Favored Subjects of 12 Zodiac Signs

Favorite Subjects of 12 Zodiac Signs.

Aries: 12 zodiac signs IQ ranking NO.11

Aries IQ index

IQ: 80

Aries nature is too fast, do things, although decisive, but tend to look at things too simple, and the emotional reaction is strong, when you like to laugh, do not like it when you cry, give a person a kind of simple-minded feeling. The phrase "think twice before you act" is always applicable to Aries. They're usually more of a martial artist than a brainy one, and they're all about brute force.

Entering this headache to the home of the horoscope I have nothing to say, Arts write the wrong words, math missed decimal points, as a classmate of my last saw you put the biology lab beans eaten into the after I am sure .... I'm not sure if you're going to be able to get a good deal on the subject...

Subjects:Physical Education,Physics,

Taurus:Twelve Zodiac Signs IQ Ranking NO.4

Taurus IQ Index

Intelligence Quotient (IQ): 110

The Taurus is able to calmly analyze the good and bad of everything. They know how to protect themselves and will keep a distance from people they meet for the first time, observing any attempts by the other party to make sure that the other party is safe and harmless before they feel free to communicate with others. It's hard to tease the Taurus, unless you're an expert in teasing people.

Strong horoscope, solid step by step, this is our class president students, although in science is not a strong point, but as long as it is to memorize or need to record things.... I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do that...

Subjects: Language, Politics, History

Gemini: Zodiac IQ Ranking NO.1

Gemini IQ Index

Intelligence Quotient (IQ): 130

Geminis are naturally smart, responsive and agile, and have a good command of both military and civil affairs, and they have an interest in learning about all sorts of new and strange things, so that they can continue to expand their own thinking, and they are very resourceful, and they specialize in communication. The first is to understand their own ideas, as well as to influence the thinking of others. Moreover, all things know a little bit of performance, worship, these advantages may be because the twins have two heads.

It's too bad that it's in front of us shooters. .orz,,with such a high IQ.

Subject:Can do anything.... But the best at writing

Cancer:No.10 on the IQ list of the twelve signs of the Zodiac

Cancer IQ Index

Intelligence Quotient: 90

Cancer is generally unaware of their own personalities and may be blinded by their innate compassion and sensitivity. As a matter of fact, they are very imaginative and should be a smart person. It's just that they use their intelligence in the wrong places all the time, and they are hurt by their own instinctive reactions.

Cancer is the one who can make a bunch of daydreams in a short period of time.... In order to satisfy the crab's imagination...

Subjects: Painting, Music, History, Dance

Leo: Zodiac Signs IQ Ranking NO.8

Leo IQ Index

IQ: 100

Lions are overly self-centered, overly self-satisfied, and find it difficult to accept criticism from others. They are poor at understanding and reasoning with others. They have the brains to organize plans, but not the skills to resolve details and problems. They have a strong ability to delegate and order people around, but a weak ability to analyze and adapt.

Typical! It's a typical thing to do. How typical is that? Look at our study councilor! The one who has so much self-confidence that he can make a mountain out of a molehill. Leo's subjects need to be able to show off their talents in front of the public.

Subjects: Finance, Acting

Virgo: Zodiac IQ Ranking NO.5

Virgo IQ Index

Intelligence Quotient (IQ): 105

Virgo has a calm and analytical mind, and is a master at dealing with difficult problems. Before doing anything, he has to consider everything carefully and rigorously before he dares to do it, so as not to make mistakes. But the fact that they're so careful makes them slow to move. Even if your mind is quick enough, your movements will never match up, which is a waste of your natural intelligence.

You once grabbed my hand and said, "Give me five more minutes," with great affection. I looked at you, stroked your hair, and said: "Rhyme, I also want to ah, but... Oh, shit! I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do that, but I'm sure you're going to be able to do it.

Virgo is a slow and methodical sign, the answers to the language exams are changed over and over again, always filling the exams, and then it's too late.... The scene just appeared... Virgo subjects are very gentle, just like their character

Subjects: painting, voice, musical instruments, dance, writing

LIBRA: Zodiac IQ Ranking NO.9

Libra IQ Index

IQ: 95

Libra has a shortcoming of indecisiveness, even if he has more than a high intelligence or not, always The hand doesn't match the heart. When it comes to problems, there is no need to say that they are not constructive in their decisions. If you have wisdom or not, you really have to ask yourself to know, all because of their lazy attitude makes people feel that they are stupid.

