Who can provide some brain teaser questions, must have answers~

1,What animal is most likely to fall over? Answer<Fox>Listen to the cunning (slippery) fox!

2, what is the first thing to do when you wake up in the morning? Answer<Open your eyes>

3,Xiaoming goes to work every day for an hour, but why did he take two and a half hours this day? Answer<Because an hour is two and a half hours>

4,What is the longest car in the world? Answer<A race car or a traffic jam>

5,Even if all the pigs in the world die<play a song>? Answer<At least there's still you>

6,You have three dots of saliva next to your tongue<play a word>? Answer<live>

7,What the **** are blacks and whites alike? Answer<Blood is red>

8,What's the **** difference between crying and laughing? Answer<The strokes are both 10 words>

9,There is a person who was born to your parents but he is not your sibling, who is he? Answer<yourself>

10,What do you do when you drop your ID card? Answer<Pick it up>

11,Public **** car came, a lady in a regular skirt voted 4 yuan, the driver let her get on the car; the second lady in a mini-skirt, voted 2 yuan, the driver also let her get on the car; the third lady did not give the money, the driver also let her get on the car as usual, why? Answer<She used a monthly pass>

12,What does a dentist rely on for food? Answer<mouth>

13,What is the relationship between your father's sister's cousin's cousin's father and your uncle's son's sister-in-law? Answer<kinship>

14,A man who can't swim fell into the water but didn't drown, why? Answer<Because he was wearing a life jacket>

15,One summer, a very old woman was outside with a fan blowing the wind to cool off.... Suddenly a mosquito flew in front of her and stared her in the face and died. But she didn't do anything, may I ask this. Why? Answer < by the old lady's wrinkles clamped dead >

16, first man or first woman? Answer<The man came first. Because we men are called Mr. There is a first word>

17,condoms ------ a place name? Answer<Baotou>

18,Which race is run backwards? Answer<Tug of war>

19,You had 10 coins in your pocket, but they all fell out. Answer<There is still one hole left>

20,Xiao Ming never walks without touching the ground, why is that? Answer<because he was wearing shoes>

21,There is a kind of cloth that is very long, wide and beautiful, but no one uses it to make clothes and it is impossible to make clothes, why? Answer<is a waterfall>

22,What letter of the alphabet do most people like to listen to? Answer<CD>

23,The whole body of a pig is a treasure, and it is very useful, what else is a pig useful for human beings? Answer<It can also be used to scold people>

24,What door can never be closed? Answer<soccer goal>

25,Where is the highest death rate in the world? Answer<In bed>

26,What is the most effortless way to beat something? Answer<dozing off, how can you feel tired when you fall asleep>

27,Is it possible to be buried in Guangzhou if you live in Hong Kong? Answer <No, because the living can not be buried>

28,The city opened a new hospital, advanced equipment, excellent service. But the strange thing is: here is a patient are not admitted, this is why? Answer<Veterinary Hospital>

29,There is a newborn baby, there are two children and he was born in the same year, the same month, the same day, and is the same pair of parents, but they are not twins, this is possible? Answer<triplets>

30,What is Sleeping Beauty's greatest fear? Answer<Insomnia>

31,There was a prisoner, who was taken to the police station and put in solitary confinement in a small, very well-sealed cell, and without the possibility of outsiders entering, the next morning there was actually an extra man in the cell! Why was this? Answer<She was a woman prisoner, and the next day she gave birth to a little boy>

32,There is a master of martial arts, he went out on a rainy day without any protection against the rain, and his whole body was wet, but his hair wasn't wet at all, how did it happen? Answer<He was a monk without hair>

33,What can solve all the riddles? Answer<Riddles>

34,Xiao Ming said to Xiaohua, "I can sit in a place where you can never sit!" Where did he sit? Answer<on Xiaohua's body>

35,What valuable thing is most likely to disappear? Answer<Sputnik>

36,Confucius is the greatest of what in China? Answer<old man>

37,Women give birth to children (playing a Chinese idiom) Answer<bloody mouth spraying people (cave mouth spraying people)>

38,Lift off the hot comforter, to the legs touching, break open two legs, to the eyes on the shelves (playing a daily necessity) Answer<glasses>

39,Hair on top, hair on the bottom, at night, to the fur on the fur, the hair on the fur. I'm not going to be able to do that. (Guess what's on a person's body)? Answer<eye>

