What are the requirements for a cowboy dance step?

About cowboy dance merge step

Learning to dance cowboy dance is a difficult point of cowboy dance merge step, dancing cowboy dance must first dance good merge step. The number of beats of the parallel step is 3&4, when jumping, you can turn or not turn to jump in any direction, back and forth, left and right, 360 degrees in any direction can be, the parallel step can also be rotated to jump (American rotation), when jumping forward or backward parallel step, you can use the locking step, or do not use the locking step.

Cowboy dance (jive)

Cowboy dance, with a J. One of the Latin dance programs. The melody is cheerful, strong jumping, the rhythm is 4/4 beat, 42 to 44 bars per minute, six beats jump eight steps. It is a combination of basic steps, parallel steps, combined with jumps and rotations. It requires the feet to be on the ground and the waist and hips to swing in a pendulum style. It is characterized by agile steps, jumping, and relaxed, enthusiastic and cheerful dance posture. Originated in the United States, the original United States western cowboys tap dance, the popularity of jazz music in the 1950s, accelerated and perfected this dance, but the style of the United States western cowboys to maintain the robust, romantic, bold temperament.

Basic points of cowboy dance

Point one: the elasticity of cowboy dance does not lie in jumping upward, but in the elasticity generated by the fall (since the falling body). The elasticity of the cowboy dance is not upward, but downward.

Point 2: Cowboy Dance's heavy beat is in even numbers, just like Samba.

The Jet is the youngest dance in Latin American dance, originating from the United States, and it expresses the characteristics of the dance through the knees, legs, feet, and hips, and it is very important to express the Jet by using the technique of chasing the steps. The jig can be expressed by kicking, throwing the feet, normal jigging, and turning. Turning is another important item. In addition to dancing around each other, the dancers should know their own turning skills and use their own body to express their turning skills.

How to make a cowboy dance with hip swing

How to make a cowboy dance with hip swing? This is from our dance is not with the floor pressure to review

Cowboy dance to have a very good elasticity but we tend to focus only on elasticity and the most basic essentials "of the relationship with the floor" this point to be ignored. You should know that the heavy beats of the cowboy dance are the second and fourth beats, and they are upward bouncing beats. It's not the first beat of the dance. But the pressure on the first beat is the most important thing to get a good bounce on the second and fourth beats.