Subject: Engineering

Scorpio: IQ Ranking No.3

Scorpio IQ Index

Intelligence Quotient (IQ): 120

Basically, Scorpio is the smartest of the smarts, but it depends on whether it is used in good or bad ways. If you use your intelligence in a good way, you'll get great results because you'll be able to overcome obstacles. On the other hand, if you use it in a bad way, you'll really mess up the world because you'll be cunning, cruel, and sinister, and you'll be a master at killing and setting fire to people's homes.

Well, it's a strong man, who was once admitted as a demon with a perfect score of 150 in math, 127.5 in language and 148 in English - Scorpion, another omnipotent zodiac sign that can see through other people's hobbies at a glance ...

Subjects: Only one weak point.... Politics

Sagittarius:12 zodiac signs IQ ranking NO.2

Sagittarius IQ index

IQ: 125

Sagittarius intelligence most of the play in the learning of things, especially the language, and quickly catch on. Problem analysis of this ring is weak, often have a good idea, a good way. And he knows how to seize the opportunity to show his multi-faceted talent in front of others and be appreciated.

Oh oh oh oh oh ~ ~ cough cough, can have such an IQ I'm really not easy, the crowd (I poo...). You've got to be a little less pretty)... Well,...

Subjects: In addition to physics,

Scorpio: the twelve signs of the IQ list NO.6

Capricorn IQ index

IQ: 102

Capricorn good stubborn, and dictatorial, may think that their own wisdom enough to cope with everything intelligently, so anything can not be analyzed with an objective attitude. Smart or not this thing is not your own decision, but others think. Others will determine whether you are really smart by the results of what you do.

Scorpio's artistic cells are unrivaled

Subjects: Music, Dance, Language, English

Aquarius The IQ Ranking of the 12 Zodiac Signs NO.7

Aquarius IQ Index

Intelligence Quotient (IQ): 102

The Aquarius is so stubborn, and dictatorial, that it may think that its own wisdom is clever enough to cope with everything, so anything can't be analyzed with an objective attitude. So you can't analyze anything with an objective attitude. The smart thing is not your own decision, but other people's opinion. The other people will be by the results of your work, to determine whether you are really smart.

Aquarius small smart and big use has been hooked,

Subject: Sports

Pisces: Zodiac IQ Ranking NO.12

Pisces IQ Index

IQ: 75

Pisces really smart and limited ah, because most of them will be for the sake of the people, the favor of themselves, most do not do. The majority of them don't do it, and when they encounter problems or challenges, they will find excuses to avoid them. I don't know if it's because I can't think of a way to solve the problem, or I simply know that I don't have much wisdom, so I don't want to waste any more brain juice.

IQ in the eyes of others has always been very high Pisces actually is the last, I was stunned .... The perfectionist and romantic Pisces ah, again stunned...

Subjects: Writing, Musical Instruments

What are the favorite things to do for the 12 signs of the Zodiac


Loves war games and eating spicy food. Always wants to strive for leadership in a group.


Eating pastries and cakes while enjoying a beautiful melody. Singing a ditty while alone or in the shower or while walking.


Gossiping, telling jokes, and correspondence bring pleasure; also enjoys enjoying a variety of foods on a plate with a large number of people.


Likes to think and eat in front of the sea. I like to be taken care of by my friends and to help them solve their problems. Favorite food is mother's food.


Loves to make people angry; hears compliments from others; also likes golden buttons.


Likes to have their place cleaned up; likes plain white towels, small flowers and nutritious drinks.


Loves pop music and designer goods and clothes; enjoys fruit pies with loved ones.


Loves dried fish and often stays up all night studying the occult or biology.


Likes adventure and traveling; also likes to read novels in translation. Favorite place to run and play is in wide open squares.


Likes to study history and archaeology; also likes pickles and cucumbers; also likes the money in the savings book.


Loves to engage in verbal battles with people who have different opinions. Loves group activities and working miracles.


Enjoys fantasy and music. Loves to solve problems for others; enjoys salads and seaweed when alone.