What will happen if you have diarrhea for a long time?

Diarrhea is the discharge of abnormally thin stools, or contain undigested food, or even pus and blood, and frequent bowel movements, accompanied by a sense of urgency to defecate, perianal discomfort, incontinence and other symptoms. Diarrhea is rarely a symptom of serious illness and usually does not require special treatment. However, because diarrhea loses a large amount of intestinal fluid, repeated diarrhea can cause electrolyte disorders in the blood, especially excessive loss of potassium ions, resulting in general discomfort. If diarrhea persists or is accompanied by pus and blood stools, violent vomiting or high fever, you should go to an immediate hospital.

I. Points for self-diagnosis of diarrhea

Accompanying symptoms

Possible diagnosis

Acute diarrhea with watery stools, which may be accompanied (or not) by fever and pain around the umbilicus Gastroenteritis, which is caused by consuming unclean, spoiled, or allergic foods

Acute diarrhea accompanied by systemic symptoms, such as fever, and pus and blood in stools are found. Bacterial dysentery, amoebic dysentery, but can not rule out ulcerative colitis

Chronic diarrhea with fever is common in chronic dysentery, schistosomiasis, intestinal tuberculosis and colon cancer

Chronic diarrhea and intermittent constipation colonic allergies, rectal or colonic polyps, but also to rule out colorectal cancer

Feces in the form of a reddish sauce or blood watery stools containing pus and blood in small pieces, the amount of more and the bad odor Acute amoebic dysentery

Large amount of feces, foul odor, grayish-white greasy diarrhea generally caused by fat digestion and absorption disorders

Severe diarrhea, accompanied by severe vomiting, fever, severe dehydration, feces in the form of rice slop, the condition of the disease is very dangerous, possibly cholera and paracolonics

Common causes of diarrhea and its treatment

Summer is the season of bacillary dysentery, and at this time, Salmonella enteritidis is a common cause of dysentery, which may cause diarrhea. At this time, salmonella enteritis, diarrhea caused by rotavirus has also reached its peak incidence. Because all three clinically have abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting and other symptoms, easy to confuse the diagnosis. In addition, bacillary dysentery and salmonella enteritis differ in the use of antibiotics, while rotavirus diarrhea does not require antibiotics. Therefore, it is important to distinguish between the three, in the timely treatment.

Bacteriophageal dysentery is caused by eating unclean food such as vegetables, fruits, etc., rare in young children within 1 year of age, the first symptom of diarrhea and then vomiting, at the same time, there is abdominal pain, mainly in the lower left abdomen, diarrhea is characterized by frequent stools, more than ten times a day, or even more, but the amount of stool is small, the nature of the stool is mucus or pus and blood, the urgency of the obvious, stool microscopy is full of visual field of leukocytes, the Ambassador of culture can be found Shigella. Shigella can be detected. Haloperidol is currently the best anti-dysentery drug.

Salmonella enteritis is caused by the consumption of unclean food, such as milk, eggs, poultry, offal, etc., and it is common in young children under one year old. The first symptom is vomiting and then diarrhea, often with vomiting, to the umbilical abdominal pain, daily stool in 3-10 times, stool volume, stool characteristics of watery with mucus, not obvious, stool microscopy leukocyte total number of normal, stool culture can be found in Salmonella, the treatment of drugs used in the cotrimoxazole, chloramphenicol, benzylpenicillin or the third-generation cephalosporin.

Rotavirus is the main pathogen of non-bacterial diarrhea in young children under 6 years old, with the highest incidence in children aged 6 months to 2 years. Rotavirus diarrhea first symptoms are vomiting, coughing, diarrhea 3-10 times a day, stools are dilute, watery or egg-like. There is a sour odor, no mucus or pus or blood, stool microscopy and stool culture are negative, blood is not high, and viral testing can isolate rotavirus. If there is no secondary bacterial infection, antimicrobial drugs may not be used.

Grabbing "belly tendons" to cure diarrhea

Diarrhea caused by cold, available to grab the "belly tendons" method of treatment. Let the patient lying down on the bed, in the patient's two shoulder blades on the inside respectively, grasp a thicker tendon "that is, belly tendon". Grab this tendon up, and then violently release, so that around such as several times, there will be a miraculous effect.