How much exercise per day is healthy?

Maintaining a daily exercise level of 30 minutes or more is healthy. The amount of daily exercise does not have to reach the sweat is exercise, in fact, not, daily exercise but to choose according to their own physical state. Keep more than 30 minutes of exercise every day, you can achieve the effect of exercise to enhance metabolism and promote microcirculation.

It's a good idea to choose what exercise to do every day.

What exercise to choose every day according to their own work and off-duty time to arrange. Choose what type of exercise according to what they want to achieve the effect of the choice, some friends want to achieve the effect of weight loss, then you have to choose a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Some friends are simply exercise, then you can choose, such as walking, walking, dancing and other sports can be carried out.

Second, in addition to exercise diet should also pay attention to balanced collocation.

1, three meals regular, balanced nutrition.

Regular diet contributes to metabolic stability and nutritional adequacy, so that the body has enough nutrients to maintain the energy supply throughout the day, to avoid the phenomenon of malnutrition in the body.

2, increase protein intake.

Protein is an aid to improving resistance and immunity. It is also a preferred food to fight hunger, usually you can choose high-quality protein to intake, such as fish and shrimp meat, chicken breast, eggs, soy products, beef, milk, skinless chicken, duck and goose lean meat and other foods.

3, reduce high calorie, high fat, high sugar and high salt food intake.

High-calorie, high-fat, high-sugar food consumption, in addition to increased calories and fat, and not much nutrition. It's also not good for your health if you eat too much of it. It is recommended to choose low-calorie, high-fiber, satiating food, such as coarse grains, vegetables and other food.

4, adjust the cooking method.

Changes in cooking methods can reduce the intake of calories and fat, which can also avoid bad eating habits. Such as braised, stir-fried, barbecued, fried and other cooking methods, it is recommended to change to steamed, burnt, stir-fried, stir-fried, cold and other cooking methods, so as to retain most of the nutrients of the food, but also to reduce the calorie and grease intake. This is not only good for your health, but also a good dietary habit.

5, chewing slowly, each meal eat 7 minutes full.

Chewing slowly can reduce the amount of food intake, but also allows the food to be fully digested and absorbed. Eating 7 minutes of fullness at each meal can reduce the amount of food intake, but also to develop good eating habits, to avoid excessive intake. It is recommended to choose to eat 7 minutes full at each meal.

6, keep drinking enough warm water every day.

Drinking water enhances metabolism and replenishes the body's water needs. In addition to drinking enough water every day can also nourish the skin elasticity and maintain skin hydration, it is recommended to drink 1500 to 1700 milliliters of lukewarm water every day, to the white water or light tea-based, small mouth slow drink, more conducive to the body absorption.

So, to maintain a healthy body, in addition to daily exercise, but also to maintain a healthy diet, so as to achieve a healthy body, in order to maintain long-term.