Lyrics of Q-Genz's Little Baby

Song: baby

Singer: Q-Genz

Album: 26 Nursery Rhyme Album

Lyrics: Wang Shan

Composer: LAM Raymond

Release date: February 3, 21


I am a baby

Never afraid of being tired

. Know how to

Don't waste time

The teacher said to

Be a good little baby

Grandpa loves me the most

He gives me everything

Grandma always says I'm a little baby. Hey

I'm a little baby

I'm never afraid of being tired

I'm good at singing and dancing

Don't waste time

The teacher said. I love gluttony

and sometimes I eat pacifiers. Haha

I'm a baby

I'm never afraid of being tired

I'm good at singing and dancing

I don't waste time

The teacher said yes

Be a good baby

Grandpa loves me the most

He gives me everything

Grandma always says I'm a baby. Hey
