Fan Li was taciturn and brilliant, and had a clear mind when he was a teenager. Later, he was worshipped as a scholar-bureaucrat by Gou Jian, the king of Yue. The State of Yue was defeated by the State of Wu, and Fan Li followed the King of Yue to serve Fu Cha, the king of Wu. After returning home, he helped the King of Yue defeat the State of Wu. After the downfall of the State of Wu, the monarch and ministers of the State of Yue gave a banquet to celebrate their achievements. The ministers were all very happy, but Gou Jian's face was not happy. After observing, Fan Li came to the conclusion that the King of Yue did not hesitate to kill the minister in order to compete for territory. Now he has got his wish, so he doesn't want to owe his officials. Therefore, Fan Li resolutely resigned from the position of King Yue and took his family and entourage across the East China Sea to Qi.
Fan Li and his son farmed in the seaside of Qi State, and after diligent production and management, they accumulated hundreds of thousands of gold. Qi people have heard of Qi Xian. Please take a picture of him. Fan Li sighed: "If you stay at home, you will get a daughter. If you stay in an official position, you will get a dear friend. This kind of cloth is very good. It's been a long time. " So, it returned to Xiangyin, gave all the money to friends and neighbors, took only the most valuable things, secretly left Qidu and quietly came to Tao Di. He thinks that Tao is located in the center of the world and is the only way to trade, from which he can make a fortune, and that this is the guarantee for the rest of his life. From then on, he lived and called himself Tao Zhugong. ("Tao" refers to pottery land, or the argot "escape"; "Zhu" is a symbol of the rich, or I am already a senior official; "Gong", once said, is a title of respect for elders and peers, or once a duke). Through farming and raising livestock, Fan Li and his son accumulated tens of thousands of wealth in business and became monopolists of pottery land. Later, the two families shared their wealth with the people. Everyone praised Tao Zhugong and worshipped him as the God of Wealth.
Tao Zhugong's management wisdom has always been admired by people, so many rich businesses have been entrusted to Tao Zhugong. For example, "eighteen taboos in business": be diligent in business and avoid laziness; The price should be specific and not vague; Save money and avoid extravagance; Credit should be recognized and abused; Goods should be inspected face to face, and abuse is strictly prohibited; Be careful when entering and leaving, and avoid doodling; Use people to be square and avoid evil; Advantages and disadvantages should be subdivided and not confused; The goods should be trimmed and must not be sloppy; The deadline should be agreed, not sloppy; Buy and sell in a timely manner and avoid delay; Be careful with your money to avoid being confused; Do your duty in case of trouble, and avoid false entrustment; Accounts should be audited, not lazy; Acceptance should be moderate and not violent; Be quiet, not rude; Speak appropriately, don't be impetuous ... 18 Avoid the experience of businessmen, and use Tao Zhugong's name. Thus, as a god of wealth, he is a wise image in the eyes of folk businessmen. Fan Li worked hard all his life and accumulated tens of thousands of dollars; Good at management, good at financial management, can spread money widely, naturally known as the god of wealth.