It's no exaggeration to say that in front of a real professional athlete, the movements you make when you're exercising look like slow motion to them.
Let's not talk about how good professional athletes are, but the average student who has received systematic training in college is many times better than the average amateur. In a city badminton tournament last year, some of the players in several university teams were trained by professional badminton coaches, which can be considered quite professional in the eyes of us amateurs.
I myself like sports, running, table tennis, basketball, badminton, etc., and now play badminton mainly, and occasionally run. Playing badminton for more than 6 years, it is still considered to be a decent game in our amateur circle. In recent years, also one after another to participate in some large-scale competitions, before only in the circle around the ball, thinking that soon to play all over the world, go out to play the game, only to find that there are people outside the people, outside the sky, a mountain is even higher than a mountain. The people who play better than you, the people who are better than you in terms of athletic ability are many.