Lyrics to "Applause Up" from the song "Applause Up

Lyrics to "Applause" from the song "Applause".

Title: Applause Rises

Originally sung by: Feng Feifei

Lyrics: Chen Guifen

Songwriting: Chen Jinxing

Album: Applause Rises

Release Date: 1986.09


Alone on this stage

Hearing the applause rise up

My heart is filled with infinite emotions

How many youths are gone

How many feelings have changed

I still have your love

It's like the first time I was on the stage

Hearing the first applause

I can't hold back my tears

After how many failures

After how much waiting

Telling myself to hold on

Tell yourself to be patient

Applause, my heart understands

Your love will be with me

Applause, my heart understands

Songs that intertwine your love and mine

Standing alone on this stage

Having heard the applause

My heart is filled with infinite emotion

How many youths are gone

How many loves are lost?

How many feelings have changed

I still have your love

It's like the first time I stood on this stage

Hearing the first applause

I can't hold back my tears

After so many failures

After so many waits

Telling myself to be patient

Then the applause started to ring out and I knew better

More than ever.

Your love will be with me

Applause, my heart understands better

Songs meet your love

Applause, my heart understands better

Your love will be with me

Applause, my heart understands better

Songs meet your love