Shapes are different
Shapes are different, Han language words. It is interpreted as referring to many things with different shapes, postures, and shapesShi, each with its own characteristics. Different, special, not the same. shen shapes are different.
Chinese name:形态Ge异
Subordinate subject:文学
Lexical category:adjective
PinYin:xing tai ge yi
Idioms describing a character's godly manner?Excelsior Shaking spirit Shaking spirit Fighting vigorously Fat yang zhenli Endeavoring to rise up Spiritually refreshed
Jing采秀发 Jong 炯有神 Generous speech Generous song Long horse spirit Glowing vitality
Sheng dragon lively tiger Tilting the head and stretching out the eyebrows Intelligent and vigorous Zhen Endeavored
Idioms of godConvincing and spontaneous Great swaying righteousness
E wrist long sigh gray head . Roaring like thunder Holding one's breath
Stretching one's head and neck as if intoxicated Sao head and ears as if intoxicated
Shu brow spreading one's eyes Tou shaking one's arms and looking up at the dust and worshiping
Shore the road Mao singing and singing shallowly strangling one's wrist and holding one's palm
Zuo li feng fai Shaking one's spirit Fighting with great vigor Developing vigor Fen shaking one's arm and rising up in a spirit of vigor and glowing spirit
眉来眼去 Lover's eyes out of the west Shi warmth and tenderness Shy person answering Marry look charming behavior
Ornate make-up Take sugar make vinegar take Qiang make power Seek death for life
Chen silent and silent.
Chen silent
Chen silent
Chen silent
Chen silent
Chen silent
Chen silent
Chen silent
Chen silent
Chen silent
Chen silent
Chen silent
Chen silent
Chen silent
Chen silent
Chen silent
Chen silent
Chen silent
Chen silent
Chen silent
Chen silent
Chen silent
Chen silent
Chen silent
wondering, finite, unsettled, unable to stop smiling, dumbfounded, Xing's happy, as if nothing had happenedRuo thinking, pleasant, amiable, downcast, Shou spoiling, foxed
Pleased, contented, Cheng terrified, angry, irritated, gleaming, Xi's ears, holding his head in place, holding himself in dismay
Missy, smart, alive, divine, self-effacing. 心悦诚服 ://wanmeila/question/2876b9b6de74414180.心惊肉跳 心花怒放 Xin慌意乱 distracted
領驚胆战 Xin猿意马 心潮澎湃 乐不可支 乐以忘忧 Bai感交集 感慨万端
欢天天喜地 Huan欣鼓舞 悲欲絕 悲欲欲憂心如焚 Men were worried, Men were unhappy, Men were ecstatic
Discontented, Dan was frightened, Cut off, Regretful, Surprised, Xi was overwhelmed, Overjoyed
Indignant, Bei was happy, Terrified, Unable to overcome, Grief was filled with anger, Tong did not want to live, It hurt to feel sorry for myself, I am composed, Shen was at ease
Drifting, floating, Floating, will be Yao fly up to the sky, and will become immortal. It is a metaphor for a person's demeanor and movements as if he were a Tong immortal, and it also describes a person's feeling of relaxation and complacency
Bu moving sound and color Sound: speech; color: face. In the emergency Xia, speech and demeanor remain unchanged as usual. It describes Fei often calm.
Pathos: sad Shang, miserable. The pathos is to call out the sky and the earth. Describe the extremely sad and desperate Wang's demeanor.
Big swaying Shenzi swaying when walking. Describe the arrogance of thinking that you are great.
Da righteousness awe-inspiring Greatness: justice; awe-inspiring: seriousness, or awe-inspiring De look. The solemn and awe-inspiring demeanor is due to the righteousness of one's heart.
Dao貌岸然 道貌:正经严肃的容貌;岸然:高Ao的样子。 It refers to a serious and solemn appearance.
E wrist long sigh Hold your wrist with your hand and sigh long. It describes an emotionally charged demeanor.
Dusty head and face A head full of Lian dusty look. It also describes a chagrined or depressed demeanor.
Zuo 指指怒目 指指指人,瞪眼。 It describes the manner of rebuking Ren when one is furious.