40,A head of hair to a head of light, in and out of the white pulp (playing a daily necessity)? Answer<toothbrush>

41,Xiao Ming set the alarm clock to 6 o'clock in the morning, he woke up at 5 o'clock, but he didn't know where the alarm clock was tucked away, can you help? Answer<Wait until six o'clock, the alarm clock will not be able to find it>

42,Every couple has an absolute **** the same point in life, what is it? Answer<That is the same year, the same month, the same day of marriage>

43,lick also hard, do not lick also hard, want to sleep comfortably, first rub it (something on the body of the person)? Answer<teeth>

44,An ant died when it accidentally fell out of an airplane. Guess how it died? Answer<It was because it floated for too long and starved to death>

45,A waiter served beer to a guest and a fly fell inside the glass, which was seen by both the waiter and the guest, so who was the unluckiest? Answer<fly>

46,The office leaked everywhere on a rainy day, but why didn't everyone get wet? Answer<Because no one came to work>

47,What can't a magnifying glass magnify? Answer<Anything that looks like it is magnified. In fact, it's still the same size>

48,If you had a pair of wings what would you do? Answer<Rush to the hospital to check ah, good people how to grow this thing>

49,A person in the dark road but saw 50 meters away from a wallet, why? Answer<Because it is daytime>

50,Xiao Zhang was locked in an unlocked room, but he couldn't pull the door open with all his strength. Answer<Just push the door open>

51,What fattens faster and thins faster? Answer<balloons>

52,There was a policeman crossing the street with a small child, and the passer-by asked the policeman if he was your son. The policeman said: Yes, and the passer-by asked the little child again; is he your father? The little boy said: No, why? Answer<The policeman was his mother>

53,If the earth explodes, which two landlords are safest? Answer<Heaven `Hell>

54,People can climb Mount Everest, but there is one place they can never climb. What is that place? Answer<The top of one's head>

55, What animal walks on four legs at first, then on two, and finally on three? Answer <man>

56, What are the three words that people often say? Answer<I don't know>

57,There is an alcohol lamp and a candle placed in the lab.When doing hands-on work,what should be lit first? Answer<matches>

58,What is the easiest thing to satisfy? Answer<socks>

59,When do a cow's tongue and tail meet together? Answer<In a restaurant>

60,Who is the hardest worker and who is the laziest from 1 to 9? Answer<One is the laziest, and two is the most diligent (one doesn't do anything) >

61,Old Zhang is an excellent novelist, why once he couldn't even write the title of a novel after writing for a month straight? Answer<He was writing in his diary>

62,What does "a tooth for a tooth" mean? Answer<It means pulling out a tooth and setting it in place>

63,There were three wolves on the mountain.How many wolves were left when the hunter killed one of them with his gun? Answer<One... The dead one>

64,Do you write with your left hand or your right hand? Answer<Write with a pen>

65,There is a hunter to go to the forest to hunt, he carried only 3 flying daggers, he firmly believe that nothing in the world can be subjected to his 3 flying daggers and still not die, he walks and walks and encounters a gorilla that will eat people, the gorilla pounded his chest and approached him ~~~~~~ He threw out the first flying daggers, but it was caught by the gorilla's left hand; he threw out the second flying daggers, but it was caught by the gorilla's left hand; he threw out the first flying daggers, and was not expected to be caught by the gorilla's left hand; the second throwing knife, and was not expected to be caught by the gorilla's left hand. He threw the first flying dagger, but was caught by the gorilla's left hand; he threw the second flying dagger, but did not expect to be caught by the gorilla's right hand; finally he threw the last flying dagger; all of a sudden, the flying sand and stones, the wind and rain ~~~~~~~~~~~ finished! The last flying dagger was actually held in the mouth of the abominable beast, and the brave hunter despaired; the abominable orangutan shouted and roared in triumph; ~~~~~~~~ the end is ~~~~~~~~~~~ the orangutan died. Why Answer <The orangutan will use both hands to beat his chest when he roars, and whacks himself to death>

66,What is it that one does that one knows to be wrong but cannot change? Answer<After you hand in your exams>

67,What can't be seen but can be touched, in case it can't be touched it will scare people. Answer<pulse>

