The pathophysiology of diabetes has been explained previously to help you understand the importance of the various components of treatment. What this treatment plan must achieve is keeping blood sugar within the normal range even after meals. Therefore, the most important aspect of this therapy is the adoption of a diabetic diet plan with limited sugars and starches (rice, pasta, potatoes). This requires supervision by a registered dietitian for several months. Changing your eating habits can be a challenge, which is why the opinion of a registered dietitian is important. When we reduce the sugar/starch load, the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas are preserved and the glucose-6-phosphatase in the liver will function normally again, resulting in the retention and slow release of glycogen during meals. Sugar produced by the controlled breakdown of glycogen between meals.
A second aspect often overlooked by people with diabetes is lifestyle changes, including a home exercise program, if not already done. By changing to a more active lifestyle that involves some brisk walking, swimming, square dancing, ballroom dancing, or similar regular physical activity every day, your metabolism is changing. Why is this important? Because we know that insulin resistance and glucotoxicity are controlled this way. It would be a big mistake to stubbornly try to treat diabetes with just pills or just insulin without paying attention to the patient's lifestyle and not paying attention to where the hemoglobin A1C is moving. Unfortunately, patients will pay the price in avoidable complications and premature death.
In the mid-1980s, hemoglobin A1C levels came into widespread use and remain one of the most valuable diagnostic tools of this century. In the past, this would have been less than 7%. But, at the same time, we know that people are still suffering from diabetes complications at these levels, and the recommendations now are that a normal hemoglobin A1C level is 5.7% to 6.4%, and patients with an Hgb A1C of 6.5% and greater are considered Have diabetes. When patients are within the normal range for Hgb A1C, their 1-hour postmeal blood glucose is also below 140 mg/dL, and most likely even 100 mg/dL or lower. The best way for people with diabetes to monitor their disease is to measure their blood sugar at home using a blood glucose meter 1 hour after a meal.
Fast forward to 2014/2015: Theodore Pilley at the 22nd Annual World Congress of Anti-Aging Medicine, December 10-14, 2014 in Las Vegas Dr. Szek gave a talk titled "Personalized Genetics: Applying Genomics to General Health, Nutrition, and Fitness." Lifestyle changes". He revealed in the report that the previous recommendation of hemoglobin A1C of 6.5% or below was biased advice. He said the new normal range for hemoglobin A1C is now 3.8% to 4.9%! Patients with hemoglobin A1C of 5.5 Having diabetes requires aggressive treatment to prevent diabetes-related complications (blindness, heart attacks, amputations, etc.)
There are large trials showing that in people with type 2 diabetes, controlling hemoglobin A1C levels is more effective. Pills are not as good as insulin injections for optimal post-meal blood sugar control. We also know from studies of people with type 1 diabetes that those who receive insulin injections three or four times a day have lower mortality rates.
However, the "dogma" (or popular teaching) in the 1980s was that type 1 diabetes should be treated with insulin and type 2 diabetes should be treated with pills. On a positive note, diabetologists (diabetes specialists) have been able to explain this in more detail. Studying metabolic syndrome (=insulin resistance syndrome) and how it leads to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes
They found that people with type 2 diabetes may need both oral hypoglycemic tablets to control insulin resistance. Insulin injections to control hyperglycemia. It is now known that patients with type 2 diabetes often require hypoglycemic medications and insulin injections for optimal control and long-term survival without complications. Physicians instruct patients to control blood sugar levels using one-touch blood glucose meters. . Physicians will also order hemoglobin A1C measurements every 3 months to see if normal blood sugar is present most of the time in the long term.
New Treatment Interventions for Diabetes
According to information about diabetes. Here are the latest insights:
Dietary changes are absolutely necessary. A Mediterranean or DASH diet is a start.
Essentially, sugar intake should be limited and pasta/potatoes/rice and other high glycemic foods should be avoided if possible. This is easy when you replace these foods with low-glycemic foods and prepare low-calorie snacks and keep them in the refrigerator for emergencies. A low-calorie diet is what we seek because it has been shown to both control diabetes and increase longevity.
2. Green coffee bean extract (380 to 400 mg three times a day) has been shown to slow the absorption of sugar in the intestines and reduce postprandial sugar concentrations in the blood.
3. Take frequent blood glucose meter readings 1 hour after meals to determine blood sugar control levels (normal values ??are less than 100 mg/dL). Keep hemoglobin A1C levels within the 3.8% to 4.9% range.
4. Metformin: This drug is useful for people with high fasting insulin levels because it can create insulin resistance, has anti-inflammatory effects, and has several other benefits. It slows down the absorption of sugar in the intestines, inhibits the breakdown of glycogen in the liver and suppresses appetite. The result is lowered blood sugar, insulin, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and C-reactive protein.
5. Nitric Oxide (NO): It has been known for some time that people with diabetes age faster. Uncontrolled high blood sugar levels can cause the release of free radicals into the blood due to oxidative stress. This damages the lining of all blood vessels and reduces the production of nitric oxide that is normally produced there. If normal nitric oxide is produced, blood vessels will open, but insufficient nitric oxide can lead to increased blood pressure, damage to blood vessels in the heart and brain, damage to the kidneys, and damage to the retina of the eyes. In short, the associated lack of nitric oxide is the cause of diabetes complications (References 1 and 2). The product called NEO 40 works to naturally rebuild artery walls in just two lozenges a day. This supplement contains red beet and hawthorn.