How do you do a dance step that looks like it's going forward but is actually going backwards?

This dance is called the "spacewalk."

The so-called "spacewalk" (also known as "moonwalk") can actually be divided into four main categories (backward slide, sideways slide, in-place slide, and spinning slide). The so-called "spacewalk" (also translated as "moonwalk", Moonwalk) can be divided into four main categories (back slide, side slide, slide in place, rotating slide), "spacewalk" this title is Michael Jackson's first named out. The "spacewalk" was first named by Michael Jackson. The backward slide is a kind of visual illusion effect, which gives people a kind of magical vision of walking but going backward. The history of this dance step can be traced back to 1955, but at that time it was only a simple backward sliding step and not the "space step" which was later modified and perfected by Michael Jackson.

Space step practice steps--

1, the first step, is the beginning of the action, feet together, and then lift the right foot, toes near the heel of the left foot.

2, and then use the right toes for support, the left foot to move backward, at this time the left foot should have a kind of, backward sliding visual sense, need to pay attention to is sliding.

3, the first action is completed, tiptoe left toe, close to the heel of the right foot, similar to the first action, but, left and right to change.

4. At this point, similar to the second part, the left foot exerts the right foot to move flat, exactly opposite to the first action, and then do the exchange.