Faith gives depth to humanity, height to the mind, and strength to the will. At the same time, because of the guidance and molding of faith, it also makes human nature both have a certain richness and maintain relative simplicity. A person of faith, no matter how many setbacks or tribulations or confusions or pains he has experienced, will integrate all these experiences into something positive and extract from them what is good for the soul. Under the light of faith, all these things become the minerals of life, and eventually turn into the realization of life and the understanding of existence. A person without faith, on the other hand, is likely to accumulate more practical things such as skill, strategy, and power from survival, and outside of profit, he does not know that there are heavenly values such as love, compassion, virtue, and so on. When the light of faith goes out, survival becomes a struggle in a dark room - chaotic, painful and meaningless.
I hope this addresses your question.
Question 2: Does everyone have faith? What is a person's faith? The seniority of faith is relative, is relative to read the kind of faith without faith and talk about. We live in a very common faith is religion, followed by our national ideology, in fact, religion is the most obvious. Religion is a product of human development to a certain stage, is a manifestation of human progress, although it has also brought us bad things, some people may use religion to create trouble, to achieve certain purposes, to fool our congregation, so is it that people are so stupid, do not know the original cause, I do not see it this way. I think they understand just that they do feel this faith to bring changes to their lives, they therefore live a meaningful, not in the confused, what is confused, in fact, most of the life is now confused, people do not know what they are busy, some people in order to make money, then people and why do you want to make money it to maintain the family's life, is it possible to be happy, impossible! Is it possible to be happy? There are many times when we do not think about this issue, most likely because we are afraid to realize our own emptiness, and therefore go to avoid it. This is perhaps a human tradition and way of life. But when you a careful consideration of the time, a person to do in the house, you will 3 find that the original I have never known what their ultimate pursuit is, and then will feel a kind of loss and emptiness that has never existed before, in this kind of time, in this kind of realization that there is no their own beliefs, human beings may find that they no longer have the meaning of survival, and then will be oh with the way of suicide to End their lives, why? Because he no longer have the need to survive, originally this society has made us very tired, is because we are not very free, we are not allowed to abide by the law and morality, there are a lot of rules and regulations, so they will be such a choice, really is this so, but it seems to be wrong, they may realize that the end of the life in fact, is a better way of life, and then I'm certainly not encouraging people to commit suicide, after all, our side every 2 seconds there is a person to commit suicide, I think it is because there is no faith, there is no spiritual support, I feel that spiritual support is the most important is the first place, rather than the material life row a.
This is a good idea, I think it is a good idea, I think it is a good idea.
This seems to be not very much the same as what we usually come into contact with, but we can't deny it because of this, we think about it, if a person has no faith, no power to pursue, how can he go to live, he only has faith in the time to pursue a material life, then how did the primitive society come to be, do they have the pursuit of it, what is the first of their requirements? What was their first request? What was their faith at the beginning of the human race, or did they have their own faith? Perhaps their faith was to perpetuate the human race, and then they derived other beliefs on the basis of this, such as totem worship. If they didn't have that belief, I really don't know if they would have the courage and strength to survive.
I don't know what I'm talking about, I'm just talking nonsense. I think we should have their own beliefs, especially college students should be so, no faith there is no need to survive and power, people should be for their own beliefs and pursuits to live, so it will be meaningful, we really should learn from the West, they have their own beliefs that God is the gods, that is, the gods that give them food. What do we have to believe in, do we have to believe in God as well , not that, you can believe in Marx, I think you probably won't because it's been tarnished, it's been used as a tool by others. We can believe in ourselves or we can believe in progress, we can believe in our lives, we can believe in the future. In short, we can believe in a lot of beliefs, as long as we have our own thoughts
Around 80 percent of the people claim that their faith is God. Then I was asked, what about you? So I said, my faith is not God. Then they asked, what is your religion? I said, I don't have a religion, but I do have a faith, and I believe in a power. They then asked, what kind of power? I described it using words like, above nature, abstract, enveloping, propelling, united with the heart 。。。。. They then asked, where does such power come from? I said, if you can explain where time comes from? They then said, God created time. As I pondered, the one-sidedness of this answer, they quickly told me again that the power you speak of comes from God.