Old and arrogant describes an old and conceited manner. Now, it describes a person who is arrogant and arrogant, or who is old-fashioned, and it describes a person who lacks vitality.
Ogle-eyed Xing is a proud demeanor.
屏声Xi气 ( 屏声Xi气) To suppress one's breathing so that no sound can be heard. To describe a respectful and fearful demeanor.
Having to kill someone describes the state of being unable to think of anything.
Stretching out one's head and neck describes the state of being on the lookout in the dark.
Sao head and ears Scratch the scalp and touch the ears. It describes an anxious demeanor in which there is no Fa to think about.
As drunk as a man Xing looks like he is out of his mind and has lost his self-control.
Tongue Zuo can't keep it down. Xing容惊讶或害怕时的神态。
Ran Ruo Luo (爽Ran若失) is a term used to describe the absence of a ruler in the heart and the absence of a ruler in the mind.
Shu Mei Zhan Eyes A comfortable and carefree demeanor.
Tou袂而起 投袂:挥动袖子。 Describes the manner of being energized and Li is ready to act.
望尘而Bai 指迎候有權势的人,看见车扬起的尘土就Xia拜。 It describes a groveling demeanor.
An Ran Dao Maou refers to a serious demeanor.
Low Chang Shallow Pouring Low Singing: singing softly; Pouring: drinking. Listening to someone singing softly and drinking slowly at ease. It describes a kind of peaceful and relaxed demeanor.
Strangle the wrist against the palm Use Shou to hold the wrist and strike the palm of the hand. It expresses a very excited and exhilarated demeanor.
Gao 情逸态 高情:高雅的情致。 Gao sentiment: elegant sentiment. Elegant mood, restful Shen attitude.
Sao head and ears Scratch the scalp and touch the ears. Describe the anxious Shen state.
Sao head and ears, scratching the scalp and touching the ears, describing the Shen state of surprise.
Shen Qing Biao Xiu (神清骨秀) describes a person who has a clear Shen attitude and a beautiful temperament.
神清氣Lang ① Describes a person who is refreshed.
神清气爽 ① Xing容人神志清爽,心情舒畅。 ② Describes a person who grows up to be GodTai clear and bright, with a cool temperament.
桃李精神 Xing容妖艳娇媚的神态。
妄尘而Bai refers to welcoming a powerful person, seeing the dust raised by the car Xia worship. It describes a groveling demeanor.
Xing color haste Xing color: the demeanor before and after departure. The demeanor before and after walking or going out of Fa is in a hurry.
Xing输色授 谓以举止、神态传递倾慕之情。 It describes a man and a woman who are in love with each other.
意气自若 Zi若:不改常,还像原来的样子。 The first is that the first is the first to be a good one, and the second is the first to be a good one. Metaphorically speaking, in the event of a natural demeanor, very calm. It is also known as "Yi Qi Zi Ru Ru".
Yi Ran Zi Yu Zi refers to the calmness of God, as usual.
义形于Se 义:正义;形:表现;色:脸色。 Stretching out the righteous Yi's demeanor on the face.
Yong Rong Idle Elegance means that one's demeanor is calm and relaxed, and one's manners are elegant and generous.
YongRongYaBu means to behave calmly and with grace.
You然自得 悠然:安闲舒适的样子;自得:内Xin得意。 It describes a relaxed and comfortable demeanor.
You leisurely at ease: unrestrained. Describes a relaxed demeanor, Wu unrestrained.
Pathos (怆天呼地) (解Shi〗哀痛地呼天喊地). Describe the extreme grief and despair of the god Tai, the same as "pathos".
Fengdu Zuo 〖Explanation〗Fengdu: elegance and temperament. Fluttering: the appearance of free De. It describes the elegant and graceful demeanor, and the elegant and gracefulness of the demeanor, Tong "风度翩翩翩".
如痴如狂 〖Jie释〗形容神态失常,不能自制。 It also refers to being overwhelmed by someone or something. The same as "as drunk as crazy".
Ru drunken as madness 〖Explanation〗Describes the disordered state of mind, unable to control oneself, also refers to being overwhelmed by someone or something.
