Middle-aged and elderly people by patting their own body, to exercise is what fitness exercise.

"Taiji twelve beat"

"Taiji twelve beat" is a kind of taiji health exercise, from "with style taiji guide health care work" auxiliary work, belongs to the whole body conditioning exercise. Through the hands in all parts of the body in order to beat, and by virtue of the beat method vibration of the skin, sinews, organs and nerves. The purpose of tapping is to guide the qi and blood, so it is necessary to pay full attention: tapping to where the intention of the qi to where; and to light and heavy, slow and urgent complement each other.

***Twelve sections, each section of the beat are 36 times.

Section 1: Shocking the earth and patting the ground

Hands face down, bend the waist and knees, head slightly lowered, look at the ground and hit the palms, with the shoulders driving the forearms, the two palms opposite each other and hit, the sound of the sound waves and the earth, so that the earth's echo waves and their own, the echo of the sound waves is called the feedback, which means that the earth's breath waves from the legs to reach the whole body. Do not tilt your head, so that the blood and qi in the neck shall not be unblocked, so that the blood supply to the brain is insufficient, and the head is lowered so that the qi is smooth, and the blood and qi of the bone marrow replenish the brain. *** Pat 36 times.

Section 2: Shocking Yourself Shooting "People"

The body is upright, with feet open and shoulder-width apart. Both hands palms opposite each other, ten fingers facing up, hands in front of the chest danzhong point in front of the ten palms (also known as open the door to the heart) 36 times. High-five legs bending and vibrating at the same frequency, palming and knee bending synchronization. After the end of the hands fall naturally.

Tanzhong point: located in the center line of the chest, flat 4th intercostal space, the midpoint of the line between the two nipples.

Section 3: Shocking the Universe: Shooting for the Sky

Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms above your head, point your fingers upward, opposite the Laogong, and give a circular high-five at the top of your head at the top of the Hundred Meetings Point. For those with high blood pressure, high five in front of the head. Then slowly separate the hands, pay attention to the two arms apart, the distance should not be more than shoulder width. High-five while topping the hips. Laogong relative to *** slap 36 times.

High-five, the ring of sound waves directly to the universe, and then from the high world to the information wave feedback to your own, a back and forth information exchange, from the universe to the energy into your body, the arms into a ring, as if the aperture, the formation of a glow irradiation, along with the body strong luminosity is also enhanced.

Baihui point: location in the top of the head in the center line and the two ear tip joint line at the intersection.

Top cross: the body back, legs bent at the knee, a leg a step away from the toes forward to fix it well, from the knee upward to board straight moment of explosive force transmitted to the root of the crotch of the front top.

This section is called "Shocking Hundred Meetings" in the teaching video.

Section 4: Palming the Heart and Lungs Palming the Heart and Lungs

Body upright, feet open and shoulder-width apart, fingers of both hands diagonally upward to slap the upper part of the breasts 36 times. When you clap your hands, bend and vibrate your legs at the same frequency, and synchronize your clapping with bending your knees. After the end of the hands fall naturally.

This section enables the lungs to be treated. Such as emphysema, tuberculosis, asthma, bronchitis, pharyngitis, esophagitis and so on. It can make the lung lobe qi and blood flow, and can hold more oxygen, the heart is even more peculiar healing effect. Such as two-and-a-half narrowing, atrial fibrillation, premature expiration, cardiac ischemia, coronary heart disease, pericardial disease, etc., on pleurisy, breast hyperplasia, etc. can get the corresponding curative effect.

Section V. Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen and Stomach Pat the Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen and Pancreas

Body upright, feet open and shoulder-width apart, both hands pat the quarter rib area 36 times. The right hand is in the liver and gallbladder area, the left hand is in the pancreas, spleen and stomach area, the fingers are opposite each other, and the Laogong taps inward at the same time. The legs are bent and vibrating at the same frequency, and the palming is synchronized with bending the knees. When finished the hands fall naturally.

