What to do if you keep losing weight in winter?

Winter, an easy season to get fat, but also the golden season to lose weight.

Many people think that the efficiency of losing weight in winter is too low, and the amount of sweat when exercising is much less than in summer, whereas in summer a little bit of movement will be sweating profusely, and they therefore think that the speed of weight loss is not as fast as in summer. But the idea that the more you sweat, the faster you lose weight is itself a misconception.

Sweating doesn't mean burning fat, and the amount of sweat you get from exercise is determined by your body type and the outside temperature. In winter, the body needs more heat, because the outside world is too cold, the body needs to mobilize more fat for energy, in order to let the body temperature to maintain in the normal range. If you keep exercising at this time, your body will not sweat more than in summer, but the rate of fat consumption will be more efficient than in summer.

If you don't want to hoard fat in the winter, then you should overcome inertia and stick to exercise so that you can keep your hard-won body shape and show a charming figure in the coming summer.? There can sit back and wait for death, but to actively deal with it, while letting yourself put the weight loss results to keep down or a little thinner.

Why is it easier to hoard fat in winter? Mainly because:

1. When you wear a lot of clothes in winter, the clothes will cover the flesh of your body so that you can't see it and can deceive yourself. But the next day in the summer put on short sleeves, bloated body will be exposed.

2, winter appetite becomes better, appetite. Appetite in winter will be better than in summer, summer due to the heat, many people feel poor appetite, and as soon as the weather cools down, you will think of eating spicy hot, playing hot pot as well as eating mutton, beef to make up for the body. And good food is rich in calories, which provides energy to your body and promotes heat generation. And the desire for food also means you're more likely to put on weight in winter!

3, the decline in exercise. Summer is a lot of people piled up to do fitness card season, and in winter you can see the gym Liao no one smoke, many people are living at home, the temperature drops, resulting in their lazy, more do not want to go out and blow the wind, exercise is even less.

4, winter is more suitable for sleeping. People are inert, the winter temperature is low, the night time is long, the dawn is late, very suitable for sleeping, resulting in shortened physical activity time. And the summer weather is very hot, the morning dawn earlier, resulting in our biological clock of the wake up time will also be raised, the body's activity time will also be lengthened.

If you can stick to the 3 ways to grasp the fat-burning time period in this winter season, you will lose weight fast!

Method 1, adhere to regular meals, maintain a reasonable range of calories

Don't sleep in the winter, don't get up too late, you need to make sure that you eat three meals regularly, don't ignore breakfast or skip dinner. Uphold the principle of a quality breakfast, an eight-minute full lunch and a six-minute full dinner.

Suggestion: daily calorie intake, do not exceed the body's total calorie consumption, but need to be higher than the body's basal metabolic value. Three points of meat and seven points of vegetables, the diet should be diversified arrangements, light and low oil and salt cooking principles, can help you develop a healthy and easy to lean body!

Method 2, adhere to the daily exercise 30 minutes

Want to get rid of obesity, you will adhere to self-discipline, get rid of laziness, adhere to the exercise. Arrange 30 minutes of exercise every day, square dancing, dancing, running, playing ball are good choices.

If you don't want to go out and exercise, then you can carry out at home high leg lifting, bobby jump, deep squat, open and close jumps and other unarmed fat-burning efficiency, the time is 1 minute, rest 2 minutes of cycle training, last 30 minutes fat-burning effect is very high.

Method 3, drink a sufficient amount of water every day

Winter is here, many people do not feel thirsty to reduce the amount of water. However, drinking water in winter helps to promote blood circulation, the discharge of waste products, maintain cell activity, so that the skin is in better condition, and at the same time to avoid you eat more snacks, leading to obesity.

Suggestion: more than eight glasses of water a day, a glass of water before meals and a glass of water when you get up can help you reduce hunger and lose weight quickly!

Winter if you can do the above 4 points, then the body will produce heat window, this time you will not only not fat, but also gradually thin down. Persistence is victory, come on!