1st sentence this time to go to Zimbabwe seven days, to Harare, Utabe, Manicaland, Igushi four places, feel the gap between China and Zimbabwe is too big. Four cities in addition to Harare, Utabe, Manicaland is a metropolis, Igushi is a small city, about the size of a county in our country, the population does not exceed one hundred thousand. But regardless of the metropolis or small city, give me the feeling is clean, really really clean, the ground is almost spotless, I was in Zimbabwe for seven days, leather shoes have not been wiped, out of what kind of back to the basic kind.
The second sentence standing in the city of Harare at a high place to look around, that all over the city of a phoenix tree, like a torch is burning. There is a saying that the more abundant the rain, the more brilliant the sunshine, the phoenix tree flowers will bloom extraordinarily luxuriant, indicating that the year will have a good harvest. Just when the phoenix tree flowers are not yet lost, the dense branches of the yellow flower tree has been budding, a string of like a brass bell hanging in the treetops, and when the yellow flowers vie for color, it is the beginning of the harvest season of the year.
Sentence 3 Today, Harare has become a modern city in Southern Africa, with straight, wide streets, skyscrapers, parks all over the city, man-made waterfalls in the squares that are a wonder to behold, as well as well-equipped clubs and grassy golf courses. The city's streets are crisscrossed with numerous "wells". The boulevards are wide, clean and quiet. Salisbury Park has a simulation of the "Victoria Falls" artificial waterfalls, surging, cascading down. The south-central part of the city is a commercial area, and the north and east is a high-class residential area, where villas, surrounded by hedges made of tree branches, have gardens, lawns and swimming pools and other private recreational facilities.
Sentence 4 Zimbabwe's city streets are very wide, the city's general speed limit is about eighty kilometers, but pedestrians from the crosswalk the road is very safe, there is a red light, as long as the red light is on, the car absolutely stop, no matter if there is someone who has not been there is no red light, as long as you from the crosswalk the road, the car is very far from you! As soon as you cross the road from the zebra crossing, the car will start to slow down from a very far distance away from you, and as soon as you hesitate, the driver will wave his hand at you in a very friendly manner, letting you cross first, with a very kind and patient attitude. I have tried this phenomenon in several cities, and some people say that it is fake, but I tell you, at least in Zimbabwe, it is true.
Sentence 5 The land of Africa is golden, full of warmth and simplicity, nurturing the primitive rhythm of life. The word "Zimbabwe" means "stone city" in Bantu. The country was once the second richest country in Africa after South Africa, and is also known as the breadbasket of Africa, with some of the world's best golf courses and beautiful natural scenery.
Sentence 6 Zimbabweans have great respect for women, no matter where, no matter what you are riding in the car or resting on the street, as long as the woman came over, the men all up to sit down, without exception, the most typical is in the bus, as long as the woman came up, all the men are conditioned to stand up from the schoolchildren to the gray hair of the old, immediately all stand up, the old man, the bus, and the bus.
Sentence 7 straight since, I have longed for Zimbabwe. The weekdays were colorful but always seemed thin. In my mind, the land of Zimbabwe is golden, with the richness of the sun, full of enthusiasm and simplicity, seems to nurture the original rhythm of life. I admire Ernest Hemingway, a man who has run through the African wilderness, who chose a high and proud exile, like the lion described in The Snows of Kilimanjaro.
Sentence 8 Victoria Falls is the first largest waterfall in Africa and the third largest in the world. Scottish missionary and explorer David Livingstone discovered the falls in 1855 and named them after the then Queen of England. The locals call the Falls "Mosi-oa-Tunya", which means "thunderous spray". The main waterfall is about 1,400 meters wide, with a maximum drop of 150 meters, and a water flow of up to 50,000 cubic meters per second (www.jddxx.com). The most classic thing is that the whole waterfall is on the prairie, and then the ground cracks a seam, and the waterfall appears. A long way from the waterfall you can hear the deafening roar and the water mist that rises up in the air. There is so much moisture in the air that it is as if you are walking through a misty rain. The falls are now half Zambian and half Zimbabwean. That means you have to cross two countries to see the waterfall in its entirety.
Sentence 9 Victoria, Zimbabwe is spectacular! The wide expanse of water splits a seam directly over the continent and the falls come! I don't even know how it was formed! The plane from Falls City would hover over the falls for a week, looking down through the porthole, the whole waterfall in full view, and listening to the guide explain that it was formed as a result of the Zambezi River flowing through the Great Rift Valley caused by changes in the earth's crust, and is surrounded by lush jungle. Today's weather is very sunny, the water mist from time to time reflected in the road rainbow, the breeze blew, people will walk through the fog and rainbow **** dance, a moment later the clouds dissipate and bathed in sunshine. Standing here, you will once again feel that human beings in front of nature is how small, whether it is time or space.
