Does cloud think of clothes pronounced as shang or chang?

Shang is pronounced cháng.

Shang, pronounced cháng/shang, in its original sense means a skirt (worn by a husband or a head of the government). By extension, it refers to the undergarments worn by men and women. It is usually used to refer to "clothes", as documented in Chu Ru - Li Sao (楚辞-离骚).

Group words

1. Nishang [ ní cháng ]?

1. Clothes made of neon. It refers to the garments worn by immortals.

2, the name of the music. It is the short name of the Tang Dynasty court dance song Ne Shang Yu Yi Qu (霓裳羽衣曲).

Yuan Yuan Jiao's poem "Glazed Tile She Lake": " Ling Fei's night is cold, lightly folding the diamonds to play with the moonlight." Xu Dishan "Dangerous Nest Falling Jane - Carefree Flowers": "This moving material dress, compared with the rest of the dance clothes, is like the difference between the ghost skin in the cold ice prison and the neon dress in the heavenly palace."

The second is the wind garment [ fēng cháng ]?

Tang Li He's poem "Su Xiao Xiao's Tomb" says: "The grass is like Yin, the pine is like a cover, the wind is a garment, the water is a pendant." Later, the term "windy clothes" was used to refer to the fluttering dress.