Looking for the lyrics to "123 Exercise Dance".

The title of the song "123 Exercise Dance" is "Diet Fist".

Title: Weight Loss Fist

Album: Miss Wallflower

Release Time: 1999-10-01

Song Original Singer: Aya

Lyrics: Harry, Chen Siyu, Aya

Songwriter: Harry


1234 2234 3234 Try Again

Skinny arms, skinny arms, try again, try again

1234 2234, turn in a circle, try again

Skinny thighs, skinny thighs, don't give up, don't give up

There are many girls out there like me who always think they're fat

Who started saying that being skinny is the only way to be beautiful, and I'm going to get her to answer me for that

Boys are very strange, and they don't want to look at a fat girl who's beautiful.

Clothes are even more strange SIZE so small in the end who want to wear it

Flip open the magazine and turn on the TV bone beauty everywhere

Do you have to be skinny like that in order to be considered beautiful and attract the attention of everyone

Look in the mirror face is too fat pinch the waist with fat

Start the weight loss program to start it up to move up to move up to move up to move up to move up to move up to move up to move up to move up to move up to move up to move up to move up

These are the things that make me feel good about myself. >1234 2234 3234 One more time

Thin arm ah thin arm again try ah try again

1234 2234 Turn a circle one more time

Thin thigh ah thin thighs do not give up ah do not give up

Week one, two, three, four, five, six days apple meal to eat every day

Oil pressure shiatsu weight loss massage cream hard to apply ah hard to rub

Too hungry, too much weight to lose. p>

Too hungry when you drink a cup of tea or lie down to sleep

As long as there is perseverance I will be able to achieve the goal

One together with the weight loss Kingdom of Healthy Reduction it success to come