What kind of dance is it when you take two steps and then turn around?

Tango (Tango) is a duo dance, originated in Argentina, accompanied by music in 2/4 time, but the staccato feeling is very strong staccato playing, so in the actual performance of each quarter note into two eighth notes, so that each bar has four eighth notes. Tango is currently one of the official programs of the International Standard Dance Competition.

Tango is said to have originated as a secret dance between lovers, so men originally danced with short knives, and now, although they do not wear short knives, but the dancers must have a serious expression and show that they are looking around to prevent being discovered. Other kinds of dance dance with a smile, only when dancing tango shall not smile, expression to be serious. Tango dance body language is very rich, but currently used in sports dance competitions by the standardization of the tango has been much simpler than the local Argentine tango.

Dancing tango, the combination of men and women and other modal dance posture is slightly different, called "tango positioning", the two sides close, men embrace the right arm and women's left arm should be more inward, the body should be in contact with each other, the center of gravity shifted, the man is mainly in the right foot, the woman in the left foot. Men and women do not look at each other, and both men and women look to their left when positioning themselves.

In fact, in the tango milonga is a happier and more joyful type of tango dance, originating from the passion of the African Habanera dance music and the European light Poca dance music, so men and women dancers in conjunction with this lively and playful milonga music, usually get rid of the original Argentine tango of the deep sadness, and turned to men and women play with each other in the atmosphere of fun!