What kind of light conditions do I need when keeping a Chinook?

Unlike other fish, Chinchillas do not need UV light and may not need hot light as they live in cold water. However, light still plays an important role in the health of your Chinook, and without a consistent daily photoperiod, your Chinook may become ill. In the wild, Chinook live in cool rivers, lakes and streams where they often have access to relatively bright light. In captivity, their photoperiod should mimic that of their natural environment. Give your Chinook 12 to 13 hours of moderately bright (but not hot) light per day.

Lighting benefits. Lighting affects the color of your goldfish dramatically and quickly. Without enough light, the color of your goldfish will not be very vibrant and may eventually become very pale or even white. Lighting can also help your Chinchilla regulate his sleep/wake cycle, can affect his motivation to eat, and will ensure that he doesn't develop behavioral problems caused by unnatural or unpredictable environments. Too much light, too much light won't hurt your Chinook immediately, but over time he will have a hard time adjusting his daily routine, leading to eating and sleeping problems. However, too much lighting can encourage the overgrowth of algae, which can quickly change the chemicals in your aquarium. Too much algae can compete with other plants in the aquarium and provide a breeding ground for parasites. It may also cloud the water in the tank. Providing artificial lighting in the tank isn't necessary, but it can help you enjoy your pet at night by allowing you to grow plants. However, if you have tank lights then you must turn them off at night. Fish need a natural circadian rhythm as much as you do.

Lighting Options, The simplest lighting solution is a light that is built into the aquarium hood. The hood keeps the fish from jumping out and the light doesn't generate much heat. Clamp-on lights will also work, but you have to make sure they are securely fastened to the tank to avoid a fire hazard. Put the lights on a timer to make sure your Chinook have a regular lighting schedule. Outdoor goldfish don't need artificial lighting unless you live in an area with very short days.