10th sentence Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe, is located in the northeastern part of the country on the plateau, year-round like spring, perennial forests and trees, flowers, pleasant scenery, is a famous tourist city in Southern Africa, so it once gained a lot of beautiful and beautiful name, such as "A.D. City It is a famous tourist city in Southern Africa, so it has been given many beautiful names, such as "A.D. City", "Sunshine City", "Evergreen City" and so on. Harare's. "In Harare, the year can be divided into three seasons: the hot season (August to November), the rainy season (November to March) and the cold season (March to August). In the cold season, the tall trees are covered with peach-red and purple flowers. In the early morning, people see a thin layer of frost covering the trees, and as the sun rises, the frost slowly melts into crystallized dewdrops, glittering on the red flowers and green trees.
Sentence 11 Zimbabwe's schools are wonderful, really wonderful. Schools have no walls, like a big park, we went to an ordinary school in Harare, about the equivalent of one of our three or large specialized colleges, their library I think about the size of one of our provincial libraries, the campus environment, definitely better than any of our parks, the campus has a public **** car, no money, wave and stop, and never ask the identity of the rider. The most shocking to me, is the student dormitory, absolutely equivalent to the level of our three-star hotel.
Sentence 12 Harare has a rather fashionable nickname: "Africa's little Paris". The heart of Harare is the commercial district in the south-central part of the city, where large, stylish shopping centers and modern business and financial districts are set amidst lush greenery, making it seem as if one is strolling down the Champs Elysées. The South West Tobacco Market is the largest of its kind, with smokers from all over the world gathering here, and nearly 2,000 tons of tobacco being sold from here every day.
Sentence 13The holiday market is the symbol of Harare. Almost every weekend, locals find a good place to "practice". They bring what they think is interesting to show off, and if they don't have anything to sell, they come to the market and have a good time. All kinds of handicrafts are the mainstay of the holiday bazaar, and Zimbabwe's famous wood and stone carvings can be found in almost every stall. After dusk, get rid of the scorching sunlight in Africa, the passion of the African drums will ring in time, the original dance interpretation of the African boy you can not help but also with the hands and feet, the rhythmic sound of life, so in the wide world of the free flow, so that every listener heartbeat.
Sentence 14 Zimbabwe is rich in stone, because of the weathering of the formation of strange rocks abound, all over the country can be seen. On my way to Waterfall City, the road was lined with boulders of different sizes and shapes with smooth surfaces. On top of each boulder there is a natural pile of irregular stones in varying quantities. These stones generally weigh several tons, some even dozens of tons. Their **** with the same characteristics is the bottom of the support point is very small, seemingly a wind will be blown down, but in fact, they are as stable as Mount Tai, after millions of years of wind and rain, still standing. Closer look, various colors of lizards shuttle between the cracks, natural.
Sentence 15 Zimbabwe everyone seems to carry a garbage bag, wipe the face of the eat left over as long as you do not use anyway, all put in a garbage bag, once encountered a garbage cans thrown in. Zimbabwe many places can not smoke, in some shopping malls or public **** place, there are some water tanks like ashtrays, men and women around a group of people smoking, very consciously, the tour guide said that even the mayor of Harare, councillors, all have to go here to smoke, because there is no other place to smoke, we are very frank, nothing to complain about.
Sentence 16 Harare's name comes from the local Shona language, meaning "sleepless man". Zimbabwe's capital, the country's largest city, has a population of about two million, and this cosmopolitan city is a blend of modern and colonial architecture. Harare is a city of four seasons and beautiful scenery, (www.jddxx.com) "Sunshine City", "City of Flowers and Trees", "Paris of Africa" and other pleasant names are a true reflection of the city. The city's name is a true reflection of the city. I have the honor to come here, stayed for four or five days, strolling in it, intoxicated in its fresh style, full of pleasant greenery. Walking in Harare city center, you will see bouquets of flowers in the streets, and the roadside is full of large and small flowers. The Czech Orchid trees are everywhere, and the Phoenix trees with their flaming flowers are all over the city, like burning torches, especially eye-catching.
Sentence 17 There are queues in many places in Zimbabwe. Zimbabweans are used to queues and are very disciplined, and there is not a single queue-jumper. Everyone is very conscious and waits patiently, and everyone lines up everyone for hours and hours, very quietly, and many people are reading with their books. In the palace of King Sulu, there are many sculptures that cannot be touched with hands, some of these sculptures are guarded, some are not, and I observed that none of them were touched. At that time, there was a solid gold sculpture, we thought no one, we reached out to touch, just touched, we heard a whistle (very strange, many places in Zimbabwe like to use whistles), and we realized that there was a dude with a whistle in his mouth, looking at us warily.
