Bei Sheng Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Ancheng Township, Pingyin County, Jinan City, Shandong Province, with an urban/rural classification code of 122, which is a township-village combination area. The zoning code is 370124107204, and the first six digits of the resident's identity card number is 370124. The postal code is 250000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0531, and the license plate number is Lu A. Bei Sheng Village is adjacent to Xituzhai Village, Nansheng Village, Dongtuzhai Village, Xiaoguanzhuang Village, Qiuzhuang Village, Zhangtianjing Village, Changtianjing Village, Duantianjing Village, Tieshan Village, Shuangjing Village, Linwa Village, Daguanzhuang Village, Dongfengzhuang Village and Leng Hotel Village, which are all in the same province and city. Zhuang Village, and Leng Hotel Village are adjacent to each other.
Near Beisheng Village are Pingyin Shadow Wall Architectural Complex, Zhang's New Tombstone in Near Zhen Village, Beian Old City Ruins, Dongtuzhai Ruins, and Hubaochuan Road Repair Monument Pavilion and other tourist attractions, and specialties such as Dong'a Gum, Pingyin Roses, Pingyin Fresh Groundnuts, Pingyin Rosy Red Apples, and Kongcun Charcoal.