What is the second yuan beauty girl dance game can dance beauty girl handbook recommended

What are the secondary yuan beauty girl dance game? Can dance the beautiful girl hand tour what is recommended? The second element of the American girl dance game is a lot of players concerned about, want to know what are recommended, the following we have brought the second element of the American girl dance game details, take a look at it.

1, powerful dance era

"Power Dance Era" is a social sound and dance type of secondary yuan beauty girl game developed by Jiuyu, NetEase agent. The game is a fun and worth downloading game where you can enjoy different music, enjoy and dance with powerful steps, and communicate with different players in close proximity.

Dance Age


Music and Dance

2, Idol Fantasy Matsuri 2

Idol Fantasy Matsuri 2 is a super fun and immersive second generation music game. Here the partners can meet different secondary characters, can also control these characters in different plot and play in the song and dance, with super luxury voice actor lineup, by countless players praise and welcome.

Idol Fantasy Matsuri 2


Leisure Puzzle

3, Dance of Love

"Dance of Love" is a creative and well conceived music and dance game for second-generation teenage girls, which allows them to follow the rhythm of the music and dance, and also experience different social pleasures, and show off their own selves in different ways of playing. The game is a great game that you can't afford to miss.

Dance of love


Music Dance

4, the fate of the crown designation FGO

The fate of the crown designation FGO is a large production of the second generation type Fate the first genuine hand tour, where players can do intimate contact with different beauty, but also with the beautiful dance, with a variety of interesting gameplay. The gameplay is very interesting, and I believe that it will not disappoint our friends.

Fate Crown Designation FGO


Card battles

5, Dream Raising Program

Dream Raising Program

Dream Raising Program is a female-oriented idol raising music and dance game, where partners can choose different secondary yuan girls to raise, to help these girls from trainees to become a popular idol, will be interspersed with a lot of drama. In the middle will be interspersed with a lot of plot gameplay, absolutely not to be missed.

Dream Foster Program


Leisure Puzzle

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