Sentence 19 In Harare, stone and wood carving markets are everywhere, and by the time we came to one, a wide array of artwork had already covered the floor. Africa's stone and wood carvings are famous all over the world, and Zimbabwe's rich resources of stones, forests and trees and the skillful craftsmanship of the artists make it representative of them. The beauty of these finished products is that they tap into real-life imagination, with all the forms and figures derived from the country's mystical religions and ancient folk tales.
Sentence 20 In Harare, modern civilization is everywhere. At every street corner, at every doorway, there is a Hararean wow factor. On the busy streets, dark-skinned women dressed in fashionable clothes rub shoulders with you, the thick lips, the hot eyes, all let a person feel belong to Africa's hot and vigorous beauty.
Sentence 21 Harare's citizens are well organized in the streets and alleys, a variety of vehicles in the not very congested road in accordance with the traditional rules of "right-hand drive, left-hand drive," the British driving. Passers-by, young and old, will greet you with a smile or a hello when they rub shoulders with you. Listen to the local people, Zimbabweans from childhood to receive British education, pay great attention to personal grooming, gentle and courteous is from all countries visitors to Zimbabwe's first impression of the people.
Sentence 22 Harare is the capital and largest city of Zimbabwe*** and the country. It is located on the northeastern plateau at an altitude of 1,470 meters. Population of 1.2 million. The climate is mild, with an average annual temperature of 18 ℃, year-round grass and trees, flowers bloom, pleasant scenery, is a modern garden city in Southern Africa. At the same time, it is also known as the chrome capital and tobacco market. (www.jddxx.com) "Harare" means "one who does not sleep" in the local Shona language. It is derived from the name of a chief of the Negro Halawa tribe. This chief was a valiant warrior and alert, and never dozed off. He was called "Ha'alare", or "the man who never sleeps". This was later simplified to "Harare", which became the name of the tribal settlement. Zimbabwe*** and the country named the capital "Harare", that it will maintain a high degree of vigilance, always ready to fight for the defense of national independence and freedom
The 23rd sentence from the beginning of July and August every year, the whole city of Harare is covered in the fragrance of flowers. The first to show off are the bluebell trees that dot the city, and in September, Harare residents even celebrate the arrival of spring with a week-long "Bluebell Festival". During the festival, people hold a variety of celebrations, parks, bluebell trees, people recite poetry, perform dances ...... bluebells are not yet lost, the summer flame flower in the tall Phoenix tree tops out branches, the rainy season, the Phoenix tree is already full of trees "fire". The first time I saw the tree, it was full of firelight. In the flame flower season, yellow flower tree is already budding to be time, this autumn messenger flowers, a string of like a golden bell like upright branches, tell people the advent of the golden season.
Sentence 24 When you drive from the international airport in the countryside into the streets of flowers and trees, it is as if you have entered a peach blossom wonderland. Every August, the hot season arrives, and at this time in Harare city, the first to spit flowers are bluebell trees. No matter where you go in the city, you will see large and small bluebells all over the branches, the whole city is a world of bluebells, beautiful and spectacular, intoxicated. Every year in September, is the peak season of bluebells, Harare city to hold the traditional Bluebell Festival activities, in a week-long period of time, young men and women hanging around the neck with a blue wreath, hands holding a bluebell branch, groups, in the streets, alleys, bluebells under the tree, dancing, singing, unique style.
25th sentence Harare's presidential palace, originally thought very large, the results of a look, even the brown South China Sea is less than one-tenth of one percent, too small, you can casually into the tourists can feel free to take pictures of the tour, no one came to intervene, there is just a building of office buildings, can only go to the place separated by a street, there is a red line, a pass, there will be someone blowing a whistle! The street is about six or seven meters wide, even on the sidewalk is about ten meters, after inquiring to know, that is the presidential office building, President Mugabe's office building on the second floor, everyone can see the window of his office, from the average traveler's straight line distance of only fifteen or sixteen meters, we joked at the time that the force of some of the larger people are estimated to be able to throw grenades into. The first thing you need to do is to get a good look at the window and see if you can see it.