Si drunken as mad as a maniac (〖解释〗犹如醉如痴). It describes the state of mind that is out of control.
Yi Qi Zi Yi (意气自自如)(Jie释), which is a metaphor for having a natural and calm demeanor when encountering things. It is the same as "Yi Qi Zi Ruoruo".
Strangling one's wrists in contempt Strangling one's wrists: holding one's wrists in one's hands; Contempt: sighing. 栩Zuo: vivid and lively appearance; 生: living.
[Yu out] 清-吴趼人《发财秘诀》:"那个Ren做得才和枣核般大;头便像一颗绿豆;手便Xiang两粒芝麻;但做得须眉欲活;栩栩如生。".
[Zheng yin] 栩; cannot be pronounced as "yǔ".
[Bian] 生; cannot be written as升.
[Jin yi] 呼之欲出 活活靈現
[Fan yi] 奄 奄一息 半死活 死气沉沉
[Yong fa] used in a positive sense. It is often used to describe artistic images in sculptures or literary works. Generally used as predicate, determiner, Zhuang language.
[Structure] Formal.
[Li Sentence] In the large-scale clay sculpture Rent Collection Yard; the image of peasants resisting the exploitation and oppression of the land Zhu class is portrayed as ~.
[Ying translation] like real life
Tags:Essay Classics Prev:Antonyms and near-synonyms of 悠揚 Next:Poems describing the quietness of the quietness of the poemWords describing a person who is very emaciated
Sick Bones Branching Off: Branching off: mutilated and incomplete, cited Shen as emaciated, debilitated, thin and frail look.
Chai: Chai: like firewood; ruin: mourning ruin; bone: wasting to imitate Fo only left skeleton. It describes the excessive grief due to the loss of parents, the body Ti was destroyed, thin and emaciated appearance.
Feng revile: revile, revile: trouble gaunt. It describes a person who has gone through trials and tribulations and is very troubled and haggard.
Bird-face Xing: swan: swan. It describes a gaunt face and a thin body.
Huang dry black thin: refers to the emaciated look of a person's face.
Huang dry and black thin: the appearance of emaciated face.
Zuo shape and swan face: Zuo shape: the shape of a turtledove, with a low-slung abdomen and protruding Xiong bones; Zuo face: the color of a yellow swan's face. It describes the body as thin and Mian as emaciated.
Willow Weeping and Flower Crying: It is the scene of emaciation and bleakness of flowers and willows in the wind and rain.
Mian eyes plowed black: the face is black and yellow. It describes a haggard appearance.
Mian eyed Li Hei: black and yellow in color. It describes a haggard appearance.
Mian eyes sallow black: sallow: black with yellow color. It describes a haggard face.
People are thinner than Huang Hua: Huang Hua: refers to chrysanthemums. Bi is a metaphor for the emaciation of people, suggesting the depth of lovesickness.
Xing face emaciated: emaciated; depressed spirit, bad color. The body Ti is thin and weak, and the color of the face is withered.
The two men look different
Because Lu Su is loyal and trustworthy, he doesn't know anything.Zhuge Liang has a brilliant mind and a good plan.
Idioms describing demeanor and its meaning意气自自如 〖Explanation〗Metaphorically, the demeanor in the event of Zi Ran, very calm. It is the same as "Be confident".
Si drunken as a maniac (〖解释〗犹醉如如痴). It describes that one's demeanor is so normal that one loses one's self-control.
As drunk as madness (〖Jie释〗形容神态失常,不能自制). It also refers to being overwhelmed by someone or something.
As crazy as madness (Jie释) describes that the demeanor is out of order and cannot be restrained. It also means to be overwhelmed by someone. The same as "as drunk as crazy".
Fengduo 翩翩翩 (〖解释〗Fengduo:风采气度. Fluttering: the appearance of Sa off. It describes the elegant and graceful demeanor, and the super elegant and graceful Tuo.
怆天呼Di 〖Explanation〗To cry out in grief. Describe the extremely sad and desperate demeanor. The same as "pathos calling heaven".
