Majiachong Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Dongshi Township, Zhijiang City, Yichang City, Hubei Province, with an urban/rural classification code of 112, a combined urban/rural area. The zoning code is 420583104219, and the first 6 digits of the resident's ID number is 420583. The postal code is 443000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0717, and the license plate number is E E. Majiachong Village is located in the same area as Yaojiagang Village, Gaoshigang Village, Ganlinsi Village, Pinghu Village, Shooting Gully Village, Fuxing Village, Shibaoshan Village, Zhouhu Village, Hongzhi Village, Liangmeiyuan Village, Shigangqiao Village, and Shishendian Village, Guihua Village and Pei Sheng Village are adjacent to each other.
Majiachong Village is near Zhijiang Shalang Wonders, Zhijiang Shufu Temple, Bubusheng Cultural Tourism Zone, Zhijiang Museum, Dongshi Old Main Street and other tourist attractions, and there are specialties such as Guihua White Melon, Baileizhou Sand Pear, Zhijiang Daju, Guanmiao Mountain Tribute Rice, Zhijiang Cotton and other specialties.