What's a game where one person imitates the previous person's dance moves

King of Awkward Dance. One of the parts of the game "King of Awkward Dance" is to mimic the other person's dance moves first, and then do the dance moves yourself for the next person to mimic. King of Awkward Dance" is an innovative mobile game developed by supernova studio of Flying Fish Technology, the game is based on the theme of characters of all ages dancing awkwardly with each other and mimicking each other, and a variety of characters are dancing joyfully in the ring, the ballroom, the plaza, and the park, which is like a music non-music, like a dance non-dance, which seems to be a test of memory, but it is all about the reaction. The characters are lively and humorous, the theme is joyful and funny, and there is no lack of intense and exciting challenges, and the operation is simple and easy to get started.