You idle at ease: unrestrained. It describes a relaxed and unrestrained demeanor.
You are at ease and comfortable You are at ease and comfortable; Self-accomplishment: inner satisfaction. It describes a relaxed and comfortable demeanor.
Yongyong Ya Bu Wei has a calm demeanor and a gentle demeanor.
Yongyong Xian Ya means to be calm in demeanor and elegant in demeanor.
Yi shaped in color 义:正义;形:表现;色:脸色,Shen张正义的神态流出在脸上。
Yi然自若 means to be calm, as usual.
Yi Qi Zi Ruo Zi Ruo (自若) means not to change the normal state of mind, but to be like the original state of mind; Shen Zhen is as natural as usual. It is a metaphor for a natural and calm demeanor.
Form lose color grant Wei to behavior, attitude to convey the feelings of admiration.
The behavior is in a hurry. The demeanor before and after the walk or departure is in a hurry.
妄尘而拜 Refers to welcoming a powerful person and paying homage to him when he sees the dust raised by the car. It is a form of groveling and bowing.
Peach and Plum Spirit Xing looks like a charming and charming demeanor.
神清气Shuang ① describes a person's spirit is fresh and relaxed. ② Describes a person Chang with a clear demeanor and a bright temperament.
神Qing气朗 ① describes the heart and mind refreshing. ② describes the person grows GodTai clear and bright, temperament refreshing.
神清骨秀 Xing容人长得神态清朗,气质秀美。
She bridge not describe the surprised look.
Sao頭抓耳 Scratching the scalp and touching the ears. Describes an anxious shen attitude.
Sao情逸态 高情:高雅De情致。 The word "elegant" is used to describe an elegant mood and a peaceful demeanor.
Strangle the wrist against the palm Hold Wan with the hand and strike the palm. It indicates a very excited and exhilarated demeanor.
Di唱浅斟 Low singing: singing softly; pouring: drinking. Listen to Ren sing softly and drink slowly at ease. It describes a kind of An happy and at ease demeanor.
Shore Ran Dao Xiang Zhi serious demeanor.
Looking at the dust and paying homage To pay homage to a powerful person when he sees the dust raised by a car, Xing looks like a groveling demeanor.
Throwing one's sleeves into the air: to wave one's sleeves. It describes the manner in which one's spirit is revitalized and one is able to walk up immediately.
Shu Mei Zhan Eyes God Tai comfortable, carefree look.
Ran If Lost: The idea is not certain; If Lost: The loss of Qu. It describes a state of mind in which there is no master, emptiness and disappointment.
She can't keep her mouth shut. It describes the manner of being surprised or afraid.
Ru drunkenness describes a state of disorientation and loss of self-control.
Sao head, touching the ears, scratching the scalp, touching the ears. It describes an anxious demeanor in which there is no Fa to think about.
As intoxicated Xing容神态失常,失去自制。
Tou and shrink the neck describes the manner of looking in the dark.
Sha chicken wiping the neck describes a state of anxiety and inability to think.
Ping sound and breath To suppress one's breath so as not to make a sound.
Roaring like thunder describes Ren's angry and shouting manner.
Ogle-eyed Xing looks proud.
老气横秋 Xing容老练而自负的神态。 Now, it describes arrogance and posing Lao qualifications. It also describes the lack of vigor.
戟 Zhi 怒目 指指着人,瞪眼。 It describes the demeanor of rebuking someone in anger.
Dusty head and face A head and face full of dust. Also describes a chagrined or depressed demeanor.
E wrist long sigh Holding the wrist with the hand, a long sigh. Describe the emotional://wanmeila/question/691e30d56550657481.Dong demeanor.
Road look: Zheng Jing serious appearance; shore: high and proud look. It refers to the appearance of a serious and serious demeanor.
大大Lin然 大大:正义;凛然:严肃、或敬畏的样Zi。
Da wagging Da wagging when walking.
Pathos Zuo: sad, miserable. The pathos of the sky and the earth. It describes an extremely painful and desperate demeanor.
Not moving Sheng: speech; color: face. In an emergency, the speech and shen attitude remain unchanged as usual. Describe very calm.
