The lyrics of the song sung by the Guardian Sweethearts singer







[00:09.48]Labyrinth Bataflame (Labyrinth Butterflies)

[00:14.73]Hoshina Song Chant ( CV: Mizuki Na々)





[00:32.30]Open your shiny eyes in the silent night/Open your shiny eyes in the silent night

[00:35.60]Unbelievable night/Fu shi gi na yo ru/Incredible night

[00:36.43]Dance い降りた/ma i o ri ta/Floating dance descending

[00:39.15]Footnote rite てず /A shi o to ta te zu/ No footsteps of sound

[00:40.09]Shinobi-Sentaru/shi no bi yo ru/ Quietly coming

[00:42.16]悩ましげな/Na ya ma shi ge na/ That fascinating

[00:43.23]黒猫のポーズ/ku ro ne ko no poozu/ The posture of the black cat


[00:46.02]Tsukiming kari o dorai/ Tsu ki a ka ri wo se ni/ The moonlight shines on the back

[00:48.30]Fukabu shi lute/ U ka bu shi ru etto/ The figure of the emerging figure

[00:52.31]「こっちへおいで」と微笑んで/「kocchi he o i de」to ho ho e n de/Smiling and beckoning to call out

[00:58.41]Hands beckonき/te ma ne ki/"Come on over here"



[01:13.00]Shadows of Desire / Yo ku bou no ka ge/ Phantoms of Desire

[01:13.75]うごめく街/u go me ku ma chi/ Creeping Street

[01:16.00] 天使のふりで彷徨い/Te n shi no fu ri de sa ma yo i/以天使的姿态不断彷徨

[01:19.60]大切そうに抱えてる/Ta i se tsu sou ni da e te ru/万分珍惜般地抱着

[01:23.05]行き场のない爱のカケラ/I ki ba no na i ai no ka ke ra/ The debris of love that goes nowhere


[01:26.20]眠りにつく顷/Ne mu ri ni tsu ku go ro/ The time of sleep

[01:28.95]あなたもどこかで/a na ta mo do ko ka de/Where are you too

[01:32.61]Fortunate to see a dream? /Shi a wa se na yu me wo mi te i ru no?/Having a happy dream?

[01:39.31]Starry sky にキスをして /Ho shi so ra ni kisu wo shi te/ Kissing the starry sky

[01:41.81]いい子はもう おやすみ/i i ko wa mou o ya su mi/ The good boy has fallen asleep


[01:51.57]见つめないで/Mi tsu me na i de/寻找不到

[01:54.27]つかまえないで/tsu ka ma e na i de/捕捉不到

[01:58.25]迷い込んだ/Ma yo i ko n da/that which has lost its way

[01:. 59.72]バタフライ/ba ta fu ra i/butterfly


[02:05.08]Freedom to sing う/Ji yu u u ta u/freedom to sing

[02:07.82]Who's ever seen えない羽/da re ni mo mi e na i ha ne/who has never seen the Wings

[02:12.06]隠してるの/Ka ku shi te ru no/Hidden

[02:13.25]あなたの胸の奥/a na ta no mu ne no o ku/Your innermost heart



[02:29.06]The face in the mirror/Ka ga mi no na ka no no o mo ka ge wa/The face in the mirror

[02:32.45]Sobbing insect だった あの顷/Na ki mu shi datta a no go ro/Still the same as when I was a crybaby

[02:35.70]だけれど もう子供じゃない/Da ke re do mo u ko do mo jya na i/However, I'm not a child anymore

[02:38.92]Stretching out my hair/ No ba shi ta ka mi wo ho do i ta/Unraveling my long hair


[02. 42.32]胸を缔め付ける/Mu ne wo shi me tsu ke ru/ Closely around the chest

[02:44.94]甘いフレグランス/a ma i fu re gu ran su/Sweet scent of perfume

[02:49.02]诱惑してる/Yuu wa ku shi te ru/ Seduces

[02:51.43]気づいている/ki zu i te i ru/警觉着

[02:55.38]言叶をなくしたくちびるに/Ko to ba wo na ku shi ta ku chi bi ru ni/在那无言的唇

[02:59.69]魔法かけたの/ma hou ka ke ta no/ Cast a spell


[03:07.59]See tsumi nai de/Mi tsu me na i de/ Can't find it

[03:10.39]Tsumi kamae nai de/tsu ka ma e na i de/ Can't catch it

[03. 14.21]迷い込んだ/Ma yo i ko n da/那迷途的

[03:15.85]バタフライ/ba ta fu ra i/butterflies


[03:21.06]爱しすぎて/I to shi su gi te/love too much

[03. 23.88]大切すぎて/ta i se tsu su gi te/太重要

[03:27.62]壊れてしまう/Ko wa re te shi mau/遗失了

[03:29.48]私の胸の键/wa ta shi no mu ne no ka gi/the key to my heart

[ 03:34.79]



