Mazhai Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Weiqi Town, Shandan County, Zhangye City, Gansu Province, with the urban-rural classification code of 220. The zoning code is 620725 102208, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 620725. Postal code is 734000, long distance area code is 0936, and license plate number is Gan G. Mazhai Village is adjacent to Yongxing Village, zhang wan Village, Siba Village, Sunjiaying Village, Wenquan Village, Gaozhai Village, Zhuwan Village, Shilibao Village, Liuyin Village, Dongshilibao Village, Lubao Village, Dongwan Village, Wangzhuang Village and Weiqi Village.
There are Yan Zhi, Shandan Buddhist Temple, Shandan Nanhu Ecological Botanical Garden, Shandan County Museum, Hamming Great Wall and other tourist attractions near Mazhai Village, and there are special products such as Shandan mutton, Zhangye beef cattle, Zhangye yellow wine, Zhangye rape and Xiaohe red dates.