Piao 飘欲仙 Floating away to become an immortal. It is a metaphor for people's god Tai, movement light and fluttering as immortals, and also describes people's feeling Qing loose and cool, complacent
From calm and composed Chen is calm and composed
Four Character Words1、和风细雨 [ hé fēng xì yǔ ]
Jie释:和风:指春天的风。 Gentle wind, fine De rain. Metaphorically, the way is gentle and not rough.
Chu from: Southern Dynasty - Chen - Zhang Zhengmian "Accompanying the King of Hengyang on a Tour of Jijiazha Si": "The clear wind blows on the wheat ridge, and the fine rain washes the plum forest."
Shi example: is not cold and warm, ~, sleepy weather.
Grammar: Lian合式;作主语、宾语、定语;含褒义
2. Re火朝天 [ rè huǒ cháo tiān ]
Jie释:Describing the mass activities with warm emotions and high Zhang atmosphere, just like the blazing fire burning in the sky.
Chu from: Feng Deying, "Spring Flowers", Chapter 9: "But these Tian hot and feverish campaign to join the army, but also shocked their bodies and minds."
Yu method: subject-predicate tense; as determiner, dative, complementary; containing praise Yi
Example: our school's fall sports meeting Shang, students have to participate in, the sports field ~.
3. Xian入为主 [ xiān rù wéi zhǔ ]
Jie释:指先聽进去的话或先获得的印象往往Zai mind occupies a dominant position, and it will not be easy to accept different meanings later.
Derived from: "Han Shu - Xi Fu Bow Chuan": "Only Your Majesty to view the ancient and modern, repeated Can Kao, no predominantly in the words."
Shi example: see the section of the eldest and the youngest, the section of respect and inferiority has a certain uncomplicated reasoning, ~, Gu after the rise of selfishness, and ultimately have some scruples and do not dare to show.
4、十字路口 [ shí zì lù kǒu ]
Jie释:The place where two roads cross. It is a metaphor for being in a situation where one has to decide what to choose.
Chu from: Song Ye Mengde, "Recorded Discourses on Summer Vacation - Next - The Old Saying of Cui Shen as the Back Body of a Monk of Wachen Temple": "Why not wait until the end of his life, and then take the Shi character at the intersection, and painfully slap him with a hundred slaps, so as to be happy."
Shi example: standing on the divergent road is almost difficult to lift the foot, standing in ~, Shi can go a lot of roads.
◎ Lu Xun "Hua Gaiji - Beijing Correspondence"
Grammar: Pian formal; as subject, object; referring to the place Fang where two roads cross
5. 风平浪静 [ fēng píng làng jìng ]
://wanmeila/question/ e7664ee47a74415381.Jie释:指没有风浪。 It is a metaphor for calmness.
Chu from: Song Shi Pu Ji, "The Five Lights", Volume 7: "Monk Wen: 'How is it when the wind is calm and the waves are quiet?' Shi said: 'Blow down the south wall.'"
Shi example: There are children here, do not be afraid of him, the package ~.
