The woman who is eager to go to the ballroom to dance sorority dance on a bit of grade is what psychological?

I'm from the 70s, and I remember in the late 70s, when things were just opening up, people older than me from the 60s were dancing at home with their Sanyo. Then there were ballrooms, and everyone went into them to dance. There were bands and singers on the stage, and everyone danced to the rhythm.

In the 80's and 90's, young people were basically swinging in the ballroom, swaying with passion in the music.

It is estimated that the questioner said the older people are the 60s, 70s people, into the ballroom is the memory of youth. Nowadays, there are fewer bands and singers in dance halls, and even then, it's beautiful.

The youthful experience of each generation is different and should be respected and tolerated. Anyone who is young, anyone will grow old, do not comment on things you have not experienced.

The memory of youth belongs to everyone.

Hope for a miracle.

Now the middle-aged and elderly people are keen to strip square dance, is to seek sexual stimulation, should be everywhere in the country is a ballroom, now the ballroom is very little, now the ballroom price is high, often out of the ballroom economy a little bit can not stand. Only in the square to enjoy the spirit of inexpensive, sexual stimulation.

Watched a program of middle-aged and older people dating, I remember once the public security police station chief of the conditions of choice, the first is the female does not jump ballroom dancing. The host asked why. He said there are too many stories here.

As an old farmer originally saw only in the movies and television to dance, see the real thing is a few years ago to Beijing and his partner to send his grandson to learn taekwondo at night, passing a hall, thought they are couples, a question, a smile answer, not, feel incredible, not couples embracing pop, touching the shake, what the case, thinking, the city really strange, his wife let others hold are not care, and then the village has some men and women Together with some men and women in the village to twist rice-planting songs, but also to go to the village to engage in a carnival, and then twisted out a lot of new things to come, and then even more fresh, I asked, summer is so hot, tired of sweating face sweat dripping figure what, answered that the stimulation, in the home has been unable to find a kind of comfort and a sense of freshness!

The question is how do you know? If you do not go is not going to know some of the stories inside!

The question is how do you know?