68,In a watch store there are two watches. One watch has accurate time twice in a day, the other watch does not have accurate time once, the former no one, buy the latter but was bought, do you know why? Answer<The former is not moving, so the time is accurate twice a day, the latter is not allowed but can still walk>

69,Mr. Wang has two friends who are police officers, one of them is the other's child's your father, is it possible? Answer<Possibly, the two policemen are a couple>

70,What is abundant in the country of China? Answer<Jade, the character for "country" inside the character for "jade" >

71,Two fathers and two sons went to a restaurant to have a meal together, and the waitress only put three sets of cutlery on the table for them, and they said it was enough. Do you know what their relationship is? Answer<Master`s father`s son>

72,There are many languages spoken in the world, so what words are common in the world? Answer<The telephone is universal>

73,Dare bragged to his buddies, "During the drill today, the teacher asked a question, and no one in the class got it right except him." Guess what question the teacher asked? Answer <Dare, why were you late? >

74,How many times can a small boat ferry 37 people, only seven at a time? Answer<Six times, because each time a rower has to come back>

75,Is the sky bigger, or is the moon bigger? Answer<The moon is bigger because there is only one month in thirty days>

76,Why does one actor always turn his back to the audience when he watches a cultural performance at night? Answer<Because he is the conductor of the orchestra>

77,What kind of competition gives prizes to the losers but not to the winners? Answer<Drinking and boxing>

78,What is the cleanest way to mop the floor? Answer<Mopping with "force" is the cleanest>

79,If there is a fire in the zoo, which animal is the first to escape? Answer< "People", people are advanced animals>

80,What animal stays up all night every day? Answer<The panda, because it always has dark circles under its eyes>

81,Why did his mother not feed his brother for months, but he still grew up healthy? Answer<Because the brother was still in her belly>

82,There is a place where you can go in but not out. Answer<The grave

83,The wolf dragged away the mother of the sheep, why did the little sheep follow without saying a word? Answer<The lamb was in its mother's belly>

84,What kind of person's work is busy all day long? Answer<A ballerina>

85,What did Columbus do immediately after he put one foot in the New World? Answer<Step on the other foot>

86,What is the one thing that everyone must never forget before going to bed? Answer<Close your eyes>

87,What is the best way to make your eyebrows grow under your eyes? Answer<Invert>

88,There is an old man who lives on the twelfth floor, but why does he never take the elevator? Answer<Because he lives on the first floor>

89,What can be added but not subtracted? Answer<age>

90,What kind of mountains and seas can be moved? Answer<Mountains and seas of people>

91,A policeman saw a thief and ran away, why? Answer<To catch the thief quickly>

92,What kind of official can't give orders and has to smile at others? Answer<groom>

93,Xiao Ming Tian Tian eats chewing gum, but people still say his breath stinks, why? Answer<He loves to talk dirty>

94, "Innate" is the physique inherited from parents, what is "Acquired"? Answer<The day after tomorrow is tomorrow's tomorrow>

95,Why doesn't the big bull eat grass when the small bull rides on it? Answer<Because the big bull is a human>

96,What is the best way to keep from getting carsick? Answer<Walking>

97,Xiao Ming is only 4 years old, but he is already a "father", is it possible? Answer<Of course it's possible, playing house>

98,What kind of chicken doesn't have wings? Answer<Field Chicken>

99,What is the one thing that people don't like to eat? Answer<Of course it's a loss! No one wants to eat it>

100,What is the largest number of people coming and going on Wangfujing Pedestrian Street in Beijing? Answer<Pedestrians>

101,Where do people really get slaughtered? Answer<Operating table>

102,On a dark and windy night, Xiao Li met a ghost, and the ghost fled, why? Answer<Coward>

103,What is the main cause of divorce? Answer <marriage>

104,What is the narrowest road? Answer <The road is narrow >

105,What is the one thing that you can only take with your left hand, but not with your right? Answer <your right hand>

106,Why does Mai Mai's house sometimes leak and sometimes not? Answer<Because sometimes it rains and sometimes it doesn't>

107,When you go to the grocery store to buy eggs, what can you do to make sure that you don't buy eggs that will hatch out chicks? Answer< don't buy eggs>

108, Please use four words to describe a woman who refuses to have children for the sake of beauty. Answer<A woman of great beauty>

109,What is it that people worry about when it's not broken, and are happy when it is broken? Answer<case>

