The script of The Happy Prince

Scene: in a square.

CHARACTERS: Statue of the Happy Prince - dressed in gold-leafed clothes, wearing a sword with a ruby hilt and two sapphires for eyes. Swallows, swarms of swallows, tailor, old man, little girl.

In the fall, the northern geese migrate south and pass through the square, where they see the statue of the happy prince.

Prince: Goodbye, swallows wish you a safe journey.

The swallows flew away one by one, and only the little swallows were still there.

Prince: It's very cold here in winter, you can't stand it, go away, little swallow.

Little Swallow: (after thinking) I will keep you company today, and tomorrow I will go to Egypt.

At night, the little swallow was resting under the statue of the prince. Suddenly a few drops of water fell down, the little swallow looked up far away is the prince's tears.

Prince: ...... Please take the jewel on the hilt of my sword and send it to the helpless mother to save her life.

Little Swallow saw the prince's sadness, can not bear,

Little Swallow: Prince Prince is so kind, I would like to give you as a messenger.

The swallows pecked out rubies from the hilt of their swords and brought them to the seamstress's desk, where they were working. The seamstress looked up and saw the ruby.

Tailor: What kind person sent this? I'm so grateful!

The swallow flew back to the prince.

Swallow: I'll stay with you today, and tomorrow I'll go to Egypt.

The swallows stayed with the prince for a day.

Prince: ...... send him a sapphire, peacefully in his old age.

Swallow: (crying) I can not do that, then you will not be handsome.

Listen to me, he needs help more!

Little Swallow cuts out one of the prince's eyes, flies to the old beggar and puts the gem in his bowl. The old man looks up and finds the sapphire.

The old man: which kind person sent ah? Thank you so much.

The little swallow flew back to the prince.

Swallow: prince prince do not worry tomorrow I will go to Egypt.

The little swallow stayed with the prince for another day, and twilight came.

Prince: ...... this gemstone to him, the evening home good account.

Swallow: (crying) I can not do so, without eyes you can not see anything.

Prince: Little Swallow be obedient, the girl needs it more than I do!

The little swallow pecked down the prince's other eye, held it, and gently put the jewel into the little girl's hand, who looked at the sapphire and broke into tears.

The little girl: this is a beautiful piece of glass.

He stood up and ran home laughing all the way. The little swallow flies back to the prince once more.

The little swallow: ...... I'll be your eyes!

A few days passed.

The prince: ...... My heart is happier than anything else.

It snowed.

Prince: Little Swallow, Little Swallow!

The little swallow's head tilted and died. With a loud bang, the prince's heart cracked in half, and the statue of the prince fell to the ground with a crash.

The next spring the swallows flew back. They went to the square and did not see the happy prince, but still sang and danced around the base of the statue.

The swallows: The most beautiful god in the sky is Venus!

The most handsome man on earth is the Happy Prince!

The most handsome man on earth is the Happy Prince!