This section can treat liver and gallbladder diseases such as cirrhosis, hepatomegaly, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis, gallstones, bile duct stenosis, cholecystitis and so on. It is effective in treating splenomegaly, duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer, atrophic gastritis, cardia, pylorus, pancreas, septum, stomach upsurge, gastric dyspepsia, gastric acidity, gastric fever, and prune nucleus qi.

Quarterly rib area: short ribs, located on both sides of the chest of the eleventh and twelfth rib cartilage. It is also known as the "quarter ribs", "soft ribs", and "peg ribs".

Section 6: Repeatedly patting the abdomen Patting the abdomen

Body upright, feet open and shoulder width. Hands on both sides of the abdomen, fingers down, forcefully patting the lower abdomen on both sides of the navel Tianshu points, than the previous sections are to increase the patting strength. Bend and vibrate both legs at the same frequency, synchronize the palming with the bending of the knees. Pat 36 times.

The small intestine, large intestine, cecum, transverse colon, descending colon, intestinal obstruction, intestinal adhesion, male, female, various tumors play a rehabilitative role. Obese people lose weight, thin people gain weight on gastric ptosis, renal ptosis can be regulated, can make the elasticity enhancement, the abdominal muscle peritoneum to play a corresponding adjustment.

Tianshu point: align the navel each to the left and right three fingers wide .

Section VII Repeat Ring Jump Pat Ring Jump

Body upright, hands behind the waist, palms of both hands aligned with the buttocks on both sides of the ring jump point forceful patting. When tapping with both legs squatting and standing movements, eyes flat. Laogong relative *** pat 36 times.

Can regulate lumbar and leg pain, hemiplegia, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral thrombosis, sciatic nerve pain, the subgluteal nerve, the subcutaneous nerve of the gluteal nerve has a curative effect, it can make the old age of the hip atrophy of the muscle re-plumping, so that the muscle development and elasticity, paralysis of the lower limbs, the hip joints and the surrounding soft tissues, the subgluteal nerve of the sciatic nerve and subcutaneous nerve of the sciatic nerve has the upper good curative effect.

Huanjiu acupoint: lying on the side and flexing the femur, the most convex point of the greater trochanter of the femur and the sacral cleft line of the outer 1/3 and the middle 1/3 of the intersection.

Section VIII, above the knee, pat the upper edge of the knee

Two knees slightly flexed, arms naturally hanging down in the crotch, and then the hands of the tiger's mouth apart, patting the upper edge of the knee. When patting with the squatting and standing movements, the palm strikes at the upper part of the knee outside the Fubu and Yingu points, the thumb at the inner Blood Sea point, and the fingertips at the calf's nose point. Pat 36 times.

This section can regulate leg pain and numbness, rheumatism, swelling and pain, paralysis of the upper and lower limbs, stomach pain and breast carbuncle, mouth crooked eye evil on the leg nerves, the anterior femoral cutaneous nerve and lateral cutaneous nerves, vascular bone lateral arterial and venous branches, and the spinal bone lateral descending branch nerves, with good results.

Fu Hare Point: in the front of the thigh, when the anterior superior spine of the ilium and the lateral end of the patella on the line of the iliac bone on the iliac bone 6 inches.

Yin Gu acupoint: located on the inner thigh of the human body, about 5 centimeters above the inner side of the knee joint.

Blood Sea Point: on the inner thigh, 2 inches above the medial end of the patellar base, when the bulge of the medial head of the quadriceps muscle; take the point by bending the knee.

Calvaria point: flexion of the knee, in the knee, in the lateral depression between the patella and the patellar ligament.

In the instructional video, this section is called "Tapping the Knee".

Section IX, outside the knee, pat the outside of the knee

Two knees slightly bent, arms naturally down, with the palm pat the outside of the knee of the foot Sanli, Yanglingquan and other acupoints and a little below the lower leg, with the two-legged squatting action, patting 36 times.

