I was born between heaven and earth with the sun, the moon, the stars, the birds and the beasts as friends, people are my too common friends. The poor and the rich although relative to me but I do not fear them, the poor have no I did not help, the rich ten thousand gold I do not take the slightest, to them at the same time I pay a bland smile, do not scorn and do not pander to the poor and rich. Evil and good people, but also for the same friends, evil people for evil look down on the hypocrisy of the good, good people for the good may have ulterior motives drunkenness, steal the knife and fork of the man is a robber, while stealing the Jiangshan slaves of the living people is a respected authority of Qi Tian. The Jade Emperor is in charge of the heavenly court is the supreme deity, and Yama is in charge of the hell is the leader of the ghosts, and why should we be afraid to meet with them. They used to be a thief for the slave for the common man and now the clothes are gorgeous but also happy, sad and happy long can not escape the life and death of the sinking, the situation of the changing years ten years of the River East to the River West. All honor and glory and the sun, moon and stars compared to the birds and animals are empty. Others would like to strive for may be I give up, rather than being the Creator of the imaginary old man around the six godless would be better to draw out of the world is often accompanied by the music of the sun, the moon, the stars and the birds and animals as friends.
Being in the center of the universe, although the smile on everything but often want to embrace the sun and the moon for a time along with the beasts of life.
Man and woman are one and the same, and all beings and I are one and the same.
The Creator of the world is a man who has been writing to me for a long time and discussing the mysteries of heaven and earth.
Everything everything is not hidden from you, the sky is your successive breakthroughs you can not escape my life and death organs, I wrote back a letter, said the Creator of your virtual life is not loaded, everything everything is indifferent to the ordinary only you are proud of it
This is the first time that the Creator of the world's most important things.