[03:48.22]探し続ける/Sa ga shi tsu du ke ru/Continuously pursuing

[03:50.58]Self-portion of the storie/ji bu n no sutoorii/That 04:03.99]遥かな明日へと 羽ばたく/ha ru ka na a su he to ha ba ta ku/flying to the distant tomorrow


[04:15.26]See tsumo ないで/Mi tsu me na i de/find it not

[04:17.99]tsu kama えないで/tsu ka ma e na i de/捕捉不到

[04:21.65]迷い込んだ/Ma yo i ko n da/那迷途的

[04:23.42]バタフライ/ba ta fu ra i/butterfly


[04:28.71] Wish Iimatoi/Ne ga i ma to i/requested

[04:31.47]Fly and ritsu see えない羽/to bi ta tsu mi e na i ha ne/flying up unseen wings

[04:35.52]隠してるの/Ka ku shi te ru no/hidden

[04. 36.92]あなたの胸の奥/a na ta no mu ne no o ku/ Your inner depths






[ 05:01.30]

Cantonese version:







[00:09.48]Labyrinth Butterfly (迷宫) Butterfly)

[00:14.73]Hoshina Katsumi (CV: Mizuki Naomi)


[00:21.43]Guardian of the Sweethearts (Guardian of the Eggs Elves) episode



[00:32.30 Open your shiny eyes in the silent night

[00:34.59]It's incredible to see a street with a scene

[00:37.77]Whispering voices ringing in the ears as they listen

[00:41.13]Black cats dancing with shadows


[00:44.49]Watching the back of the shadow against the full moon seems like a hallucination

[00:51.20]Like a duckweed floating out of the water and waving softly to you

[00:57.91]"Come back this way"

[01:01.44 ]

[01:11.59]Let the unruly thoughts occupy the flustered shadows

[01:15.04]The angelic figure will always be out of shape one day

[01:18.20]Careful hands hold the fragments of the heart tightly

[01:21.80]Glassy brokenness will be lost to the change of pace








"Come back this way". 24.66]

[01:25.03]When sleepiness strikes, will it make you dream as sweet as honey

[01:31.67]The pain of confusion and whatnot is resolutely put aside

[01:37.96]Let the evening sky pass on to the mother who sings that dream song

[01:45.31]Speak a good night

. [01:48.68]

[01:50.26]I can't see it from afar, I can't catch it from afar

[01:56.86]As if my wings were broken and I fell off the Butterfly

[02:03.71]I sing, I lift up my wings and fly, and whoever prays for the wings of a dream, I pray that the wings of a dream, they'll lead me on, to the heart of my heart, to break the chains. I'm going to the center of my heart to unchain it



[02:27.62]I'm not sure if I'll be able to see the ghosts in the mirror

[02:30.96]I'm going to torment myself with the shadows

[02:34.08]I have to know how to give up and I can't afford to be confused anymore


[02:34.09]I have to know how to give up and I can't afford to be confused. /p>

[02:37.62]A new day will come, to believe in myself


[02:40.97]There are sweet smells coming in, to keep me there

[02:47.53]Tempting me with a sweet perfume, to make me even more uneasy

[02:53.92]The words that I can't say, open my mouth, to be enchanted by a spell. Open your mouth and be afraid like a spell

[03:01.15]Run away


[03:06.26]You can't see it from afar, you can't catch it from afar

[03:12.83]It's like breaking your wings and falling down to Butterfly

[03:19.69] 53.51]Fate has blinded my eyes, but it can also enlighten my heart

[03:59.98]Let the confidence shock unlock it, and it will fly to the faraway place

[04:07.50]Release yourself


[04:13.74]You can't see it from afar, and you can't catch it from afar

. [04:20.42]Like a broken wing, I fell from the Butterfly

[04:27.30]I've spread these wings and finally escaped from the labyrinth of my heart

[04:33.90]I've unlocked the shackles and I can finally fly to the sky




