First of all, the first year, the first to buy a good winter and summer clothes, in case of an accident, and then go to the farm to work, the first a little bit of physical foundation, but the first month or two should also let the daughter fully rest, otherwise it will be sick, oh, and so on, the physical strength to grow on the wild learning art, but the art of intermediate will be reduced morality (I don't know how the author thinks how to learn art will also be), the middle should also be interspersed with learning some manners to enhance a little morality. (I do not know how the author thought how to learn art will also make moral corruption awkward), the middle should also be interspersed with a little etiquette to enhance the morality of a little bit, the second year to feel the 250 + painting the second painting (seems to be an apple), to participate in the art festival to get first place, earned 3000G, this time you can put the maid part-time work to transfer out (which is very important, is an increase in the attributes of a good job to earn money), and almost all of the part-time work in the future, I have used a maid, but can not be cut off from the study of art! I can draw a tree until I can draw a tree (I feel about 400), then I will stop learning art, and this piece of art is guaranteed to win the championship by 1444.9 (I'll probably only get second place in 1445). After that to 1445 this period of time to learn martial arts and etiquette, it is recommended to learn etiquette first to increase temperament, charm and morality (temperament and charm is an important basis for the decision of the dance competition later), after that to learn martial arts
In the first stage is mainly to lay the foundation, nothing special attention, but there are still 3 hope that you do not forget:
1. Be sure to meet the diviner in the busy street ( I recommend that you always go to the prosperous street at the beginning, the diviner's priority is very low, if you go to the later Crestina and Leigh appeared then it is not easy to see the diviner)
2. In this period of time you want to see the minister, after the plot events to use, if you delay to the later then you are afraid that you will not have time to go to the palace again...
3. At 1444.4 you have to go to the street or market to open the market to work, and then you have to work more than 7 times before 1445.4.
The second stage (1445.4-1447.4)
This stage is the most critical, almost all of the ending conditions have to be completed with this time, this time is also the busiest time
First of all, working part-time I continue to use the maid, the course is the first etiquette (to reach the upper level on the almost) and then the martial arts, and finally magic, but because the first 3 times! Harvest Festival have won 3000G, a bit of money base, so there is more time to take courses, but this period of time the main thing is to go to do diplomatic work awkward, as for the course and part-time work is not the most important
To the second stage, almost once a month to go out, even if you have to go on a trip don't forget to go out
At 1445.4, to go to the market to meet Claes ( (If you work at the market 7 times or more), then go to HEI Street twice (casino and hotel work are higher priority than meeting Baloya, so they are resolved first)
At 1445.5, be sure to meet Baloya, and then meet him once a month until October to open the door to the Magic Realm, and interspersed with other princes in order to get on well with each other, and then go to the market to meet Claes at 1445.10, and then go to the Magic Realm once (also in November). 1445.10 go to the market to see Claes, then go to the magic world once (November is fine, but must be before seeing Claes), in November go to the street to see Claes to trigger the event of watching the ship B (sin less than 50), that is to say, to see Claes and the minister of the conversation. 1445.11-1446.4 months between the king of the castle to go to the king of the magic at least 6 times to see the king of the magic.
Month 1446.4 see the intelligence dealer in the square (maybe that guy is a big bad).
1446.4-1447.4 It's best to go out once a month to meet the three princes to get in touch with them, see guide/f?kz=164098122 for how to do this.
But Baloya should be met at least 4 times (1 time at the Demon World Hotel and 3 times at the Demon World Plaza, and then at the Demon World Plaza to trigger the life event), but be careful to go to Hei twice to save someone after the Demon World Plaza rescue event. However, be aware that after triggering the rescue incident in the Magic Square, you have to go to HEI Street twice to meet him before you can continue to see him in the Magic Realm. (Note: After 1446.4, if you can see Charillo more than 3 times, it means that your goodwill is above 50, and it doesn't matter if you don't see him in the future ^_^)
April 1447 is the most critical month, at least 2 trips should be arranged, and the first half of the year must be a trip to the magic world, the first trip to the Magic World, after arriving at the Magic World, immediately click on the point to go home, and you will hear the sound of singing, and then talk to Leigh in the prosperous street, and go once more to the prosperous street, then go to the Magic World. After that, you can talk to Leigh in the prosperous street, and then go to the prosperous street once more to meet the diviner, the diviner told you to go to the square of the magic world in the first half of the next month, and do what she said, then you can see your mother.
Then the second time you go out to meet the minister in the royal city, he will panic and ask you to leave, just choose to follow him.
Scheduling and efficiently utilizing each outing during this time is key, usually I would go to the plaza and the busy street to meet with the other two princes after meeting Baloya. With too many outings and fewer opportunities for lessons, during these two years I entered dance competitions, with good RP I could have won, but sadly I only came second, and thanks to the old money from previous years, I was able to scrape by on the money.
The third stage (1447.4-finally)
The third stage has not much need to travel, as long as you do well in the second stage, you can sit back and enjoy the success, this stage to pay attention to is the problem of attributes, what attributes are insufficient to quickly go to a big complement, my daughter 1447.4 when the attributes are: physical strength 870, moral 500, intelligence 350, temperament 480, feeling 420, visibility 720, martial arts 380, magic 300. I found that my intelligence and magic is greatly insufficient, so in the rest of the time big practice magic, part-time work with the maid, interspersed with martial arts (if the feeling is too low can go to learn a little bit of dance).
By the time of the Harvest Festival I thought the dance might lose, so I poured out all my money and spent 2250 on an anti-magic suit (I had 300G left at the time after I bought it), equipped with the whip I had before, and was crowned champion of the Martial Arts Competition (which may have been a bit of a stroke of luck, if I had run into Liz, I might have lost), and won the precious 3000G, and at the end of the day, after my magic reached 500, I learned theory to increase my intelligence. And learn the theory to increase intelligence, in the founding ceremony Charlotte Road invited his daughter to dance (which is purely the foundation laid by the second stage), the plot off finally ended, and after that on the replenishment of attributes to wait for the end of the true warrior on the line (if you really do not have enough attributes on the magical realm of the grocery store replenishment, but I do not use)