110,Why are all hens short-legged? Answer<Laying eggs will not break>

111,Fox spirit is the best at confusing men, so what "essence" of men and women together fan? Answer<Alcohol>

112,What is the book that normal people don't read? Answer< The Blind Man's Book>

113,Who is the man barber's least favorite person? Answer<Baldy>

114,How can 3 + 1 equal 5?Answer<When you miscalculate>

115,Ancient people once dipped their blue cloth clothes in the water of the Yellow River.What phenomenon occurred? Answer<The clothes got wet>

116,Why are modern people becoming more and more "faithless"? Answer<call>

117,A bull and a cow, guess three words Answer<two cows>


118,Why are most Buddhists in the northern hemisphere? Answer<South "Wu" Amitabha>

119,Which animal is the size of a cat and looks like a tiger? Answer<tiger cub>

120,What question will the other person tell you "no" when answering? Answer<sleep no>

121,What is more annoying than a crow? Answer<Crow's beak>

122,What kind of cake can't you eat? Answer<discus>

123,Xiao Ming wrote nine letters to his girlfriend, why did his girlfriend receive only one letter? Answer<He has nine girlfriends, one for each>

124,When does the sun rise in the west? Answer<When the sun rises from the mirror>

125,What is the difference between Confucius and Mencius? Answer<Confucius' Zi is on the right, while Mencius' Zi is on the top>

126,What is your greatest wish when you come home in the middle of the night and realize that you have forgotten your keys and there is no one else in the house? Answer<Door forgot to lock>

127, Xiao Li once went on a business trip to do business, came back early, saw the next door Xiaolou with his wife sleeping in bed, Xiao Li why not angry? Answer<Xiaolou is a woman>

128,Why do people become cold after death? Answer<The heart is quiet and naturally cool>

129,Xiao Ming has never been to the U.S.A. He wants to go to the U.S.A. How much money should he spend at least? Answer<Just thinking about it doesn't cost any money>

130,There's a wind that doesn't move and no wind that moves, and there's a wind that doesn't move and no wind that moves (guess a thing) Answer<Fan>

131,Dale fell from a hot air balloon and didn't get hurt, why? Answer<Because the hot air balloon was on the ground>

132, There is a kind of thing that the people who buy it know, and the people who sell it know it, but only the people who use it don't know it. Answer<coffin>

133, What is the safest place to be during an earthquake? Answer<on an airplane>

134,Where can a horse walk without four legs? Answer<on the board>

135,When it rains, two people **** an umbrella, the result is that both people are wet; three people **** an umbrella, why no one is wet again? Answer<Because the rain stopped>

136,How many sides does a box have? Answer<inside and outside>

137,What was the last book of a famous author? Answer<suicide note>

138,Xiao Wang lives in a building, why does he go upstairs every time he goes out? Answer<He lives in the basement>

139, How can you turn the impossible into the possible the fastest? Answer<Remove the word "no" >

140,The scorpion and the crab play Guessing Boxing, why do they play for two days, but still can not distinguish between winners and losers? Answer<Both are out of scissors>

141,Which is heavier, a pound of cotton or a pound of iron? Answer<the same weight>

142,When are the idioms "look around", "look left and right" and "look forward and back" most appropriate? Answer<when crossing the street>

143,Why don't most people like to celebrate their 32nd birthday? Answer<No one likes to put three long and two short candles on the birthday cake>

144,There was a death row inmate who was not yet dead when he was executed after being shot twice, and he waited for the third shot before he died, why? Answer <He was wearing three-shot underwear inside>

145,Lin Lao Sheng had an artificial heart replaced after a major operation. After she got well, her girlfriend immediately broke up with her, why is that? Answer<didn't really love her>

146,Red and green beans were put on a plate, why did Xiao Wang separate them at once? Answer<There is only one red bean as well as one green bean>

147,There are ten birds in the forest, Xiao Ming shot one, but the other nine did not fly away, why? Answer<ostrich>

148,Cigarette jar, play a word. Answer<helmet>

149,During the exam, Xiaoguang copied all of Xiaoming's, why did Xiaoming get a hundred points, but Xiaoguang got zero? Answer<Because Xiaoguang even copied Xiaoming's name>

150,1 There is a part of a woman's body that her father can touch twice, her mother can touch twice, her boyfriend can touch once, and her husband can't touch once, what is it? Answer<lips>

