How to upload video to Sugar Bean from computer?

First download the Sugar Bean App on your phone and install it. Open the mobile software and tap My - Login at the top. Go to the login page and click Register, follow the prompts to register a Sugar Bean Square Dance account.

Baidu search Sugar Bean to enter the official website.

3. Click on "Submit Dance Works" on the homepage of Sugar Bean on your computer.

4. After logging in to your account, click on the "Upload New Video" link at the top right corner of the video home page or category video view page to open the page for uploading videos. (Note: You can upload one video at a time. Each video can be up to 200M and 50k, and can be uploaded as wmv, asf, asx, rm, rmvb, mpg, mpeg, mpe, 3gp, mov, mp4, m4v, avi, dat, flv, vob.)