What is the so-called connotation of Latin dance?

Latin dance has many connotations, because there are many Latin dances. Simply put, Latin dance is divided into national standard Latin dance and amorous feelings Latin dance (also called ballroom dance).

Latin, the national standard, mainly focuses on competitions and performances, and is slightly less entertaining. It is divided into rumba, samba, cowboy, bullfighting and cha-cha.

Latin dance with amorous feelings is a popular Latin dance with entertainment, sociality, performance and competition. There are four kinds of dances: Salsa, Marenge, Bachata and Chacha.

National standard category: rumba stands for lingering love, samba stands for passion, bullfighting stands for strength and skill (think Spanish matador), and cowboys are cheerful and playful.

Latin style: salsa is spicy; Malenge is cheerful; Bachata is the lover's ambiguity; It is precisely Xu Xiasheng and Xiu Xiu.

I teach amorous feelings Latin dance. Are there any related questions? Feel free to contact me and welcome you to join our big family.