How does each section of Colorful Clouds Chasing the Moon work?

The piece is clearly based on the structure of the famous Austrian composer Johann Strauss, the "King of the Round Dance," which is often used in his dances: three non-repeating sections.

In the first section, a four-bar accompaniment pattern is followed by an upward pentatonic theme melody spanning nine degrees, setting a bright and positive tone.

In the second section, the theme is reduced to a 6-degree span - a narrowing of the intervals in exchange for a more internal and captivating melody.

The third section, the span of the theme is further reduced to 4 degrees - until the end of the final section, there is still a 4-degree jump in the "stubborn", to learn the traditional Western harmony of the people out of a not too small The "problem" is that it is not a "problem" for those who learn traditional Western harmonies.