Lightweight and safe. Do not wear tight, heavy clothes when you exercise, to lightweight. Otherwise not only hinder the movement, but also may cause unnecessary bruises, or lead to poor blood circulation. For example, when playing basketball, clothes should be loose, collar and cuffs should be wide; hiking, pants should be good elasticity, thick, surface friction, conducive to climbing, walking; square dancing, aerobics, clothing to ensure that there is elasticity; to do instrumental sports, you can choose to elastic undershirt and loose shorts. It should also be noted that no matter what kind of exercise, do not tie the belt.
According to the movement to choose shoes. Different sports have different needs for shock-absorbing, non-slip and bending performance of sports shoes. Running, sports shoes must be light, strong shock absorption, the forefoot position to have enough flexibility; playing tennis, there are more sharp turn and stop action, so the requirement of sports shoes with good anti-skid performance; playing basketball, impact and jump more, so need to pay attention to the shock absorption function of the shoes, wear high-top shoes to protect the ankle joints, reduce the chance of breaking the foot; playing badminton and other indoor sports, the requirements of walking and flexible, you should choose a lighter, The first thing you need to do is to choose the right shoe for the job, and then you can choose the right one.
In addition, some sports require special protective equipment. For example, when you are swimming, you need to wear the right goggles and swim cap. Swimming goggles can avoid the pool chemicals hurt eyes, swimming cap can prevent ear shock, but also to protect the head; don't forget to wear a helmet when riding a bike, can play a buffer role in the event of an accident, effectively reduce the outside world on the head injury; push up barbells, dumbbells, it is best to match with wrist guards, waist plate belt, etc.
In addition, some sports require special protective equipment.