Question 3: Does everyone need to have faith? Everyone needs a correct faith. A life without faith is a fragmented life, because one does not know where one comes from and where one is going, without a sense of place, without a sense of the value of life, the significance of human life, and lose interest in living. Faith, on the other hand, solves these problems in life, so faith is needed for everyone; and more importantly, it is important to choose a faith carefully, because this choice is not just grabbing a religion and believing in it, this is the choice between life and death, the right faith takes you into eternal life, while the wrong choice leads people into perdition. Therefore, when you understand the need for faith, you must also understand that the first thing you need to do is to choose that religion as your faith. First of all, you need to understand who you believe in, what is worthy of your trust, and whether or not you are able to entrust yourself with the important things in life! All of this is worth considering, and should not be done sloppily.
Question 4: What is faith? Is faith important to a person? What is faith? Faith is a pursuit, a kind of spiritual support. It doesn't have to be what religion you believe in, what god you worship, to be considered a person of faith Because, in this world, no matter what kind of faith is teaching people to have a grateful heart, a good heart, a plain heart. As long as you can hold on to this belief, then you are a person of faith and live a meaningful life. My faith is to believe that the human spirit, the human soul can live on with the world For this faith, I constantly improve my knowledge. I keep thinking about the meaning of life so that one day, when my spirit and my soul are free to leave my body, I can still know who I am. These words sound a bit ridiculous, but this is my pursuit, my faith. My faith comes from my thinking about life, and is not influenced by any kind of kung fu, because I've never come into contact with any of the kung fu that you're talking about. I don't believe that I can go around doing things that are harmful to the people under the guise of attaining enlightenment and ascension. The first thing I want to do is to make sure that I have a good understanding of what I'm doing, and that I can give myself some confidence, some reason to believe that death is not the end, but the beginning
Question 5: Is it true that people need to have a faith in this life? How about asking what is the difference between a person having a faith and not having a faith.
Without faith it is like a lonely boat drifting in the sea, very confused.
With faith, it's like seeing a lighthouse in the middle of the ocean, which generates motivation, goals, and in some cases even wisdom, wealth, and so on. Depends on what is believed.
Religion is a good place to belong to, Christ's fraternity, Buddhism compassion, wisdom.
My personal experience is that since I was a child, I have been interested in people and the truth of the universe, and I have dabbled in philosophy, science, and the arts, but it doesn't feel right to follow those things that have taken me further and further away from my life, and have not been able to answer my questions. After learning Buddhism, not only have all my doubts been solved, but I know more. I have a feeling that the sea of bitterness has no boundaries, and turning back is the shore.
If you want to improve your own life level, or know the real laws of nature, to solve all the doubts, then learning Buddhism is an excellent choice. If you want to know how to get rich, how to have no worries, how to valve things auspicious, learning Buddhism is also an excellent choice. From the smallest wish to the largest wish, Buddhism is all-encompassing.
Question 6: What are the main beliefs of the Japanese? The religious beliefs of the Japanese are mainly Shintoism, followed by Buddhism. It is said that all over Japan, large and small temples and shrines have more than 100,000, the more famous temples are: Tokyo's Asakusa Kannon Temple, Kyoto's Kiyomizu Temple, Nara's Tang Shokuti Temple and so on. Famous shrines include Meiji Jingu Shrine in Tokyo and Heian Jingu Shrine in Kyoto. There are more than 100 million believers.
Unlike domestic temples, Japanese temples and shrines are rarely seen with incense and smoke, and almost always have a hand-washing pool in front of the main hall. The shape and size of the pool varies, there are long, square, and round and prismatic. Perhaps by the influence of ancient Chinese culture, a little more sophisticated hand-washing pool, the pool will be placed at one end with a bronze carving of a dragon or a warrior, lifelike, very powerful; simple some of the frame of a bamboo pipe, clear and cool groundwater from the mouth of the dragon and the bamboo pipe gurgling, full of water, and the surrounding tree-lined natural environment. With the sink matching, there are a number of bamboo or metal materials made of small water spoon, do exquisite chic, eye-catching and durable.
Japanese people love to enter the temple, shrine, in addition to worship, such as marriage, childbirth and other happy events are also to go, but also to write their wishes on the prayer card. The Yamato nation is concerned about the cleanliness of the nation, first wash your hands, after the temple, wash away the dust and then worship, become one of the rules into the temple, shrine, to show respect for the Buddha and God's piety. The water in the pool is for hand washing only, and washing of fruits and clothes is not allowed. There are also rules for washing hands. Instead of putting your hands directly into the pool to wash them, you scoop up the water with a spoon, turn slightly, tilt the spoon so that the water drips over your hands and falls into the sink next to the pool to drain away. "The water in the pond is clean and generally drinkable, especially the water from the Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto, which is called "golden water" and is said to fulfill one's wish. But when you drink it, you should not touch your lips with the spoon, but put the spoon on top of your lips and pour the water into your mouth, so it is more hygienic.
