1, Zunyi Road, No. 100 Hongqiao Shanghai City, Hongqiao Century Cinema City on the 5th floor, the birthday of the day I present a valid ID card can be free of charge to watch the movie, and at the same time you can buy two half-price movie tickets
2, Westin buffet on the first floor of the birthday of the day free of charge, but the provisions of the 1 life day to 2 people to eat, exempt 1 person; 2 life day to 4 people to eat, exempt 2 people, and so on, there are Unlimited hairy crabs and yellow wine, 268 yuan / person, another 15% service charge. Westin Stage Restaurant Stage plus service charge is about 308/person. Birthday is free. If you don't want to eat hot food, you can just have cold food, it's like 150/person. Tel: 633****63351786, birthday day to go must be booked, otherwise not to free, remember Oh.
3, birthday day to go to the commander KTV singing, you can send a VIP card, a bottle of wine and a pair of Mickey doll.
4, the luxury to come, birthday day 6.8% off, all things.
5, a tea a member (with tea people card) in the birthday day can be free to point any set meal.
6, Hong Kong Plaza below the Sun Ping image store on the birthday of all items on the discount.
7, TOM Bear birthday day with ID card to buy a brand buy one get one free, limited to 200
8, bossini members, birthday day can be 75% off, as if there is a gift; birthday month the beginning of the three months can be a one-time 30% off shopping.
9, Choliday with a VIP card on the day of the birthday singing discount.
10, Hong Kong Plaza's Guangzhou Banana Leaf, birthday with ID card on the day of 20% off, and send birthday cake, birthday card (sometimes missed), and champagne (a cup) and the band for you to sing a la and so on. If you take a picture with their camera, they'll even send it to you.
11, G star beauty Zhengda Cinema where 10.16 birthday people can watch a movie for free on that day, other October birthdays can be the regular price of tickets at a discount to see the movie, be sure to bring a good identity
12, Wo Yuan hot pot barbecue buffet chain birthday to send a cake, about the size of the six-inch.
Xuhui store: Xuhui District, Zhaojiabang Road, No. 359, 3rd floor (near Damuqiao Road) H
Jiangning store: Jiangning Road, Kangding Road intersection, near the Arts Sea Theater Zhaojiabang store: unknown
Lunch market 49 yuan / bit, the evening market 69 yuan / bit, night snacks until 4 a.m. 49 yuan / bit.
Birthday parties come with a free cake (booked a day in advance, half price for children under 1.2 meters, free for those under 70 centimeters) and free parking.
13, Avène, ipsa, skin spring birthday day consumption double points, sofina double points that month. There should be many other brands double points, you can consult before spending.
14, Zenith members of the birthday month to buy any one can be discounted 60%.
15, birthday day to go to the good Lengo eat buffet, with ID can send a takeaway pizza.
16, Tesco members birthday with ID and membership card can get a mysterious gift cake.
17, Metro City, 4th floor 'tree in Provence' birthday day to dine, birthday meal can be free of charge, note: to have previous consumption of the calendar card sent
18, Yidu Jin's members of the birthday of the day with a VIP card can enjoy 20% discount on shopping.
19, birthday day to McLeodi K song, then with ID card can send a large plush bear.
20, Ocean Aquarium birthday free admission. Bring your ID
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Extended information: Customs of birthdays in different parts of the world: The way of celebrating birthdays is different in different parts of the world, depending on the ethnic customs. In China, when a child turns one year old, things such as books, pins and coins are placed around the child. Each item has a specific meaning, and what the toddler touches will foreshadow the rest of his or her life. This is known to most families as the "week of catching". Middle-aged and elderly people in China often eat long noodles on their birthdays to indicate longevity. The Brazilian birthday food is candy. Icelanders eat pancakes with candied fruit for birthdays. British people celebrate birthdays throughout the day. In schools, children who have birthdays are often held up by the arms and necks of their feet, once a year, as a sign of growing taller. Children in the Netherlands not only get gifts for their birthdays, but also give them out to others. In Mexico, congratulations are offered as early as possible on birthdays for good luck. People celebrating birthdays are often woken up in the middle of the night by friends who wish them well. Indians have religious overtones to their birthdays. Prayers and blessings must be said before dawn. Thailanders light two long candles, one as tall as the person celebrating his or her birthday, the night before his or her birthday in order to live a long life. If they go out too early, it is an ominous sign. In most Western countries, birthdays are celebrated by placing candles on a cake and then eating the cake with the birthday celebrant. (Source:/baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%BF%87%E7%94%9F%E6%97%A5/5186066 "target="_blank "title="Baidu Encyclopedia: Celebrating a birthday">Baidu Encyclopedia: Celebrating a Birthday)