151,What will people who have electronic chickens and electronic dogs feel? Answer<Chicken>

152,Why would a healthy couple give birth to an offspring without eyes? Answer<A chicken couple lays an egg with no eyes ---->

153,Neither giving birth to a child, raising a child nor recognizing a godmother, but becoming a mother before recognizing an adopted son or daughter. Answer<bride>

154,Lee Cheol looks ordinary and nothing special, but he can go for hours without blinking his eyes, how does he do it? Answer<He can close his eyes without blinking>

155,There is a place that specializes in teaching bad people, but no police officer dares to take action against it to sweep it away. What kind of place is it? Answer<The guardhouse>

156,There's a woman in a bathing suit who's strolling along a soft sandy beach, and while it's all very normal, you'll notice that there are no footprints behind her! Why is this? Please guess. Answer<Because she was walking backwards>

157,Xiao Guo loves to sing, even when he brushes his teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste, he is also different, and even sings loudly, and as a result, he can also brush his teeth very clean. Answer<He brushes false teeth>

158,Lanlan passed through the city of A, coincidentally, the city of A had a big earthquake, why Lanlan is safe and sound? Answer<Lanlan passed by A city in an airplane>

159,What can you borrow without returning it? Answer<Borrowing light>

160, Chubby is a famous diver, but one day he stood on the diving platform, but he didn't dare to jump down. Why? Answer<There is no water in the pool>

161,What is the most effective way to grow intelligence? Answer<Eat a yawn, grow a mind>

162,What is the one place where you don't feel itchy when a mosquito bites you? Answer<on others>

163,There are ten candles, you blew out three, how many are left? Answer<ten>

164, What place on Earth has the highest birth rate? Answer<The maternity ward>

165, On a cold winter morning, a gentleman in a suit was swimming desperately in a river. Answer<He accidentally fell into the river>

166,The old king shaves his face many times a day, but he still has a beard on his face why? Answer<He was shaving for someone else>

167,A group of girls were taking a bath by the river when suddenly a strange man came in, where do you think they wanted to cover up the most? Answer<the man's eyes>

168,What should you do when you accidentally cook raw rice? Answer<Get ready to eat>

169,Why do tigers fight so hard that they have to fight to the death? Answer<Because no one dares to talk him out of it>

170,What is the biggest difference between Superman and Batman? Answer<Superman wears his underpants on the outside and Batman wears his underpants on the inside>

171,Xiao Ming's family is very rich, but he never asks his mother for a penny when he wants to buy toys, why? Answer<Because you can't buy toys for a penny>

172,Do you know how pigs die? Answer<stupid>

173,Why do men and women break up? Answer<Men and women are "different">

174,What do farmers, workers, soldiers and scientists rely on to eat? Answer<Eat by mouth>

175,An airplane is flying in the sky when it suddenly runs out of fuel, what will be the first thing to fall down? Answer<The needle of the fuel gauge>

176,Men take baths ----- playing a military item. Answer<Artillery shell>

177,What is the thing that the hotter the weather, the higher it climbs? Answer<Thermometer>

178,What water is inexhaustible? Answer<Spit>

179,Valentine's card, birthday card, big and small cards, in the end to send what card to the woman, the most can win her heart? Answer<Credit card>

180,Which tire does not turn when a car is turning right? Answer <spare tire>

181,There is a piece of natural black marble, on the day of September 7, throw it into the Qiantang River what will happen? Answer <sink to the bottom of the river>

182,There is a sheep that eats half of the grass in a year, how many years will it take for it to eat all the grass? Answer<It will never eat all the grass because the grass will keep growing>

183,When do children meet to be able to stand side by side? Answer<Good>

184,What gives birth to its tail at night? Answer <Meteor>

185,What gets bigger the more angry it gets? Answer <temper>

186,What is the flower that blooms all year round? Answer <Plastic flower>

187,When do you knock on the door, you will never say please come in? Answer<In the toilet>

188,There is a half bottle of wine with a cork stopper, how do you drink from the bottle without cracking the bottle, removing the cork, or drilling a hole in the stopper? Answer <Push the cork into the bottle>

189,There are two people, one facing south and one facing north standing, not allowed to turn around, not allowed to walk, not allowed to look in the mirror, ask them if they can see each other's faces?