is, the house.
The home of Grandma Duan was originally a cramped hut between tall buildings in a big town, with many windows but no view of the sky. So she kept writing postcards and sending them to the "Grandma's House Sweepstakes Office" in the hope of getting a new house where she could see the outside. In the end, she wins the lottery and is lucky enough to move into her ideal home.
The idea of writing a postcard and winning a lottery to get the house of your choice is one of the warmest feelings in children's literature. In reality, we have to spend our twilight years in peace, in addition to a good heart, good health, but also enough material security. This in the book art dealt with the problem, perhaps it is most of us face the reality of old age.
Once we formed the concept of "raising children for old age" in a self-sufficient agricultural society, but in today's massively urbanized and economically advanced society, the concept of old age is no longer just a matter of morals and traditions, but also has to be considered from an economic point of view.
Especially in today's low fertility rate, relying on children to provide for the elderly is not only risky, but also an unsustainable vicious circle.
Our "old age" is not only to ensure the "survival" of the elderly, but also the pursuit of "life". These can not rely on the "child protection", and can not rely solely on the national pension system. The most important thing is to earn enough money in advance to make good financial planning and life arrangements.
Regardless of whether it is helpless or a choice, a number of grandmothers will be alone in their old age, but it is not literally a bleak scene, more as a literary good existence.
In the picture book, there are small animals, grandmothers, flowers, grass, such a story, with children living in the city, about the city's crowded and cramped, as well as the confinement of the human heart, the city may be more difficult topic, through such a story, so that the children understand that there is still such a life in the life of a difficult problem, but as long as there is a heart for nature and beauty, there is still a way to face and fight against the problems. There are ways to face and fight against it. Perhaps this story can tell children, when life is not bright enough, as long as your heart is bright enough, the day will never lose hope.