What is the microblogging Darren powder

Question 1: What does it mean to apply for Darren in Sina Weibo? Now everyone has their own microblogging, if you are a Sina Weibo Darren, you can have an exclusive identity mark, cool Sina Weibo Darren medal!


It is important to note that you must meet all of the following conditions at the same time!

1) Avatar: A recent clear photo of yourself;

2) Bound cell phone: Your microblogging account has been successfully bound to a cell phone;

3) Fans not less than 100;

4) Concerns not less than 100;

5) Effective mutual fans not less than 30 (the number of friends with cell phones is counted as the number of effective mutual fans);

6) The number of friends with cell phones not less than 100;

7) The number of friends with cell phones is counted as the number of users with cell phones.

As long as you meet the above conditions, you can submit the application for Microblogger.

Question 2: How do fans go up so fast after upgrading your microblog to a microblogger? After upgrading your microblog to a microblogger, the system pushes you to the front, where you can be easily found by other users, and your fans naturally go up fast.

Question three: active powder good or microblogging Darren good Darren good

Question four: microblogging on the meaning of this red is microblogging Darren

Introduction of microblogging Darren:

Microblogging Darren, microblogging is an active member of the microblogging, Sina microblogging grassroots users of the stage. As a microblogger, you can have an exclusive identity, cool microblogger medals, meet more friends with the same hobbies as you, get more fans, have more confidantes, and enjoy the convenience and benefits of Sina Weibo's various online and offline microblogging activities.

The application criteria for microbloggers:

1, the user group: did not apply for Sina V authentication of real personal active users;

2, the application criteria;

1) avatar: avatar for your own recent clear photo;

2) binding cell phone: your microblogging account has been successfully bound to the cell phone.

3) the number of fans is not less than 100,

4) the number of attention is not less than 100,

5) the number of effective mutual powder is not less than 30 (the number of friends of the mutual powder of the user who is bound to the cell phone is counted as the number of effective mutual powder);

Rules of participation:

1) off [email protected] Bo Tongchenghui i

3) In the day to participate in the microblogging people in the internal test activities to select 100 microblogging people in line with the conditions of the application of the user, using the first to sign up for the first to get the mechanism.

The list will be announced at 5pm daily, with a private message inviting to participate in the Weibo Handsome Honors test activity.

4) Bloggers who put forward sincere suggestions and opinions on Weibo Da Ren in this activity or in the Weibo Da Ren feedback group with #Weibo Da Ren as the keyword will receive a small gift.

Another self-nominated microblogger submission: please tweet about yourself in the matching picture and put the # microblogger # topic in front of it, will recommend the opportunity to yo.

Question 5: Sina microblogging avatar in the lower right corner of the red five-pointed star how to get It seems to be called what microblogging person what Become a primary person, in the points did not reach 200 points before, modified avatar or nickname, need to staff to make the audit, if the current modified avatar or nickname in line with microblogging people standard, the audit is passed, light up the small red star

Question 6: Microblogging people when to resume the application has resumed the application Yutian notes microblogging is in October to complete the certification

Question 7: microblogging fans to how much to pass the microblogging people 10 points is to be 30 effective mutual powder Oh, that is to say, the double put are bound to the cell phone and pay attention to each other. You can go into the Darren home page to quickly focus on the effective mutual powder.

Question 8: I heard that microbloggers are very profitable? A 700,000 fans of entertainment bloggers a month about how much? 30 points You can send ads

Question 9: How to become a microblogger?

1) have an avatar: avatar must be positive, preferably my real avatar; can not use the star, pornography, institutional logos, sensitive pictures;

2) binding cell phone: your microblogging account has been successfully bound to a cell phone;

3) the number of fans of not less than 100;

4) the number of attention not less than 100;

5) The number of effective mutual fans is not less than 30 (the number of users who have tied their cell phones to each other's friends is counted as effective mutual fans);>> View Effective Mutual Fans

3, the application address: "Square" under the entrance to the "microblogging people" page, or login to the home page of the microblogging people

Question 10: How do I light up the star in the lower right corner of my avatar? The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a lot of information about your favorite brands. Points in the high point on the display.