I'm not sure if I can find the right way to do this.

[ti:Falling Flowers]

Falling Flowers

Lyrics:Yu Zheng Composer:Mao Hui

Sung by:Ru Lin

The most precious flower is the one when it blooms, the one when it falls, then it wilts

Missing the flower, the flower is blamed for the flower, and the flower needs to be consoled

How many times in my life do I have to cry before I can't cry

How many times do I have to cry in my life before I can't be brokenhearted

It is the most important thing for me to know that I am the only person who has ever been in the world that I have ever been to the world that I have never been to.

No one can see the haggardness at the corner of my eyes

The vow was too perfect, like the falling flowers flying all over the sky

The north wind blew in the cold night, and I couldn't find anyone to comfort me

The vow was too perfect, and the thoughts of the people were turned into ashes

How many times do I have to drink in a lifetime to not get drunk

How many times do I have to get drunk in a lifetime to not be afraid of the darkness

It was the first time in my life I had to drink in a lifetime. The haggardness at the corners of my eyes is something no one can see

The vow was too perfect, like the falling flowers flying all over the sky

The north wind blows on a cold night and I can't find anyone to comfort me

The vow was too perfect and I can't find anyone to comfort me

The vow was too perfect and I can't find anyone to comfort me

The vow was too perfect and I can't find anyone to comfort me

When the flowers are blooming, the most precious thing is the flowers that are withering away.