Whether your hands are clean or not, it is important to wash them before the main hall of a temple or shrine. Nowadays, it has become a symbolic ritual, but everyone follows it.
Shinto (Shintoism) is a traditional Japanese national religion, initially focusing on nature worship, ancestor worship, emperor worship, and so on, and belonging to the pan-spiritual polytheistic beliefs (genie worship), which regarded all kinds of plants and animals in the natural world as gods, and also endowed the emperor of Japan with divinity in each generation. After absorbing the doctrines of Chinese Confucianism and Buddhism in the fifth to eighth centuries A.D., a more complete system was gradually formed. Before the Meiji Restoration (1868 AD), Shintoism was only in a dependent position because of the prevalence of Buddhism.
After the Meiji Restoration, Japan *** in order to consolidate the power of the King, the Shinto religion will be honored as the national religion, is the national Shinto, and became the Meiji *** to teach the people loyalty and patriotism p sworn allegiance to the Emperor's tool, the Second World War, the Japanese kamikaze "heroic performance" is the best proof.
After Japan's defeat in World War II, on New Year's Day 1946, Emperor Hirohito issued a declaration denying the status of his own deity, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces demanded that Japan abolish the national Shinto religion, and Shinto became a folk religion, but Shinto still remains the most revered religion of the Japanese people to this day, accounting for 80% of the population.
The "God" of Shinto
The term "Shinto" first appeared in the Book of Japan, where it was written that "the Emperor believed in Buddhism and honored Shinto. Although the word "Shinto" is derived from Chinese characters, the Chinese and Japanese concepts of the word are different, and if we interpret Shinto literally, we will be misled by its name.
The Japanese call all gods Kami, and since the introduction of Chinese characters into Japan, the word "kami" has been used to denote Kami, which is the name given to the ancestors of the royal family, the clans, and the souls of great men and heroes who have passed away, as well as to plants and animals such as mountains, trees, foxes, and the spirits of nature, which are considered worthy of worship.
The book Biographies of Ancient Matters gives the following commentary on Kami: "Anyone who calls Kami a god is a god. Not only the excellent p the good p the meritorious. Not only the good, but also the meritorious, but also the evil, the strange, and the terrible are called gods." In other words, the "gods" worshipped by Shintoism are not only the so-called gods of the Chinese, but also some horrifyingly evil gods and goddesses.
Doctrine and Classics
Unlike Christians, who have weekly services, Shintoists can worship at shrines on the first and fifteenth of each month, or on the day of the festival, or at any time according to their personal needs, while devout Shintoists go to the shrines every morning to worship.
Newborns need to worship the protection of God within 30 to 100 days after birth, 3p5p7-year-old children on November 15, seven five-three festival to worship the shrine, thanks to God O blessing of grace, the field swing irrigation ...... >>
Question 7: What kind of people are people of faith? What does faith mean? Faith is to believe in someone or some kind of proposition extremely and respect, used to do their own action example or guide, that is to say, to have a goal in mind, the object of faith can be a person, a word, since the choice to believe in to work hard, no matter what don't give up, and always find a goal for themselves in the heart, maybe it is far away from it is far away from you, but no matter what happens, your beliefs will be able to encourage you, to give you the strength!
Question 8: What is faith? Children don't have faith, and not all adults do either.
Faith is an inner experience that you hold on to at all times, and faith does not change easily. Of course, as one's experience increases, it can still change.
Faith is not the same as belief, even for those who believe in the same religion, but it is a more personal and internal experience.
Do you think you have no faith, and is that something to worry about? The reason children can live carefree lives without faith is because they don't have to deal with the contradictions of society. We can't do the naivety of children, but we will seek ways to balance our hearts, and when you have that set of things that allow you to face the world openly, that set of ideas can naturally be called your faith.
Lao Tzu explained the universe, the human person, and how to live with oneself by developing his doctrine about the Tao, and that was his faith. The doctrine of the Tao also influenced the beliefs of his followers.
There are many more saints, Confucius, Mencius, Chuang Tzu. You can look at them all and believe in whoever you like, it should do no harm to improve your wisdom, which will influence or change your mind. But the beliefs are still your own, they can't be copied from the sages.