Sentence 26 Harare has a lovely climate, with lush vegetation and flowers all year round. The city is crisscrossed with streets, forming numerous "wells". The boulevards are wide and neat and quiet, more parks, gardens, which is famous Salisbury Park, there is a simulation of "Victoria Falls" artificial waterfalls, rushing surging, a cascade. The south-central part of the city for the commercial district, the north and east is a high-class residential area, there is a hedge around, with gardens, lawns and swimming pools of the villa. A number of posh clubs and entertainment venues, such as golf courses, are interspersed. The Harare district in the southwest, with its low-rise houses and narrow streets, is where colonizers in the past zoned black people to live.
Sentence 27 The quality of Zimbabweans is so high that we Chinese are really ashamed. In Harare, you don't need to take a taxi at all, just wave and a car will stop, sit on it and go, some charge money, some don't, and the ones that do charge money are cheap, because all the cities in Zimbabwe are very big, and there are a lot of people who work part-time as cabs in Harare, and the government never cares. Of course, many people are sincere to help you, do not want money, and, sometimes you go to the place and his different road, he will also for you to go around a little bit, the car is all kinds of, there is a Lincoln, there is a Lada, there is also a Toyota, what car can be hit.
28th sentence of Zimbabwe's Victoria Falls in the shape of a "zigzag", stretching tens of kilometers. The entire waterfall is divided into five sections of rock, from west to east are "Devil's Falls", "Main Falls", "Horseshoe Falls", "Rainbow Falls "and "East Falls". The Devil's Falls is the most magnificent, so that people dare not get close; the main waterfall is about 180 meters wide, the drop is about 120 meters, the flow is the largest; horseshoe waterfalls, shaped like a horseshoe; rainbow waterfalls in addition to the waterfalls like a giant curtain, you can often see the Cuigu in the seven-color rainbow. These five waterfalls are cascading into a deep pool only 400 meters wide, forming a few hundred meters high columnar clouds, flying fog and sound waves can be sent to 10 kilometers away, sound like thunder, clouds and mist.
After the 29th sentence I came to the capital, Harare, and I was amazed at the beauty of the city. "Harare" means "the one who does not sleep" in the local Shona language. It was transformed from the name of the chief of the Nyaharawa tribe, which was later simplified to "Harare" and became the name of the tribal settlement. Zimbabwe*** and the country named the capital "Harare", indicating that it will maintain a high degree of vigilance, (www.jddxx.com) is always ready to defend national independence and freedom and struggle. In Harare can be seen everywhere "Zimbabwe bird" logo, it is designated as the national bird, painted on the national flag coat of arms, the scientific name of the "red-footed kestrel", is migratory birds between South Asia and South Africa, as early as more than 1,000 years ago, the ancestors of the local people have been this kind of More than 1,000 years ago, the local people's ancestors carved the image of this bird on the stone pillars of the ceremonial ground. Harare is also known as the "City of Flowering Trees" because of the variety of flowering trees that grow there. From the time of the annual blooming season, the whole city is covered in the scent of flowers.
30th sentence winter in Harare is not silent, a tree with peach flowers, and red with purple flowers scattered all over the streets, this purple flowers scientific name for the blue carpets, in the Zimbabwe Chinese used to be called the purple tree flowers, not only is the tree flowers, Harare flowers bloom throughout the year, colorful and colorful, in any corner of the city, you can see the fury of the city, you can see the flowers of the city. In any corner of the city, you can see the blossoming flowers, flowers sprinkled on the ground, like a fairy tale world.
31st sentence of Zimbabwe Utabe's Bikini Palace, the area is unimaginable, twelve hours non-stop, only about half of the stroll, alabaster and gold-plated sculptures (plated with pure gold, some of which is the real thing), thousands of them, well preserved, compared to the Forbidden City is like a big farm, really, used to say that the The Forbidden City is the world's greatest wonder, it's so gloomy and cramped compared to others. Forbidden City and Bikini Palace building age difference is not far, but people have been able to build hundreds of never repeated fountains and wide to unimaginable dining room, as long as you have been to these two places do not store prejudice words, civilization gap at a glance.
Sentence 32 In Zimbabwe, in the parks, under the bluebell trees, people recite poems and perform dances ...... The bluebells have not yet failed, and the flaming flowers that announce the summer are sticking out at the tops of the tall phoenix trees, which are full of "fire" by the time the rains come. "Firelight" now. In the flame flower blossom season, the yellow flower tree is already in bud, this autumn messenger flowers, a string like a golden bell like standing branches, (www.jddxx.com ) tell people the advent of the golden season. Harare is not silent in the winter, a tree with peach-colored flowers, and the red with purple flowers scattered all over the streets and alleys. It's not just the trees that are in bloom, Harare has flowers all year round, in all colors, and you can see them blooming in any corner of the city. It feels like a scene you would only see in a painting or a movie.