Should the elderly dance sociable dance or square dance?

The shadow dance movement of front bowing and back leaning, sometimes prancing and jumping, sometimes flinging the arm and twisting the shoulder, is an imitation of the raw and exaggerated movements of the shadow theater characters. Characterized by a wide range of neck and waist extension and flexion activities, the joints of the upper and lower limbs, muscle groups for rhythmic coordinated movement. This dance, like other dances, not only exercises the joints and muscles, but also helps the elderly to maintain and promote body balance and reaction functions, thus effectively preventing age-related diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis and muscle atrophy, and slowing down the process of physical degeneration.

The biggest feature of the old disco is unrestrained, in addition to some specific pace, according to the rhythm of the changes in improvisation to imitate some of the actions of daily life, the pace of flexibility and freedom, can be difficult or easy, but also improvisation. Men and women can dance in pairs, but also with the collective dance, is the "favorite" of the elderly dance.