The dancing skills of rumba

Latin dance is a dance of two people, so the cooperation between them is very important, while rumba dance has a slower rhythm, but requires more details of body movements, and the transmission of arm strength between them is more important.

You should keep your center of gravity stable and don't use your arms.

In Latin dance, everyone should have their own stable center of gravity, and the lead between them is only a small physical strength. When the body rotates, the axis around it is always the spine. When rumba, the shoulders sink, the center of gravity of the feet goes down the steps to lower the center of gravity, while the spine goes up to maintain the internal balance of the body. At this time, we should tighten the inner thighs, buttocks, abdomen and side waist, so that the twisting of the body will not transfer a lot of strength to the arms, thus affecting the partner's center of gravity.

Don't move your elbow behind your body, but clip it to your side at most.

When dancing rumba, the woman will hold her right arm and tighten her muscles. If the man gives the woman a backward thrust, the whole body should move backwards instead of swinging the elbow backwards. The backward speed of the woman's body is faster than the force transmission speed of the arm to stabilize the center of gravity of the man's body when he stops pushing. Similarly, men don't need to tighten their arms when receiving thrust, but they can move their elbows forward slightly when giving women strength.

If the man gives the woman a lateral force, the woman's arm can't swing from side to side, which will reduce the force, but the angle between the big arm and the body should be kept, and the body will rotate quickly and smoothly.

When a man exerts force on a woman, he should avoid exerting force only with his hands. Instead, his spine should rotate slightly in the direction of exerting force on a woman, and his body should be squeezed to make his arm have a little strength. The level of his forearm and the ground should remain the same, but the strength should gradually decrease along the shoulder-arm-forearm-hand.