Unconsciously, spring came, and there was a scene of singing and dancing: frogs calling for friends were singing loudly in the pond; Swallows flapped their wings and looked around under the eaves; All kinds of flowers are colorful and refreshing.
Extended data:
Skills of connecting words into sentences:
First, correctly understand the meaning of words.
Correctly understanding the meaning of words is the premise of making sentences. Therefore, we should adopt flexible and diverse methods to understand the word meaning according to its characteristics, our knowledge level and the language environment in which the word is located, thus forming a logical sentence.
Second, let the students read the sentences with words in the text repeatedly before making sentences.
Sentence-making words are generally newly learned in the text, so before making sentences, students should read the sentences containing this word repeatedly to understand its meaning, what is the difference between it and words with similar meanings, and under what circumstances it can be used.