This section can treat knee swelling and pain, tendon contracture, calf numbness, hemiplegia, biliary tract diseases, lumbar and leg pain, vertigo, acid swallowing, and it is effective for diseases of the outer side of the chest and lower limbs, crooked mouth, face and face evils, mouth, nose, eyes and ears and lumbar and sacral nerves, spinal nerves, lumbar to sacral joints and peroneal nerves.

Foot Sanli: located four transverse fingers below the eye of the external knee, between the fibula and the tibia, measured 1 transverse finger from the side of the tibia.

Yanglingquan: on the outer side of the calf, when the head of the fibula is in the depression below the front.

In the instructional video, this section is called "Repeat Foot Sanli".

Section 10: Inside of the knee Pat the inside of the knee

Bend the knee slightly, and use the palm to pat the inside of the knee in the plane of the yinlingquan and a little below the calf, with the two-legged squatting action, **** pat 36 times.

Tapping acupoints

Here are Yinlingquan, Ququan, Yingu, Blood Sea, Inner Knee Eye and other acupoints have good effect on knee pain, soft tissues around the knee, hernia, impotence, spermatorrhea, prostatitis, astringent pain in urination, menstrual disorders, urticaria, neurodermatitis, medial femur pain, abdominal pain, diarrhea and so on.

Yinlingquan: located in the human body's inner calf, below the knee in the medial depression of the tibia, opposite the foot Sanli .

Ququan: the medial part of the knee, the end of the transverse stripe on the medial side of the bent knee, when the femur inside the upper ankle posterior margin, the semitendinosus, semitendinosus stops at the front edge of the depression.

Yin Gu: in the medial part of the popliteal fossa, when the knee is flexed, between the tendon of the semitendinosus muscle and the tendon of the semimembranosus muscle.

Inner knee eye: in the medial depression of the patellar ligament.

Section XI Dantian and Bares Pat Dantian and Bares

The body is erect, with the feet open shoulder-width apart. The arms are placed one in front of and one behind the body, the front tapping the Dantian point at the small of the back below the umbilicus, and the back the Bashi point under the lumbar yangguan. The left hand first taps on the dantian, the right hand taps on the Bares point, and then alternately taps, with the body rotating accordingly, tapping in conjunction with the squatting and standing movements of both legs. Alternate tapping on the right and left is one ****tapping 36 times.

Here are the points of waist qi, lumbar yu, yang guan, yin jiao, qi hai, shi men, guan yuan, zhong ji, qi points, dahu, etc. These points are miraculous for waist rise and edema, urinary disadvantage, gynecology, menstrual disorders, painful menstruation, leucorrhoea, pelvic inflammatory disease, pains around the umbilicus, hernia, impotence, urinary incontinence, urinary retention, and diarrhea disorders.

Dantian point: in the lower abdomen, on the front center line, when the umbilicus below 3 inches. Draw a line from the navel to above the pubic bone, divide this line into five equal parts, and three-fifths of the way down from the navel is this point.

Baros: There is a pair each of the upper, second, middle and lower bars, hence the name "Baros", which are located in the first, second, third and fourth post-sacral foramina respectively.

Section XII: patting the shoulders and crotch

Body upright, fling arms and pat the shoulders with the palm of one hand, while patting from behind with the other hand, alternating between the two hands. When patting the body slightly backward, arms as far as possible to extend, hit the shoulders when the palm of the hand strive to hit the upper shoulder, hit the crotch strive to hit the back of the hand on both sides of the big crotch of the eight soles point, at the same time with the legs squatting and standing action. Here are the points of Shoulder Wells, Jubilee, Shoulder Sacrum, Yunmen, Zhongfu, and Lumbar Yu. Alternate tapping on the left and right as one time. ***Tap 36 times.

This section has a good effect on the cervical spine, inability to lift the hands, numbness, lumbar spine pain, lumbosacral pain, hemorrhoidal disease, lower limb pain, sciatic nerve, subgluteal nerve, femoral head necrosis, ischemia, and nerve paralysis. Cardiac patients have periarthritis, so shoulder patting adjusts the heart accordingly, cervical spine osteophytes, cervical nerve gray matter, etc. have a relieving effect.