Gta5 marijuana is hidden there.

There is a quick way to find marijuana beside the highway. When driving on the highway, there is a hole with a triangular cone, which allows cars to fall off the highway. Once it's next to marijuana, the other one drives around looking for it.

Open the map, mark the navigation point in the center of the green circle, and call to say that you have found it when you arrive. The garage is a van and will be chased by the police. The trailer in the abandoned parking lot needs to be taken away, but there is a trailer at the door.

Game settings

The game background is mostly set in a fictional place that imitates American cities. The game mainly revolves around the setting of the open world. Players are free to decide when and how to perform tasks to promote stories. In addition, there are many additional tasks to choose from. The game combines action adventure, driving, third-person shooting and other elements, as well as a small number of role-playing, stealth and racing elements.

This series is also famous for its high degree of freedom and diverse gameplay. The game contains a lot of content mocking American culture and its social phenomena, and the pornographic and violent content in the game has also caused a lot of controversy. Many protagonists in this series try to enhance their prestige in this fictional crime world, but their motives are different in each work.