36 four-character words.colorful, joyful, ecstatic, loaded with Ge and dancing, brilliant lights, spring blossoms, full of spring colors, spring Guangming, spring is full of joy,
Spring returns to the earth, Xing is full of vitality, Jingwei reclaims the sea, the Foolish Old Man removes the mountain, hundred folds and folds, Yong goes straight forward, flesh and bone, pain and itch, crowded with people,
Qing is as deep as the sea, graciousness is like a mountain The autumn color is pleasant, the sky is clear, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle, the Guangyin is like an arrow,
Cold comes and goes, the stars move, the wind blows, the rain passes through, the melon is ripe, the water goes to the canal Cheng, there are people outside the people, there is a sky outside the sky, there is no end to learning,
Yi forward, the water drips into ice, the ground freezes and the sky freezes, the goose feather snow, the Xue omen of good fortune, the diligence of making up for the clumsiness, the stupid bird flies first, the person one has a hundred, the Fengyi first fly, the person one has a hundred, the Fengyi first fly, the person one has a hundred, the Fengyi first fly. >
Undulating, full of red Guang, lights and colors, gathering together, celebrating together, joyful Yang, hundreds of flowers bloom, fighting, colorful,
Se colorful, proudly, long days, fox-fake tiger, Ban believe in half a doubt, God's breath, wagging head and tail, looking around, Da swing,
Trekking, wind and drink Lu, Thousands of Hu, Xinxin students, Li Xue seek Tao, spring rain,
Ru Zi teachable, dizzy, dense, famous, Jin light brilliant, colorful, colorful, dance, Gan people's lungs,
can be sung and weeping, painstaking Jue, shocking, north to south, wearing a star, shooting stars catching Yue, stars, baking clouds and the moon, The waves beat the shore,
Yi taste long, deep roots, deep roots, watering tree watering roots, deep roots, Ye fall back to the roots, a blue cloudless sky, bustling, layers and layers, Xin wenxiaoyi,
high halls, buildings, yuyu Qiong Lou, staggered, winding paths, thousands of rocks, ten thousand ravines, Liu Liu, dazzled, beautiful, rooted and long leaves,
Jing Phase Openness, nonsense, wind and waves, eagles spreading their wings, Lao horses knowing the way, fish in a row, pouring out of the nest, chickens flying, dogs jumping, Lang running,
Sentence making with ... same as...
1. The fiery red maple leaves fluttered down one after another as if they were sparks.
2, knowledge and buried in the soil Li treasure, the more you try to dig, the more unfathomable; Xiang tea, the more you taste the more fragrant!
3, Ren life is the same as the scroll, colorful still have to depict themselves!
4. The maple leaves are as red as blood, coloring the whole mountain red.
5. Li wants to be like a lighthouse, showing us the way forward; like a sail, leading us towards our destination!
6. Ms. Zhao cares for us as much as our mother does, and everyone loves her.
7. Ta is like a monkey, always jumping around.
8. Tu Zi's eyes are as beautiful as rubies.
9, Shi defeat is like a mirror, clearly mapping out our once not Zu; like a ringing alarm bell, so that we are always cautious! ?Ta, like me, like to collect pretty little stones.
10, Na roadside poplar trees and *** warrior like straight stand Li.
Ju sub is the basic unit of language use, it is composed of words or phrases Cheng, can express a complete meaning, such as tell someone a Shi, ask a question, express a request or stop, express a certain Zhong feelings. It should be used at the end of the sentence with a period, question mark or exclamation Hao. the method of making sentences are generally the following:
1, Zai analyze and understand the meaning of the words on the basis of the description. Such as "Zhan Yang" sentence, you can make this: "I stood in the square to look at Yang Revolutionary Martyrs Monument." Because "Zhan Yang" is to look up with respect.
2, with the adjective Zao sentence, you can characters of the action, demeanor or the shape of things Jin line specific description. Such as "silent" sentence: "Jiao room is silent, no one is no longer laughing and joking, no longer Mei people walking around, and even dare not come out of the atmosphere." Zhe will be "silent" write specific.
3, You adjective sentence can be a pair of antonyms or a combination of positive words Bianyi words to carry out, a strong contrast can play a better De expression. Such as "honorable" sentence: "hygiene is glorious, not hygiene is shameful." With "glorious" and "Ke shame" as a contrast, emphasizes the hygiene is a virtue.
4, Yong simile sentence, you can use association, imagination to make the sentence alive Dong. such as "as if" sentence: "Today it is very cold, the wind blowing Zai face as if cut."
5, Yong associated word sentence, must pay attention to the reasonable collocation of words. Than Ru with "despite ...... but ......" sentence: "Despite the fact that today Tian gas is very bad, but everyone is not late." This requires Yao in the usual study, the several types of associated words to distinguish and Ji.
6, first of all, the words to make sentences to expand Zhan into phrases, and then complete the sentence. Such as "increase Tian" sentence, you can first "add" to "add equipment", "Zeng add confidence" or "add power", and then make a sentence on the square Bian more.
Tags:Essay Classics Previous article:Antonyms and near-synonyms of leisurely Antonyms of leisurely Next article:Poems describing the quietness of the quietness of the quietness of the poem