The benefits of hiking in situ

Benefits of Hiking

Benefits of Hiking

While people's living standards continue to improve, more and more people are beginning to pay attention to their health. And if you want to make your body healthy, exercise is the rule. Hiking in situ has many benefits, we move together.

Benefits of hiking in situ

Neck, shoulders, spine: often sitting in front of the computer more or less will have some cervical spine, shoulder problems, the correct running posture requires the back straight relaxation, long-term adherence to the cervical spine and shoulder discomfort has been greatly improved. With a strong cardiovascular system, the quality of the runner's blood is also better than normal, and the body's adaptation to long-term running can improve metabolism and reduce blood fat and cholesterol levels.

Will allow users to have a strong heart and cardiovascular system function. While increasing the maximum oxygen uptake, the amount of `oxygen delivered to all organs of the body is greatly increased, and the quality of work of all organs is naturally greatly improved. In addition, middle and long-distance running will accelerate blood circulation, so that the coronary arteries have enough blood supply to the heart muscle, thus preventing various heart diseases. Through the movement of the lower limbs, prompting venous blood flow back to the heart, but also to prevent thrombosis in the veins.

In-situ hiking run correct posture

Starting position: need to pay attention to the starting position of the push-ups hands on the ground, the body completely straight. Support the body weight with hands and toes, the body should form a straight, it should be noted that the core muscles and buttocks should always tighten.

Action points: Alternate the position of the legs with explosive force like running in place mountaineering. First step forward the right leg, bent and placed on the lower side of the chest, quickly inhale a breath after the front and rear legs at the same time force in the air to change each other's position, after landing on the right leg in the back and the left leg instead of in the front side of the position. The cycle.

The benefits of in situ hiking step 2

Dance aerobics how to exercise

Aerobic Dance (AEROBIC DANCE) is a rhythmic dance with music aerobic exercise, aerobic dance on the one hand can consume more calories, on the one hand, can be a lot of dance action aerobics, through the aerobic aerobics exercise form, the aerobic aerobics exercise. Repeatedly or combination exercises. Aerobic dance action is not like aerobics action is more manipulation, aerobic dance has many styles, its music and dance of the combination of close, exercise can achieve the pleasure of the body and mind, and at the same time, people's creativity, imagination, performance and artistic cultivation of the comprehensive ability can be improved.

Aerobic dance according to the action, the music of different characteristics: AEROBIC DANCE, HIP-HOP, FUNK, SALSA and many other styles of aerobic dance. And aerobic dance in China has appeared fan dance and many other styles. Aerobic dance does not necessarily have to go to the dance studio, you can also dance at home, with the age of the choreography, there is a greater degree of freedom.


Latin style

The earliest aerobic dance with Latin style aerobic dance, such as jazz style aerobic dance JAZZ AEROBICS; and later appeared in the salsa aerobic dance SALSA AEROBICS, which is also a relatively fast Latin dance style aerobic dance, absorbing many such as mambo, cha-cha-cha, tango, samba style. These aerobic dances are characterized by a lot of hip action and beautiful movements.

Funk, street dance style

Funk (FUNK), street dance (HIP HOP) aerobic dance and FUNK, HIP HOP music has a lot to do with the music, these music are more cheerful, so that people have a kind of jumping feeling. FUNK, HIP

HOP is an aerobic dance with the style of free dance and black dance. The movement is relaxed, free and varied, it can improve the coordination of the exerciser and achieve the purpose of fitness. After jumping funk and hip hop, it makes people's spirit very happy. So this aerobic dance is very popular among young people.

Which sports belong to the aerobic exercise

1, mountaineering: help to improve human respiration, cardiovascular function and leg muscles, so that the waist, back, neck and upper limbs of the muscles, ligaments to get effective exercise. The elderly, overweight people, knee joints have diseases, heart disease patients should not choose to mountaineering this fitness.

2, swimming: improve the function of the human respiratory system. Because swimming does not bear weight, it is most suitable for joint patients to exercise, for osteoporosis or pregnant women are also very ideal.

3, cycling: regular cycling can exercise the heart function, so that increased lung capacity, but also to enhance the strength of the leg muscles, less damage to the knee joints, suitable for heavy weight and joint mobility disorders to exercise.

4, brisk walking: the preferred method of exercise for all ages, choose a gentle road surface, speed 120 steps a minute, exercise time from 20 minutes to start incrementally.

5, running: running is the best way to exercise the body's cardiorespiratory function, can effectively promote the development and enhancement of the body's various systems, exercise will.

From this information we can see that aerobic exercise has many benefits for the human body. Scientists have also proved that aerobic exercise is more beneficial and less damaging to the human body compared to anaerobic exercise, so in order to have a healthier body, we should try to get in touch with some healthy aerobic exercise as much as possible.