2, Westerners generally believe that sex is one of God's best gifts to them, they are sex for beauty, the body for beauty, and therefore more willing to expose their robust body, which is why the ancient Greek period of art statues are mostly nude portraits of the reason. In addition, I found that the men and women who participate in the naked run have a few self-confidence in their own bodies, body shape are still good, do not believe that you go to the famous school to find out the truth ha!
3, finally I think this may be related to the Western diet structure, they are all meat and egg-based, itself is not good digestion, so people feel hot, which is why Westerners like to drink cold water for breakfast or cold juice to speak of gastric heat, of course, the naked run is also in order to will be the internal fire. This is based on Chinese medicine, China's traditional Chinese medicine "Huangdi Neijing. Ling bier meridian chapter" said: people get stomach meridian disease real disease, will "climb high and sing, abandon clothes and go". Inside the abandonment of clothes and go is the modern naked.