Question 9: What are the beliefs of the Chinese? It has been said that the Chinese are one of the few terrible countries in the world that have no faith. The most common beliefs in China today are power and wealth. So today, inspired by the slogan of vigorously developing the economy and the supremacy of GDP - the economy is supreme, money is supreme, laughing at poverty is not rampant, materialism is rampant, money is number one, and people run with money. With money, the spirit, no money is lost, money has become the fundamental law and guidelines to dominate everything. And faith in money both do not need to pay the price, but also to meet the needs of life; both in line with the goal of life, but also to improve the standard of living; both to improve the social status, to satisfy the desire. There are simply a hundred advantages and no disadvantages, so everyone scrambles to be the first. However, the modern luxury of material life can not cover up the crisis of faith in front of us. If the country has no faith, it will die; if the nation has no faith, it will decline; if the society has no faith, it will be chaotic; if the university has no faith, it will be rotten; if the professor has no faith, it will be degenerate; if the person has no faith, it will be restless; if the family has no faith, it will be changed. ...... In the money-dominated society, everything has become light and fluffy, whether it is the believer, the family love, and so on, all of them have become insignificant. And money believers, shallow goals, frivolous personality, he can swear in front of the law, ancestors, while secretly doing the actions against the oath, the oath and money believers, that is, how to get money is an auxiliary means only. What do Chinese people really believe in? Some people may say that they used to believe in ****productivism! But today I am afraid that not many people see the political ideals of ****analism as a kind of faith. Some people may say that we believe in Taoism, Confucianism, or Buddhism ...... Yes, over the past few thousand years, the Chinese people in the utilitarian and practical to find their own beliefs, the Chinese people worship idols are changing with the times, whether it is some demons, ghosts, spirits and monsters, whether it is Shakyamuni, Taishang Laojun, Goddess of Mercy, Chinese people have never found a soul to go back to, the Chinese people have never found a soul to return to. The Chinese have never found a place for their souls. Thus, from ancient times to the present, the Chinese soul has been living in an orphan-like way, with no snuggle, no dependence, no courage, no confidence. When 3,000 British and French allied troops landed from Tanggu port, they could be invincible, killing all the way to the Yuanmingyuan; when the Anti-Japanese War broke out, a Japanese devil could drive away a village and a town of Chinese people. In a sense, Chinese people without faith are like a flock of lost sheep. Nowadays, China lacks culture and moral standards, and some people are too profit-oriented. The concept of right and wrong is also confused. Whether it's the rivalry among the people, the business world, or the cynicism in the official world, these are all problems, and there are a lot of hidden dangers in the ideology, which are created because of the lack of faith. Why does Western capitalism become more and more viable? It is because there are two ropes that bind all the people in Europe and America: one is religion and the other is law. Whether it is the rulers or the common people, none of them can escape the bondage of these two ropes. Religion is the rope that regulates people's spiritual dimension. The rope of law regulates the secular level of people. When the U.S. President Nixon, Clinton, just because we are not even counted as a matter of "Watergate", "zipper door incident", one of the presidency will not be guaranteed, and stepped down; and the other gray face, repeatedly to the public The other one was so ashamed that he repeatedly confessed to the people the mistakes he had made in his life style, and he did n checks before he could barely pass the test! The fact that Chinese people do not have their own beliefs has led to a proliferation of ego, a lack of discipline, and a lack of unified spiritual pillars. There is also no unified normative sense of morality and truth. Everyone believes only in himself, everyone establishes his behavior according to his own will, and everyone has his own rationale for his behavior, which leads to a lack of unity of consciousness among the Chinese in all walks of life and in all spheres of life. Due to the lack of faith, the Chinese have no sense of guilt, no sense of indebtedness or guilt, as long as the crime is not known, it is innocent, which leads to the Chinese people's cruelty and indifference in human nature when they have internal conflicts and disagreements. Throughout the entire history of China, the most brutal fights and massacres have come from within ourselves. In the last hundred years, the Chinese people have gone through so many things and been beaten down. First it was the Manchu Emperor, then Confucianism and the written language, then traditional Chinese characters, then the person of Confucius, and then all the traditional cultures. There are certainly differences in this, such as the worship of Qin Shi Huang, the tyrant, and the glorification of the Legalists; and then the whole gold-worshipping craze by the late 1980s and early 1990s of the twentieth century. --In summary, how unfortunate the Chinese people have been over the past hundred years or so, experiencing the process of going from the peak to the trough, to the air and then to the ground. The whole nation has been dumbfounded, the world of thought has been dumbfounded, not to mention the general public. We have seen too many people who do things honestly and conscientiously, in the society is not good; on the contrary, some unscrupulous people without a bottom line to eat the flavor ...... > >