Square Dance Red Hot Sa Rilang Host Crosstalk

Square Dance "Fiery Sazirang" Lyrics:

The Most Beautiful Flower of the Grassland

Fiery Sazirang

A Dream to the Ends of the World is Scented with Flowers

The Wanderer's Heart is with Her

Thousands of Miles and Thousands of Miles Will Come Back to Look Back

The Most Beautiful Flower of the Grassland

Fiery Sazirang

Fire Like Warmth, Fire Like Spunk

A kind of Happiness is Called Longer and Longer

A kind of happiness is called Longer and Longer.

The most beautiful flower of the grassland

Fire as warm as fire

Fire as exuberant as fire

She is in the heart of a man who is infatuated with her

There is a kind of happiness that is called long-lasting and long-lasting

The flower blooms in red and blossoms to its fullest extent

The river is as far as the river goes and the happiness is as long as it is

Lovely man is in the heaven beside him

Next, please appreciate the square dance of "Fiery Red Saziran" performed by the team from XX.